Project Overview

Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers '96 is the unofficial fourth season of Mighty Morphin' never told. A proper finale for the original "six teenagers with attitude," creatively revamped from visor-to-morpher by a fresh, bold, and totally morphinominal vision.

In MMPR '96, Katherine Hillard's ultimate destiny is revealed as the Pink Ronin, a hardened warrior vowed to avenge her fallen comrades against the evil, enigmatic ruler of all worlds, Lord Drakkon. However, Drakkon's ambitions extend far beyond even Kat's worst imaginings. Only by re-discovering the value of trust and forgiving sins past, can she hope to aid the last Rangers standing between Drakkon and his plans for complete multiverse domination.

The goal behind MMPR '96 is to create a professional-sounding cinematic audio drama (similar to Karl Dutton's Power Rangers audio drama series), with a fresh story that cherry-picks concepts and canon from both the original show and Boom comics, then fusing those together with my own creative re-interpretation of what Power Rangers is, has been, and should be in the year 2024. A complete deconstruction of the world and its characters, merged with deep, thematic symbolism and complex character arcs that span across an epic saga that could be the last chapter to Power Rangers as a story.

MMPR '96 is produced and written exclusively by me, using Da Vinci Resolve to edit, with licensed sound effects and music from epidemicsound.com, in addition to other sources. I have extensive experience with audio as a medium through working over the years re-editing/re-scoring a certain favorite anime of mine that can be found sailing the seven seas, and have written more than a couple "not-quite publishing-ready" novels, with an absolute obsession at understanding and mastering the craft of storytelling, finding inspiration and tremendous insight from legendary guru's like Robert McKee, John Turby, etc.

I'm looking for dedicated voice actors seeking unique, engaging, and challenging material to tackle that they would be more than proud to cite MMPR '96 as a work reference on their voiceover resumes. All actors must have clear audio and no background noise in their auditions to be considered for roles.

If there are any more questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me!

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  • Mic Grades, & New Project Listing


    So, this page is now officially "retired" from public listings, but that won't be stopping me from keeping it updated with progress reports and new roles...well, the latter might be an issue because CCC seems to have a glitch where you can only edit up to 70 roles. You CAN add more...but you can't actually edit them (thus not allowing you to add a profile pic and the like). I can only hope that closing a role clears up a slot, because if not, that might be a bit of a issue as far as my original plans to keep this page as a all-encompassing "master" of sorts.

    Either way, I've launched a new, far more truncated page focusing only on the main E1 roles outside Karone, who, despite not debuting until Episode 4, is vital in regards to Billy's casting...which I still need to add some lines too, along with actually finishing Zack's character profile that I never did, because--quite frankly--I just really dislike writing those type of things (novel query letter PTSD).

    Nevertheless, let's get on to the real business at hand today...recording quality.

    I re-reviewed every shortlisted audition, and compiled together an Excel sheet highlighting any technical hiccups I noticed...which, pretty much everyone got bloody noses. You can view your "scores" at the link below.

    Shortlist Grades.xlsx

    The criteria is organized around six core issues, from the loudest, most obnoxious interferences, to miniscule defects: Background Noise, Room Reverb, Distortion, Crackles, Plosives, and Pops.

    #1. Background Noise: I think this is the most obvious one most people already understand. Recordings should have your voice isolated from any other tangible sounds, so the full richness of your vocals can be captured in the highest quality possible.

    To use a clear example, let's listen to Gina Nicolle's original audition for Kimberly Ann Hart.


    As you can hear, there's constant hissing going on as she's speaking (on top of room reverb, and other issues...but we'll get to those in a bit). I originally dismissed based on this, but let her know why since it wasn't because I didn't find her actual voice itself unsuitable for the role.

    To my total surprise, she re-auditioned within the next hour after doing some clear googling and downloading Audacity with this retake below.


    Talk about an impressive turnaround. There are still issues...but someone with a clear willingness and attitude to improve always goes a long way with me.

    #2. Room Echo/Reverb: This is another one that's kind of black and white. If your voice in your recording echoes or bounces off your environment, then that means your mic won't be able to capture it with pristine clarity.

    For a quick example, let's listen to Itsmarkcooper audition for Zack.


    Now, this isn't exactly a true example, as this is a retweaked version of his original audition where he'd accidently incorporated reverb effects into, which you can still hear some of the artifacts leftover.

    So while this isn't because his actual recording setup has room echo issues, it still works as a bit of an example of what room reverb/echoes can sound like for illustration purposes.

