The Price of Honour

The Price of Honour

Project Overview

ABOUT THE PROJECT: The Price of Honour is an audio drama set in a regency adjacent world. The nation of Gesiya is engaged in a 'Bloodless War' with their neighbour, Eis. We follow those at home, and on the airships at war, as they become embroiled in love, lust, and intrigue.

This audio drama will contain: Swearing, Dark themes, Death of Characters, LGBTQIA+ representation. If any of these are uncomfortable for you, then this might not be the project for you. We are casting for the PILOT episode, hoping to continue after.

We do have guidelines for those auditioning:

  • Must be over 18.

  • Please make sure there is minimum background noise in your audition.

  • Please no auditions using poor quality audio, such as a phone microphone.

  • There is a preference for communication through discord, though other forms of communication can be accommodated if cast.

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Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Zepherine - Main
Deferred: Profit Share
cast offsite

Personal Information Zepherine is a young woman of 21 years. Enthusiastic and raised in the countryside, away from the stringent etiquette of the city, she is both naive of the ways of the world and has a mischievous spark. 

Upper class, with an lilting quality as if not always focused on the conversation. A medium to high voice.

  • english
Voice description:
  • english (posh)
  • english (british)
  • female adult
  • female young adult
  • Father thinks I’m mad, you know. He’s told me enough times “You’ll catch your death out there”. It’s cold but it’s not that cold.

  • Sorry, Inessa, looks like you’ll have bushels of wheat at the wedding.

  • You know nothing of me. Lady Katerine undersold you, Anatole, truly. You are an awful, awful, man

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Inessa - Main
Deferred: Profit Share
Role assigned to: unnorm

Personal Information Inessa is the 22 year old daughter of Viscount Dulcime. She is engaged to Leonidas, who is off fighting in the 'Bloodless War', and dedicated in her love for him. She sees the world much more as it is than her best friend, Zepherine, and is a calming personality.

A medium voice. She speaks eloquently, but with a sharp wit when comfortable. The tone of the 'therapist friend'

  • english
Voice description:
  • aristocratic british
  • british (posh)
  • female adult
  • female young adult
  • He came to convalesce at our estate at the equinox. The proposal came just before he returned to his duties on the airship.

  • I would worry about any man set on trying to take her heart. Wouldn't you, when it comes to those you love?

  • We could be married in a field, as long as the wedding went ahead.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Anatole - Main
Deferred: Profit Share
cast offsite

Personal Information Anatole is unabashedly a cad. He makes his way through high society like a butterfly, with little care for what people think of him. This only makes him more attractive to the many women he's enticed into a romance. He has no intention of marriage at any point soon, much rather taking pleasure in a wide variety of company, rather than holding himself to one person. 

Voice Upper class with a very exaggerated air. He is flamboyant and always quick to insult and rattle others if he so pleases. He can also be charming, when in the mood.

  • english
Voice description:
  • british
  • male adult
  • aristocratic british
  • male young adult
  • Where are they? There’s making a statement, and then there’s making a fool of yourself. Who arrives late for the Opera?

  • Then I suppose I should make haste and find an introduction to be made before you tire of me.

  • Poor man’s settling down, then. I’d have thought him to be with the fields till the end of his days.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Leonidas - Main Character
Deferred: Profit Share
Role assigned to: Damien-VA

Personal Information The betrothed of Inessa Dulcime. He has gone to fight in the 'Bloodless War', as he feels it to be his duty. He is a man of great honour, and tries not to question those above him. He is the eldest brother of Anatole and Katerine. 

Voice Stoic, he carries himself with gravitas. Medium

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • I don't give much thought to glory. It was my duty, sir.

  • [In a letter] Dear Inessa, it's been some months since we last spoke. What have I done to offend you?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Nikita - Main
Deferred: Profit Share
Role assigned to: LKAT

Personal Information Nikita is the Prince of Gesiya. A charming young man, he is rumoured to be looking for a wife this season. It is also rumoured that he's embroiled in an affair with Katerine Ordera. 

Voice Warm, even when speaking in threats. He speaks in every way the prince charming. He speaks in a smooth tone

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • By the time they’re back there’ll be no need for secrecy; the war will be won.

  • I do not know if you have fully understood,. You are quite the most exquisite woman I have ever laid eyes upon.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Alexander - Supporting
Deferred: Profit Share
Role assigned to: KieronTheKiwiVO

Personal Information Brother of Zepherine, Alexander is 26 years old and unwed. He spends much of his time outside, with a great interest in agriculture. He is somewhat of a golden retriever in personality, bringing levity to most situations he finds himself in. 

Voice A youthful adult voice. Voice range is not as important to this character as bringing forth the enthusiastic personality and joking nature.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • aristocratic british
  • male young adult
  • british
  • It’s all posturing. He’ll be back in a few months, a few pounds heavier from the medals they’ll pin on him.

  • Let’s wait until we get food in us to make the decision, yes?

