Star girls
Project Overview
StarGirls is a space sim dating game with visual novel elements mixed in with bullet hell gameplay. Where the players takes the role as a new recruit who has 60 days to prove that they have what it takes to become a captain. The way you prove that is by dating star girls and making one of them fall in love with you before you're cursed.
It's an indie title with a small budget so the amount per role will be a $75 per hour. (Can be negotiated)
There will be some adult content and adult language involved, nothing too graphic. The role of Alaina has the most out of all of them, but I have included some of the more mature lines in the audition set.
I'll be assigning roles on June 30 that way everyone has a fair chance to apply.
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I want to thank everyone for auditioning. So many of the auditions were amazing and entertaining to listen to. The variety alone made it really hard to choose. There is a lot of talent here and for those that weren't chosen, I wish I had more roles and a bigger budget to add more of you to the project.

Commander - The man and the legend. He has saved the galaxy a few times and he is testing the players character to see if they can control the 'captain's spirit'.
Job: Commander - savior of the universe
Personality: Leader, overconfident, The most manly man you have ever seen. captain kirk / zapp brannigan type
You may call me Commander. Normally I don't mentor new recruits, but today is your lucky day.
As the "greatest captain that has ever existed" I need my hair to look a certain way. Yellow jell makes it shine like no other.
You defeated all of them?! No matter. You will never get your harem. I am the greatest captain that has ever lived!

Personality: quiet, shy, lacking confidence, overwhelmed 80% of the time.
Luu's background: Luu is a scientist that worked for hyper jell inc. on Terra 5. Her homeworld is dying because the pollution on her planet was left unchecked. She joins your crew to run experiments on alien samples in hopes to find a way to save her world. She understands the complexities of balancing product demand and protecting the environment but is frustrated that no one is trying to fix the doomed situation. She is also part of a group called "new hope" which goes against hyper jell inc's planetary control and officially has been classified as an Ecoterrorist for speaking against the company.
She likes answers that are smart and badass. She hates charming answers because it makes her embarrassed and causes her to 'puddle'.
chocolate cake; slimes need the sugar for energy
"Being me" a book about being a leader, written by the Commander
Galaxy stone which is a rare stone to add to her rock collect; which is the only hobby that she has because of her acidic body.
Job: Scientist
We don't get many solid life forms on this planet... So if it's okay with you, I would like to talk to you again sometime.
I feel partly responsible because I used to work for them and I know there is no way they would shut down the facility to save the planet.
I am so happy to be with you... umm, I've been able to balance out my acidic body... So I am willing to test it out if you are.

Personality: energetic, talks in the third person. say nya a lot. always looking to teach and train the player
Melanie's background: Melanie is a teacher on Katnipper who is next in line to become cheif of her village. Her grandfather is the only family she has left. She spends everyday training in order to hunt the white space whale that killed her family when she was very little. She joins your crew to train in zero g's and to find a hunting partner that will help her, beasue she knows she won't be able to do it alone. She put 110% effort into everything she does including cooking and teaching. She later realizes there is more to life than her quest for justice and tries to focus on what's important right now.
She likes smart and badass answer and hates charming ones.
Space fish.
101 receipt, she likes cooking stew but isn't very good at it.
Sting lance: Bee lance with paralyzing effects perfect for hunting.
Job: Teacher
By the way you can call me Melanie, you're more then welcome to stay and train... You might even learn a thing or two nya.
Congratulations space human! You have passed all of Melanie's tests and have become the purrrfect hunting partner.
Melanie loves space human so much! She can't take it anymore and she isn't holding back any longer. Get ready, she's going to pounce.

Personality: Up beat, positive person. Weird and proud of it
Himeko's background: A colony 7 girl that has dreams of becoming a pilot and not getting stuck on one planet. You meet her on Echo one space station that circles colony 7 and she askes to join your crew. Her main reason she joins your crew is to get proof of an ancient alien superweapon what was used in the battle for Gamora's independence. Her father was in the battle and died, but no one wants to acknowledge that this weapon exists. She struggles with trying to follow her dream and finding the truth when everyone else is telling her not to.
She likes charming and smart answer and hates badass answers.
Energy drinks.
Star flowers: from the garden's of Hive
Tickets to cyberworld - a theme park in the digital city.
Job: coordinator
Oh wow how rude of me, I haven't introduced myself yet. I am Sgt. Himeko Higurashi, but people around here just call me Himeko. See you around Hero.
I wouldn't miss this for the world. Besides, I'm better at shooting then you are, and if it's out there you're going to need me watching your back.
This date was a lot of fun... I think I love you. Can we... you know...