    #3. Distortion: Now, here's where things start getting more technical, if not necessarily complicated. Distortion is when--from my totally not researched or verified cobbled together understanding--when the volume/capture gain of the mics is set too high that results in the recording constantly peaking at the higher volumes, causing an effect that sounds like its "blowing out." Another term that's often used in association with volume/gain set too loud is "clipping"

    For a first example, let's listen to Jeff Bower's Alpha 5 audition.


    If you listened to that and survived it's attempt to blow your ears out, it's a clear case of clipping. If you examine the wave pattern on the CCC player, you will see how stretched out the audio lines are. A well tuned recording will have a far more restrained variance between the valleys and peaks.

    However, this isn't necessarily the only way distortion can occur. Let's take a listen to Megan Feighery's (absolutely totally phenomenal) Rita audition.


    While this audition isn't trying to nuke the ears like the previous one, there is still something funky going on with the microphone's gain levels, as you can still notice that "blown out" effect happening, which hampers the vocal clarity at the more impactfully spoken parts, creating something akin to an accidental old analog phone filter in those spots.

    Microphone gain really needs to be honed into the sweet-spot where the full clarity of your voice is captured without suffering any distortion side effects.

    #4. Crackles: Now, it's gets to be a bit of a blurry line when it comes to defining the exact difference between crackles and pops, but the way I try to separate for the categories sake is that crackles are prolonged instances of noises, "crackles" occurring while speaking where pops are more pointed stabs.

    For an example, let's listen to mcb020's Trini Kwan audition.


    Listening intently, you should be able to hear the small crackles that erupt randomly while she's speaking.

    #5. Plosives: These are a very particular kind of pop generated from how our mouths emphasis particular letters during speech. To quote the definition from google:

    a plosive speech sound. The basic plosives in English are t, k, and p (voiceless) and d, g, and b (voiced).

    For an extended example (where there are many), let's listen to AizentheDevil's Lord Drakkon audition.


    Pay attention to what happens right at the start when he says "That's a matter of perspective." Notice how the P seems to have an extra "pop" to it. If you continue listening on, keeping the words that start with the "plosive" letters in mind, you will begin to notice a pattern.

    If you want to further evaluate it, listen a couple more times trying to keep the other plosive letters in mind, and see if you can notice the additional pops from them.

    For a starter's kit on a potential solution, mcb020 reported to me, based on advice from a friend, that she bought a pop filter, and also changed the direction of how she speaks into the mic (speaking more from the side instead of directly in front of it), and has noticed a big improvement.

    I'm definingly in no way, shape, or form fit to give advice or offer solutions on these matters, but I would say searching the ole Youtube for tutorials can most likely verify and detail what mcb020 is saying.

    #6. Pops: Definingly the most rampant issue that's currently effecting everyone to various degrees (because pops are prone to happen in conjunction with all the other issues), but also the simplest to identify. If you've been playing along, you've already heard plenty of popping going on already, but for an extremely specific example, let's listen to Luunwyn's Erne audition.


    The "pop" occurs about 7 seconds in after the words "smoothie."

    Okay, we're done with the extensively long PSA. Which now begs the question...where exactly do we go from here?

    Yesterday I made my rounds sending DM Discords and invites to report to people their current "status," and offering a dedicated place for sharing advice and troubleshooting with other VAs. If I somehow missed you, or you want to join in, just DM me here, and I'll set you up.

    So, my intended gameplan for everyone for the next month is this: I want all of you wonderful people to take a chill pill, relax, and work on tinkering and fine-tuning your setups at your leisure. I don't want or need any re-submitted audition lines (as a few asked me because I'm a dummy who should've written this update up first instead of Discording).

    We're past that point, and just listening to CCC auditions doesn't really tell the whole story.

    So what I've decided to do is work up a "character table read" mock-up split between Rangers and villians--with every character introducing themselves like 'Hi, I"m ____ and so and so," and just having them interact with each other abit, in a totally self-aware Deadpooly way (because why not have some fun with a technical test?)

    Consider this an "Acoustics audition," as in it's not so much focused on acting, but for your mics quality and clarity, and that everyone sounds like they're literally sitting together in the same space and not from different planets.

    The reason I want to go this route before asking anyone to read from the real Extended Auditions, is 1)if there are any clear mic issues, I don't want to waste anyone's time and efforts on tech after-the-fact, and 2)It allows me to play with the EQ to see what I can do on my end to help with blending each person in seamlessly as needed.