  • Crone? No, that’s for women, dear sister. I am a desirable and eligible bachelor.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Yakob - Supporting
Deferred: Profit Share
Role assigned to: AizentheDevil

Personal Information Yakob is one of Anatole's closest friends, no matter how he shows a distaste for almost everything. He is stoic and dry, and rarely approves of his friends antics. Not one to open up, he keeps a myriad of secrets that could ruin him. 

Voice Dry and snarky. He thinks himself better than most everyone and it comes through in how he acts towards them. Upper Class.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • I only go because you two drag me along. If I didn’t then I’d see even less of the two of you.

  • One night. One night free of your bickering, I implore you.

  • Apologies. I didn't have time to stop him. And, I didn't care.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Kalet - Supporting
Deferred: Profit Share
Role assigned to: HenryS

Personal Information Kalet is one of Anatole's best friends. He is the son of a merchant who all but bought his way into their higher social circles. In proving himself, Kalet spent a few years in the airship forces before returning to high society. He is much less jaded than most of his acquaintences.

 Voice Unlike most characters in this tale, Kalet doesn't speak with an upper class accent. Looking for a bit of gravel in his voice, contrasting with his friendly nature.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • You know how he is. The opera’s as good a hunting ground as any. He can swan about in his finest regalia and play the charming prince to whoever takes his fancy.

  • Speaking of princes. Did you see the royal box in the second act?

  • It’s a wonder you’re still allowed in here, Anatole. You philosophize like a scholar but act like a cad.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Katerine - Supporting
Deferred: Profit Share
Role assigned to: MoniLeigh

Personal Information The elder sister of Anatole. Katerine is unashamed of seeking what she wants, and doing anything she needs to to get it. She has a fractious relationship with her brother.

 Voice Medium to Medium-low. There is some grit to her voice. She can switch between charming and unpleasant on a dime

Voice description:
  • female adult
  • aristocratic british
  • british
  • I must say, I’m surprised they’re performing a show about Eis. Aren’t they supposed to be our enemies?

  • If you wish to toy with women or men that take your pleasure then so be it, but do stick to those actress friends of yours.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Captain Vylle - Minor Character
Deferred: Profit Share
Role assigned to: FrostWilde

Personal Information The Captain of the Gotterun, Vylle is an older man. He should, by all sense, be an admiral by now, however his previous behaviours have held him back. He portrays himself as jovial, but there is a deep undercurrent of anger at his position.

  Voice Mature and low, with a broad accent.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • male senior
  • I will not have such insubordination on my ship!

  • Come now, Solinus. Don’t scare the man. Look at him; he’s as pale as a maid

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Solinus - Minor Character
Deferred: Profit Share
Role assigned to: Rydberg delta

Personal Information Solinus is the First Lieutenant onboard the Gotterun, the ship Leonidas serves on. He's worked himself up the ranks through his own effort, rather than paying for a commission. 

Voice Rough and mature. Low.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • male senior
  • Glory is firing that felling shot! Is that what you’re seeking, Leonidas? Glory? You’d do better on a ship-of-the-line than a frigate.

  • That easygoing facade he puts up has a sharp edge. He’s been questioned by the admirals before for his punishments.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Archie - Minor Character
Deferred: Profit Share
Role assigned to: Lewis JD Voiceover

Minor Character Personal Information The Lieutenant below Leonidas. He is a firm friend to the man. However, he is a man that sticks to his morals far beyond his own detriment. He has an incredible sense of justice. 

Voice Medium-high. He speaks sincerely to a fault.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • (with vitriol)I think it very appropriate, sir. If the men are to give up their lives, sir, then the least they deserve-

  • You just need to keep breathing through it all. Now, dinner. You look like you could use it.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Honore - Minor Character
Deferred: Profit Share
cast offsite

Personal Information Zepherine and Alexander's mother, Honore is a Countess. She adores her children, though thinks that the best thing for anyone to do is marry. She stays out of the city nowadays, due to rumours as to Zepherine's parentage. She is in her early 50's

  Voice Medium to medium low, mature voice. She knows she's the matriarch of the family, and it shows in how she talks.

  • english
Voice description:
  • british
  • female senior
  • aristocratic british
  • female adult
  • Viscountess Dulcime has offered Inessa to take you while she waits on her own betrothed’s return.

  • Zepherine! Zepherine- Come inside, the Dulcimes are here!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Volken - Minor Character
Deferred: Profit Share
Role assigned to: Tony Westfield

Personal Information Zepherine and Alexander's father in his eyes, Volken is the Count of Misquet. He's aware of the rumours about his wife, but looks at his family with such love that he simply doesn't care. He is in his early 50's 

Voice Mature male voice. Gentle, even while having to be firm.

  • english
Voice description:
  • british
  • male adult
  • aristocratic british
  • male senior
  • She’ll be just fine, my dear. Won’t you, little dove?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Ensemble voices
Deferred: Profit Share
Role assigned to: SianLuxfordVA

Ensemble voices throughout the pilot.

Voice description:
  • female adult
  • male adult
  • Thank you, Lieutenant Hanlan. We commend Airman Avis to his resting place below the Water.

  • What I wouldn’t give to be that young again. I remember when the King made his match. Half of Gesiya made their own matches, and their own lovers.


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