


Joined Oct 2018 174 Following221 Followers
About sethfuzzy

My name is Seth. I'm just a guy who does voices for fun. Thanks for checking me out! I'm a 25 year old, with a voice and body willing to put forth the effort to make your project come to life!

Contact Info:

Discord: Sethfuzzy#3110




  • @tylerl

    Seth is a comedian at heart. His energy is always high and he's not afraid to get experimental. His voices are fantastic and he has a pretty good range. His auditions are consistently towards to the top of lists!

  • @khobis

    In search of a maniacal raider in a post-apocalyptic wasteland - Seth made the ultimate Skeezits.

    He understood his character very well, and as a result, not only were the TK Court trio a hit with our audience, but his Skeezits was especially commended by the lead developer - kinggath.

    Sethfuzzy as Skeezits:

  • @laurens

    Seth understands the context of the lines he delivers and records a variety of takes, making my life easier during editing. Could not have imagined my project without Seth's contribution. Thank you for portraying 'Dorian' and looking forward working with you on the future episodes. I recommend working with him!
    ~ Laurens of StopAndListen

  • @trueblade1423

    Seth is a very talented voice actor who gives you a variety of deliveries to choose from! He was also very cooperative to give me retakes when there was a typo on my end. He does a perfect villain voice too! I'm so excited to hear more from him with projects in the upcoming future. I highly recommend him!


  • @razi-the-red-rw-estep

    Seth's done a bit of work for me across various other projects, but I've been waiting to formally recommend him until the time came that I could provide a proper example for his fantastic talent. There's no one else that could captured and embodied the spirit of Larry Butz quite like him! If you need a character actor with great range and high quality- this is a person you can turn to in a pinch.
    -R.W. Estep

  • @drmicrowave

    I’m not exaggerating when I say that Seth is a wonderful and talented voice actor. Right now I’m currently working with him as he voices the main protagonist of my series. One thing you can expect, other than his endearing personality, is his consistent work ethic. Seth is the type to take time into understanding the lines and direction given, then delivers with various takes for the director to choose from. He’s extremely cooperative and communicates very well. I highly recommend Seth and I’m thrilled and excited to continue working with him. ^^


  • @ellieqvo

    hes good

  • @pwrincesa

    Amazing voice! This man is definitely someone you should hire :)