    This, to me, seems like the smartest approach in regards to solving any technical hurdles and getting them out the way before proceeding with the more in-depth Extended Auditions. And, if they're are any issues that can be immediately fixed on my end, it allows more time for the VA to sort it out on their end if possible.

    I'll provide more detail later once I actually whip the thing up, but for now--just focus on trying to tinker with your setups on drastically reducing the number of "hiccups" going on. Ideally, for production purposes, I want my eventual cast to rate all green on the Excel sheet outside of "Pops,"...because there's ALWAYS going to be a chance for an imperfection or two to happen or slip through, and that's OKAY.

    Especially since....I got a bit ahead of myself in the last update when I stated there was "nothing," I could do; which, while true at the time stated, is not anymore, as I did the ole "Fuck it, let's try one MORE Google search," and stumbled upon a program called RX Isotope that actually does remove all these nasty artifacts from botched recordings.

    I've briefly tested it on mcb020's Trini Extended Audition, and it seems like the holy grail I was so desperate for, removing the "pops" without affecting recording quality.

    Now, I haven't gotten to chance to really dig into her audition to test it extensively to see its full capabilities, but it seems we do have an actual failsafe to fall back on--because like I've said, there's no way to 100% guarantee never having a simple pop or two occur.

    But RX Isotope is a failsafe--not a solution. Because, for example, while it might seem like just a little bit extra to clean up mcb's EA...if things stay the way they currently are, and you multiply that to like 10-15 cast members on average per 20-30 min per episode...that time sink starts racking up very quickly--especially factoring in the other hiccups that aren't just pops and maybe are more of a hassle to fix.

    So, it's really, really, imperative that everyone takes this seriously (and I already know that most of you do) in experimenting with improving their marks on the Excel sheet for me and themselves--because really, at-the-end-of-the-day, all of our future listeners deserve nothing more than highest cinematic quality possible that we can achieve together (just like actual Rangers!).

    This may be an unofficial "fan-project," but it's 2025--those traditional gaps in quality between official and unofficial things don't really exist anymore--if the right effort and craftsmanship is involved.

    Okay, seirously--I'm DONE finally "yelling" about acoustics and "noise" for a good long while.

    Next time, let's get back to talking about the fun stuff.


  • EMERGENCY! Attack of the "plosives"

    Hey everyone!

    First off, I made an effort this weekend to clear through the huge stack of auditions that had piled up since December. I'm basically current now. Multiple reasons for "slacking", but my right ear being clogged due to sinuses certainly made gauging acoustics very un-reliable.

    Anyway...this leads me into today's update--as while catching up on everything, there are some very concerning technical issues that keep cropping up again and again in auditions that need to be firmly addressed: background noise, distortions, room reverb, pops, crackles, the dreaded "plosives."

    Or, to borrow something written up from another another project page I found:


    "When you record your audio, you need to ensure that your audio meets high standards. Meaning that your audio should not clip/distort, eliminate any plosives produced by sounds from the letters p or b, and have a low noise floor by minimizing static and background noise.

    The acoustics in your designated recording place should minimize any reflections produced by hard walls and floors. Excessive room reverb can be difficult to use.

    Keep all audio submitted to the casting call as raw as you possibly can. This is so that if a character needs effects, we can audition effects on auditions to see who fits the best.


    Now, luckily, auditions are free as long as the sense of the basics are there, but when it comes to casting and production--any of these technical bugs are totally unacceptable. So, WE all need to start fixing them ASAP so the actual Extended Audition process can go as smooth as butter--not to mention the added benefit of sounding your best for other projects and auditions.

    So, since I'm all about being as proactive on nipping this in the bud now instead of later, what I'm going to do is re-review every shortlisted audition and note any tech bugs while inviting all shortlisted VA's to my Discord to provide a simple space for everyone to workshop and troubleshoot together, because as they say, "A rising tide lifts all boats."

    Of course, it's completely optional since I'm not a silly-Billy. Some people don't have a Discord, and that's fine. If you can correct any issues yourself, I'm all for it--I'm just trying to offer a space to allow people to chance to get help and learn as an option of convenience.

    And hopefully I don't sound like I'm "yelling," or being irate about this--because I'm not. I'm just trying to stress how VITAL it is to get these issues sorted now over the next couple of months instead of the Extended Audition phase--because I will be as ruthless as Lord Drakkon himself when it comes to the final picks for roles.

    The professional quality HAS to be their on both the acting and technical side. No compromises.