Personality: Bitch, Royalty, tsundere, himedere
Honey's background: She is the princess of Hive and the next in line for the thrown. She is a spoiled super bitch that gets everything she wants and is viewed as a celebrity. She joins your crew to be treated normally so she can become a better ruler. She is struggling with balancing her public image and her personal life. She acts like she knows everything, but her biggest fear is that she will fail everyone's expectations of her. She also has a brother that is more liked and is a threat to her claim to the throne.
She likes charming answer and badass answer. She hates smart answer because she knows people that give that type of answer usually have a hidden agenda.
Green jell - used for healing wounds but she uses it to stay perfectly healthy.
Digital camera - she likes taking pictures of "poor people" wonders what their lives are like.
Job: Princess
Hmmm, maybe you might be a useful ally. Consider yourself lucky, a lot of bees would kill to even be considered an ally of mine... You're welcome.
I hate this! So much is going on right now and I am afraid of what comes after all of this. I don't want to start my reign by fighting my siblings.
It's funny, I am the most powerful bee on the planet and yet, I only get an afternoon to spend time with the person I love.

Personality: Drunk seductive women that likes starting fights and getting kicked out of places. She has massive trust issues. More mature sounding.
I am looking for some who's voice sounds sexy and dangerous. The word "darling" is her catch phrase that she says when she wants something from you. The second line should show off her dangerous side, think Revy from black lagoon; cold stone killer.
Alaina's background: She is a Gamora space pirate that's being crushed by a debt she can't hope to repay. The debt is to the Pirate King who spared her life after she tried to steal from him and was betrayed by her partener. She spends most of her time drinking and uses her sexuality as a weapon to get what she wants. She joins your crew to use you to help her pay off her debt. She doesn't trust people anymore and is used to being seen as an outcast in the group. She has lost her right arm replacing it with a cannon and her body is covered in scars from past battles. At some point, she starts trusting you and you need to help her confront her past and pay off her debt.
She likes charming answers and badass answer. Smart answers just piss her off; she doesn't have time for your bullshit.
Mead: alcohol made from the bee at planet hive
Power gem: used to power anything but is super unstable for long-term use
Hand cannon: she likes getting new weapons
Job: pirate
People around here know me as the scarlet vixen, but for you... you can call me Alaina.
Are you ready.... Your crew isn't your family. I know it might feel like they are but when it comes down to it. They're just some random assholes on a ship.
Darling, I have some exciting news to tell you. You are now looking at the new owner of the supernova theater.

Personality: sweet kind, friend, innocent, conservative, smart, jealous, controlling, with also a split personality (loud, rude, open)
Sinpie's background: Cyborg from Neo Eden who has only been 'online' for 2 years. She joins your crew to make some memories because she knows everything but has never experienced anything. She has deja vu glimpses from her past life and they're becoming more frequent. Protocol for a cyborg experiencing a memory fragment is a memory wipe and to start fresh, but she doesn't want to lose who she has become. She starts to dive into her past and uncovers a truth about herself and Neo Eden. She also gets a virus and has a second personality emerge from it called dark Sinpie.
She likes charming and smart answer and hates badass answers.
Monster Steak - she needs the pretend to keep her organic parts running.
Fruit tree - She likes gardening and is obsessed with plant life.
Yellow jell - repairs the robotic parts.
Job: engineer in the digital city
I can't imagine going through this city without a dive chip. There's just so much going on in the digital city.
Cyborgs don't have any pictures of their past and my memory only goes back two years. Anything before I was recreated I have forgotten.
Now that I don't have to worry about memory wipes, I want to re-experience everything! We should move in together and get a cute pet.

Vos - The players wing man who helps them through out the game.
That being said, I am probably the best wingman you will ever have and this isn't my first time helping someone find true love.
I still have to get the Commander out of the trap. So it's all up to you now. It's show time rookie.
Hmm, that didn't seem to do anything different, I am a little disappointed... wait here it comes!
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