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Resident Cookie Monster
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Video Editor, Music Composer, Writer, Director, and Live Actor
Hiya! I'm Kittychan but you I call me Kandy. I love to voice act and sing. Currently, I do this just for a hobby but someday I would definitely love to make this one of my jobs! It's been my dream to voice act since I  was small! I am currently a college student, studying very hard to reach my dreams! Current Projects I'm in:
<LadyofCourage>Ranma DoCo Fandub - Singer and Voice Actor (Ranma Saotome [Female]), Co-Director
Sailor Moon: Moonlight Denetsu-Singer and Voice Actor and Co-Director(Chibi Usa)
<KKCody>Animal Crossing: The Movie (Fandub)- Voice Actor (Ai)
<はつねみく>Love x Friends - Voice Actor (Izzy Uzumaki)
<AtemLover27>Welcome to Ouran Academy -Voice Actor (Honey Mitsukuni)
<Flufffluff>Urara Meirochou Fandub -Voice actor (Chiya)
<Goopsy21>Yotsuba -Voice Actor (Yotsuba)
<Orion Zaxs>Star Wars: The Clone Wars FANDUBS-A...
Aspiring Voice Actress 20 yrs old with a dream Mezzosoprano - Mid to High Voice range
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, and Artist
a high pitched 20 yr old, check out my auditions to hear more of me!

Discord: tzunari.Equipment:Mic- Focusrite Scarlett Studiointerface- Focusrite soloDAW- Audacity/Soundtrap/Bandlab
Accents: american
💙🌻YOW ZA🌻💜
I am a Voice Actor and Artist
Hello! The name's Avrhiel an aspiring voice actor, and currently a freelance artist🤗🌻💜💙
Voice Description: male adult
Hello! You can call me RC!!
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Animator, Video Editor, Writer, and Director
Heyo! My name is RC and I’m a youtuber and young aspiring director. I am also a VA on the side but my forte is mostly editing and story writing.I’ve been writing and playing pretend ever since I was a child but never did I think that I would turn this into something that I actually enjoy. It was hard getting here, but I embraced every step of the process.I mostly do casting for my projects but if you do happen to have a project that you feel I would be qualified for, don’t hesitate to message me and we’ll talk about it. The worst that can happen is that I might be too busy, or I’m a little too nervous to join but other than that, I’m open to new opportunities!
Skills and Interests: kinemaster
Atashi vampire!
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, and Artist
I'm Amiyanan, better known as Shuya, and I do voice acting as a hobby in my free time! Please let me know if you have any requests or concerns, I'd be happy to talk to you!!
Setup: audacity
Voice Description: female young adult
Skills and Interests: art sketching voice acting
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, and Video Editor
Heya, you can check out some of my work on my YouTube channel here:
A Voice Actor Seeking Free Project Opportunities.
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, and Artist
Hi! You can call me Calix, Cali, or whatever you're comfortable with. I'm 21 and a college student. No need to worry about pronouns, you can refer to me however you like. I'm a passionate voice actor looking to join projects for free, as voice acting is something I truly love doing.Interested? Here's more about me!:
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, and Artist
Hello! i'm Nino, a trans Filipino voice actor based in Canada.Discord: @ninophelI am usually active on discord if you want to get in contact with me.Profile icon: @BooRakun

I voice act, rap, sing and write songs, please hire me 👉👈
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, and Artist
『 Introduction 』
Elyseen Minni (Ely_seen). Is a Voice Actor, Rapper and Singer-Songwriter based in the Philippines, is known for creating song covers, including K-pop English Covers, Collaboration Covers with other singers and Pop Covers. She has been singing throughout her entire life, have taken singing lessons since her entire childhood and have been self teaching herself on how to rap since the COVID-19 pandemic struck. Ely's talents and skills extend to voice acting, singing, rapping and song-writing. Where she showcases a versatile range from high-pitch to mid-low tones.

『 Extra Information 』
Started Voice Acting: June 9, 2021I accept friend requests to the directors/casting directors who wants me to be in their project, if you're going to friend request me for no valid reason, I will instantly unfriend you

『 About my work 』Voice Acting range: High pitched to...
Hi! I'm Aroma! I sing, draw, and write sometimes. Would definitely love to get better at voice acting! 
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Animator, and Writer

I'm Aroma or ar0ma_tique on other social medias. I'm a self taught singer and a multimedia arts student! I want to continue to better myself in my fields of choice and hopefully have fun in the process as well. Thank you for having me! 

All art that you can see on my profile page is in fact drawn by me. 
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Animator, and Video Editor
I'm Gorestriker Studios, I'm the creator of Somniphobia (CODENAME or CODE: PLANDY) from Scratch and was going to worked on to becoming a full scratch horror remake / rebranded game I was working on since it was announced about around 2018, I'm sure. If you wish to take a look on the game, the link is down there. I'm only created this account for looking any voice actors for my full game I'm working on as a remake or rebrand. out my Gamejolt account as well if interested:
Beginner Voice Actor! Willing to take any job
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, and Writer
I’ve been inspired to get into voice acting as a means to help build my life up (and start a new hobby!) I’m also a digital artist from time to time and I also sing!
Richmond James
We needs some more people to fill in jobs to work on our videogames or series potentially so if your interested go take a look around our internship server and fill out the Form we sent  and you should be sent a link to their main staff server if you get accepted but remember this studio is not payi
I am a Artist, Writer, and Director
I'm RIchmond James a game director for No crow studios
19  • Filipino VA, and Digital Artist! Follow me here!: 
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, and Animator
Hi! You can call me Ruffles/River !I am a 20 Year-Old Filipino Content Creator, mostly known for making Fanart, as well as some Fan-Made Projects! You can find me in , as well as contact me on my discord, qthlu !I am very flexible on my time and pay, hell, I like doing things for free! It's a passion of mine taking part in a lot of projects!My Current Ongoing Project: The Urbanshade LogsAuditions will be coming soon! Make sure to keep an eye out!
An upcoming, enthusiastic, Filipino-American voice actor!
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, and Music Composer
A universal nerd, in any category of hobbies, I will have something to use my voice about! I am enthusiastic with twisting and bending my voice, and making impressions; my biggest practice is being a Game Master in multiple TTRPGs, and randomly blurting out quotes from scenes of pop culture media.I do love to sing; My style is like a Howard Jones and James Labrie kind of mix, in my opinion. I like to belt to emo/pop-punk songs from the 2000's!I am currently, and proudly, serving Active Duty in the United States Air Force, working as an Aircraft Hydraulic Systems Journeyman.