    That concludes your PSA for today. Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got quite the handful of (some long overdue) DMs to send.


  • Earning a Ranger PhD...

    Belated Happy New Year to everyone!

    With about a week left before this page gets officially delisted, I just want to thank everyone who's auditioned so far. The amount of enthusiasm for MMPR '96 has genuinely blown me away, and for a guy who thought he'd be lucky to get even a handful of people interested...my expectations have been far exceeded.

    Now, even after this page is delisted, I will keep maintaining it with adding any new roles and project updates, since I've treated this page as my master WIP sketch pad of sorts. I will be making a new project page strictly for E1 roles (no more incomplete profiles/missing lines like this page) to maintain visibility since there's still more work to be done with finishing developing the necessary Extended Audition materials for casting the principal roles. So if your already following, no need to worry about missing out on any new roles that may crop up in the future--because trust me, there's going to be a lot of them incoming still!

    Unfortunately, I don't have any new content updates to share, but, as the update title suggest, that's because I've been trying to become fully versed in all the major relevant Power Rangers source material available--from the 1st 10 seasons of the show and the Boom comics. Because, you know, as I've stated before, I am NOT a Power Rangers fan so much as an Original 6+Kat fan (shoutouts to JYB and Nakia for Zeo). When they left, so did I, and never looked back until like a couple years ago.

    My reasons for pausing to mass consuming now is due to the fact that the scope of this project, one that originally started out with more of a central focus on Pink Ronin/Drakkon dynamic--and was even titled Pink Ronin at that--has far outgrown my original more modest intentions. At this point--it's total YOLO "Let's aim for a full 50 episode Sentai season."

    Which, absolutely requires genuine familiarity on my end with the source material to be able to weave in more in-between the main story arcs. Cold searching RangerWiki only gets you so far. And it would be insincere if the goal is the write the ultimate love letter to the series, MMPR centric as it is.

    So, to catch up on some of my recent cast additions from my source material gorging...


    My rewatch of Zeo impressed a few things upon me. The Gold Ranger is an obvious one. While I have zero interest in "Trey of Triforia," the basic plotline behind the mystery of "who's the Gold Ranger," seems like a fun one to adapt with some serious reimaging. Not that I've completely fingered exactly what I'd like to do with him yet, but I'd say don't necessary expect the "Time for a Gold Rush," characterization.

    A couple of other things that intrigued were, of course, Sam and David Trueheart (Tommy's brother)...which I totally didn't even remember being a thing (I thought it was an OC from the other Audio Drama, lol). Of course, the show doesn't really dive too deeply into either character outside the small arc of episodes it focuses on them before quickly brushing them aside, but I feel there's some cool possibilities with Sam Trueheart in the sense, to borrow the Transformer's catchphrase, "More than meets the eye."

    Archerina is another character I want to bring into MMPR '96--but not as part of the Machina (Machine Empire). I want a different unrelated origin, because given the fact she's basically the android version of a Pink Ranger, it makes more sense for her to be more directly tied to Kat and Kim in some manner as a intentionally created thematic rival.

    The last couple of Zeo items that stuck out to me were two particular episodes, "A Brief Mystery of Time," where the group get stuck into a Groundhog Day timeloop, and "A Mystery to Me," where the Rangers attend a "who dun it" party game hosted by Lieutenant Stone.

    I've figured out a lot about the former, not so much the latter. For Mystery of Time, I want to adapt it for Episode 6, but instead of being an actual time loop, it's Kat living out a "perfect day," over and over again, with Tommy as her boyfriend, Kim as her best friend, complete with the iconic campy Ranger antics and shoutouts as they battle Kat's reject art purse turned monster by Rita, the "Impursonator."

    So, we indulge in a full-on parody of the series, but of course, not everything is as it seems...

    For Brief Mystery of Time, I don't want it to be an actual "who dun it," party the Rangers are doing for fun, but some kind of twisted reality bending force or such. Haven't quite figured out how to pull it off, but the aesthetics of the episode, with Tommy as a cowboy, Jason as a noir detective, Kat as a super-sleuth, just seems like a really fun thing to not try to work in somehow or another.

    --The Return--

    After reading Amy Jo's The Return comic, it took me like 0.2 seconds to decide to add Selena, Rita and Zedd's daughter, to the mix. Of course, while I don't really get how exactly in the story Rita could have a kid with a piece of burnt toast, the concept of the character itself was intriguing enough for me to add to '96 after figuring out a different origin that doesn't involve her parents actually eloping.

    I was already planning on exploring this notion of a daughter with Rita as far as her relationship to Scorpina, so Selena only adds even more spice to that mix and the complications of Rita and her family tree.


    I've only just finished up to Beyond the Grid...I could say a lot here (especially about Drakkon), but that might be asking for trouble, lol, so I'll just highlight the fact the Black Dragon will be pulling an appearance--though I'm planning on combining it with something from the atrocious Hamiltion comics (Yes, I actually read those for my research). But the main difference is I'm turning it into a full-on X-Men Nimrod/Terminator, not something being manually remote controlled by Drakkon himself (Such a thing should be beneath him, really).

    Also the whole pocket dimension thing seems like a bit of fun to use as a concept. Add a non-Ranger Psycho Green as a possiblity as well.

    I'm hoping to find a lot more Boom-centric stuff to pull from as I continue--especially in regards to any established Eltarian mythos and this so-called "Death Ranger," whatever that is...

    --Lost Galaxy--

    My main two takeaways from this series are Starship Troopers and Demolition Man. It will take an almost complete reimagining to adapt since even by PR standards, the idea the Earth had the tech to build a self-sustaining space ship colony with multiple self-sufficient environmental biodomes is totally prepostures...but there are some kernels there worth exploring in the potential space odysssy arc for '96.

    --The Audio Drama--

    I relistened to the entirely of Karl Dutton's audio drama--mainly to double check on avoiding any accidental similarities in regards to plot or characters.

    But for the official record, the two ideas I have directly "borrowed" are Zordon cheating death as an AI (unless that came from the 2017 reboot) in place of the convoluted space-time warp, and the idea of the coins becoming linked to their user until their death (because none of my Rangers would willingly give up their coins/morphers for some stupid world peace conference, pan global gymnastics, or any other philanthropic, goody-toe shoes community service nonsense. You might as well ask Bruce Wayne to hang up the cape and cowl while you're at it.

    --Time Force--

    I'm only like 12 episodes into Time Force, but wow it really is the best Power Rangers series, and not just by Power Rangers normally low-hanging fruit standards. Jen Scotts, Eric (Vergil), Wes (John Travolta's rich cousin), Ransik, Nadira, and Frax--now these are some really fun characters. Zero chance I can resist adding them to '96. However, there is one small issue as far as Time Force canon is concerned, with Frax being dead, and Ransik and Nadira being reformed villains...but you know, it's fiction--I'm sure there's a workaround, even if its the obvious retweaking of the established canon.

    I already have the beginning general basis for the arc in my head, with Jen (and Eric maybe) showing up to save the Rangers from an untimely demise from the seemingly invincible Black Dragon, then having Kat/Trini/Billy accompany Jen back to her future's "Ranger Academy" where they find MMPR has been completely evangelized (like say the United States and the Founding Fathers).

    I see lots of fun for some good ole' fashioned meta-commentary here in regards the MMPR teams unyielding popularity (to some people's great annoyance), but also possibly how no one really recognizes/appreciates Kat except for some super nerdy fangirl who freaks out and gets all awkward about how Kat's her favorite of all the Pink Rangers ever because XYZ (basically mirroring what some of the actors have probably experience in terms of a "cringe" experience).

    But yes, if there's one non-MMPR series I'll be pulling the most from in '96, it's definitely going to be Time Force.


    I want to leave this update on the notion that--while it's fun to play with everyone's else's toys and everything--an true steward should add a couple of his own to the toybox. One could say Pink Ronin is one of those, but I want to take it a step further.

    Because in all of the established PR lore that I'm aware of, it's kinda stood out to me now that for all the thousands of years Zordon was alive--are you asking me to seriously believe he never fucked?

    Yeah--highly unlikely...


  • If I were to CAST today...


    No new Extended Audition scenes to add to the pile this time, as I wound up going down a massive writing exposition rabbit hole with Kimberly's EAudition doc, raking up a ridiculous 12 pages of info-dumping covering the events from the original Arrival Day, Green Ranger, and everything else in-between where MMPR '06 picks up.

    More than a few detours from being squarely focused on Kimberly, but it felt like the right place to sit down and actually try to hash out more of a streamlined, defined history of what exactly happened during the likes of Green Ranger and such outside the vague notions I had floating around in my head.

    I'd say there's still more work to be done with fully establishing my Year 1-3 canon, but I think I made significant progress with figuring out the journey's of both Kimberly and Tommy prior to the start of E1. Like, for example, when I wrote the Trini/Kat scene from the Trini EAudition, I was faced with a choice about firmly deciding whether Tommy killed people as the Green Ranger or not. Not that I had that much debate about it--since if he hadn't, it's basically a "no harm, no foul" situation where he can go on to be all heroic and fight the good fight, and hook up with Kimberly free of penalty. In other words, not very interesting.

    However, this doesn't exactly compute with the seemingly pretty well adjusted Tommy I've already written in E1, so it begged the question of "what happened" to have him conquer those potential inner demons from his Green Ranger actions--which ultimately ties into how he obtains Saba and the White Tiger Power coin, since I'm not doing the free hand-out from Zordon approach in the original show (Boys gonna have to put in the work).

    So, considering how draining crafting terribly written exposition dumps is to me compared to the actual art behind composing drama, I didn't actually add the 2 scenes to Kimberly's EAudition just yet as I'm in dire need of a small breather to recharge the creative banks. Thankfully, I don't anticipate digging anywhere close to that 7 layers of hell Kim took for the remaining EAudition cast backstories since I should be able to remain in-scope with the basics of Ranger history out the way.

    So...what I want to actually elaborate on for this update in regards to casting is this--if someone we're to hold a gun to my head and tell me "I MUST make casting choices TODAY," then who would I pick?

    NOTE: THIS IS NOT SAYING ANYONE MENTIONED BELOW IS A GUARANTEED LOCK. The fine print is still very much in effect, and EVERY role is up for grabs, and regardless of who I may be leaning toward today, tomorrow, or even a few weeks from now, I will test anyone who I find have interesting potential or qualities to bring to the table.

    My goal with this elaboration is to 1)be transparent about where my thought processes are currently and 2)elaborate more specifically on the particular qualities I'm looking for with the characters as the story and my general philosophy has matured. The main point I would like to stress on the high-level is this--"Stop thinking Power Rangers--think drama." I'm looking for naturally compelling voices, not the infamous caricatures the series is all too well known for.

    So, with all the mumbo jumbo out the way--let's kick things off, shall we?

    1. Kat/Pink Ronin

    I consider myself lucky that I even have two legitimately interesting options for Kat atm, but I can't say I'm not really surprised either, given that Katherine Hillard as a character has existed to this point for securing the Tommy Oliver bloodline (Resident Evil meme) because Amy Jo left the show.

    Despite being MY favorite Pink Ranger due to the charming aesthetics Catherine Sutherland brought to the role, the character herself has remained mainly a wiki footnote for Tommy in the modern reincarnation of MMPR with the Boom series, where as her predecessors Kim and Trini have had more arguable buffs in the character quality department.

    Obviously I'm seeking to capitalize on this severely missed opportunity, as I feel Katherine as a character has been criminally underutilized when, in fact, she could easily stand toe-to-toe with Kimberly in the compelling department. And without the in that the "Pink Ronin" concept gave me into the Power Ranger characters and world, there would be no story here to tell, quite frankly. I mean, why does Kimberly get a cool "Ranger Slayer" form, but Kat is stuck with being some rando "coinless" cosplaying resistance leader? See what I mean? Always stuck getting the table scrapes in the official media.

    So I'm saying all this since I don't really want to comment publicly yet on who I could specifically cast for Kat atm, but the two people I've communicated with so far certainly know what's going on. Otherwise, Kat is still one of the biggest roles in the story just chomping at the bit for more submissions!

    2. Tommy Oliver/Lord Drakkon

    Now, this role atm has 3-4 people currently on my radar for going in with full EAudtions, but again, you put a gun to my head right now...I think I would choose @Isaac https://cstng.cc/s/3945936

    My philosophy on Tommy is that he's the pretty boy that no Pink Ranger can resist (like how any of X-Men's female psychics get weak in the knees around Mr. Scott Summers). I think @Isaac's voice really sells that dynamic pretty well, but what really sold me was his Drakkon reading.

    My conceptualization of Drakkon is that he's truly the ultimate final boss of the Power Rangers lore and mythos--not just an "evil Tommy doppleganger that gets randomly talked into fascism by Rita in 5 mins." Instead, he is a pure, irredeemable evil, the figurative and thematic Devil of the Power Rangers universe (like Darkseid is thematically the Devil of DC Comics). And there are two forms the devil can take--he can come as a demonic looking monster with the horns and scary face and pitchfork to frighten you, or he can come to you as the most dashing man ever to exist to sweep you off our feet.

    Obviously the latter is what I've opted for with my version of Drakkon, and what I find so extremely intriguing about him as a character instead of the more standard "I'm a Tommy Oliver who speaks with more evil bass in my voice" fare. It's Drakkon's actions that scream out his evils, not the refined, charming exterior that habors them.

    Which is what I find intriguing about @Isaac's Drakkon line delivery. Not only does he strike a perfect balance behind retaining the base of his Tommy Oliver voice while embracing the more elegant refinement behind Drakkon's character that distinguishes the two, his line delivery also captured Drakkon's intention from the excerpt--a clear, seemingly sincere, emotional appeal to Pink Ronin in order to sway her to his side without any kind of nefarious coercion typical of the usual Power Ranger villain cliches.

    That, to me, is what's imperative for making Drakkon standout as an antagonist who's truly different and unique from everything that's come before in the Power Rangers rogue's gallery, including his own prior depictions in official or fanworks alike.

    3. Kimberly Hart/Ranger Slayer

    Unlike my poor neglected Kat, I do have a very clear contender for Kimberly with @writergamernerd. https://cstng.cc/s/3935448

    What really strikes me about her voice is it feels extremely fitting for the more grounded tone behind MMPR '96. You have the traces of valley girl still there, but this is a Year 4 Kimberly Hart who's been put through the absolute ringer over the years and transformed herself from being completely out-of-her-depth from "Arrival Day" into this very fierce (if still chaotic and impulsive) individual.

    This is a Kimberly that has a strength and conviction to be willing to challenge not just Jason as the leader, but even Zordon's sage-status in regards to his "rules." @writergamernerd's voice just really emphasizes and sells the credibility behind the almost antagonistic notion, reconciling Kimberly's past along with her present quite poignantly that simply resonates with me and the way I view Kimberly's character.

    4. Jason Lee Scott

    Jason is the one remaining Ranger character that I really haven't heard what I've been hoping to hear quite yet...if we're talking about people with good mic quality. Because if I could wave a magic wand that could provide crystal clarity to anyone, then my pick for Jason without hesitation would be @Jaxon https://cstng.cc/s/3891271

    His audition for Jason to me is STILL my genuine ideal for what I'm looking for with the character. He sounds like the leader Jason is--confident, strong, firm, forceful. Which makes it an absolutely incredibly easy sell that Trini would have the hidden proverbial sizzles for him. A clearly talented voice actor...

    Which, there are a couple other interesting auditions for Jason that have some good acting chops and everything...but when it comes to finding that special intrinsic quality that flicks the switch in my brain into fully believe that what I'm hearing is Jason Lee Scott and not a VA reading for the character, only @Jaxon has made me go "That's totally Jason, bro," so far.

    5. Billy

    Again, like Jason, there are a couple of auditions that do stand out in regards to the acting chops, but in terms of that intangible quality that's either there or isn't for the character, @Sab's Nikoli Billy has really captured my imagination--even with just a single line. https://cstng.cc/s/3940448

    What I find so compelling about @Sab's Billy is how truly opposite it is from the more direct David Yost inspirations. The immediate comparison that came to mind is Christopher Barnes Spider-Man, which being THE Spider-Man voice to me, really makes me go "Wow--I didn't even know I was wanting to go in that direction for Billy, but know I absolutely do."

    My comparison to Barnes isn't about @Sab's actually sounding like Barnes, but the general style of the voice for the "nerdy" character. No "nasal" quality--just a very analytical one. Which fits the tone I want so much better. Not to mention, to continue this theme of appealing romantic attractions (because I'm all about the John Romita Sr. idealized aesthetics), makes it far easier to believe that my Punisher-esque bounty hunter reimagining of Karone could find Billy's often roundabout technobabble nonsense charming.

    @Sab's voice is a perfect illustration of what I mean when I say "Don't think Power Rangers--think drama."

    6. Trini Kwan

    I've already gushed about @mcb020's Trini, but she has truly won my heart with the character as I'm currently chipping away at crafting the mock-up for her Trini Extended Audition that she accidently sent in to me way earlier than I intended and was unprepared for (but that's okay!). https://cstng.cc/s/3928679

    Just an absolute perfect encapsulation of all of Trini's vital character traits I was hoping to hear. Which really, puts the pressure back on me now to make sure I can write a Trini truly worthy of her time and talent. So if anyone from this list is as close to a genuine LOCK to me, it's her, just to be 100& real. I just can't see someone else coming along and practically telling me "Hey, this is mine!"

    7. Zack Taylor

    Another person here that's no surprise to be mentioning again, but @SmeytonVA's Zack just hit his audition perfectly out the park for Zack https://cstng.cc/s/3925993

    The personality, the charisma, just totally captures the Hip Hop Kido master in all his swagging glory... which has doubled my efforts to pick up the slack in fleshing out Zack's actual arc for the story as he has been the one Ranger that really had me stumped on what to do with besides being the "hip" Ranger, but thankfully, it's become more clearer to me on what kind of challenges and dilemmas Zack can face to push the character into unknown waters.

    8. Rita

    This is a character I've yet to hear someone really grab me with their take. What I will take some time to stress is that THIS IS NOT TRADITIONAL BARBARA GOODSON RITA IN ANYWAY. My version of Rita is about as close to a full on reboot as it gets.

    I don't see her as a villain--I see her as a tragic character of unfortunate circumstances that is capable of some absolutely "vile" things because she is quick to take offense and being extremely petty/vindicative to those that have crossed her in the wrong ways (Zordon, the Rangers). Sure, she is an Empress and has a love of power--but it's not what truly drives her at her core. For me, she's the most complicated of all the returning classic villains. She's very hard to fit into one particular box, as I want to layer Rita with the kind of nuance and complexity she's never been given to chance to have as a character.

    Soooo, yet again--think DRAMA, not Power Rangers.

    9. Scorpina

    There is one person I'm in on-going conversation with at-the-moment, but a lot of what I've said about Rita can apply to Scorpina. Scorpina, and especially in regards to her relationship with Rita, is going to be way more nuanced than "loyal servant to evil empress," and will have equally important roles in both our traditional MMPR reality and the Drakkon Pink Ronin equivalent.

    10. Goldar

    There are a couple of candidates so far that have piqued my interest that I think I will be interested in testing with Extended Auditions, but if I were to go off the top of my head right now, then @RJ would be my current pick simply because of the unique and serious quality of his voice https://cstng.cc/s/3923679

    A lot of the auditions for Goldar tend to be on the side of trying to relive nostalgia, which, even as well-acted as some of them are, are a total mis-match for the dialogue that is written in a completely unironic and serious tone.

    My Goldar is not a sniveling weasel. He is a genuine brute that prides himself on head-to-head battle. Intelligent, but not much patience for more convoluted schemes. A loyal soldier to his pledged fealty to Zedd, even if he has his own certain hangups about it.

    11. Zedd/Zolphram

    Now, I feel I have royally screwed the pooch on conveying what my intentions are with Zedd, so this is my L so far to still correct with the Extended Audition material, but my intention is to figuratively "kill" Zedd at the end of E1 and slowly rebuild him back to Zolphram--both figuratively and literally in this case.

    So, as a character, he is not "evil space wizard." He was once one of the greatest Rangers/Elartian soldiers alive, arguably to ever exist, that became obsessed with power that ultimately crippled him into the skinless meatsack hanging on by tubes and metal plating everyone's so familiar with. My intent with Zedd is to tell the story of a fallen emperor that comes to see the errors of his ways, and decides to walk on the seemingly impossible path to redemption (ala Magneto).

    So when it comes to the voice, the classic "eeevvviiill" Zedd is too one-dimensional, leaving zero room for character growth (or in this case, restoration). So what I'm looking for is someone with some genuine gravitas for a far more complex and nuanced portrayal of "Lord Zedd." that can build into a proper change in his nature.

    12. Zordon

    Much like Zedd, I haven't yet heard a clear front runner yet. Given Zordon's history with Zedd as his student and their ensuing ideological fallout (ala Charles Xavier and Magneto), I'm looking for an appropriate voice that has the gravitas to sound like the wise alien sage that's become a stand-in father figure for the Rangers. I cite Mr. Breaking Bad not just for having played Zordon in the reboot movie, but for sounding perfectly suited for grounding a character like Zordon instead of the beacon of all that is pure and good tone the character is usually portrayed in.

    I know a Zordon voice is tricky, but often attempts sound like they lean too far for my taste in the "put-on" category that's too much in the caricature territory. Natural believability is important to me.

    13. Alpha 5

    The one character I'm actually okay with in regards to sounding similar to the show (but still open to different takes), because really, that's the entire character's personality really, and there has to be A LITTLE bit of fun charm to be had in this far more serious adaptation.

    There's a couple people that have certainly interested me, but I feel I need more hands-on testing with them to really get a firmer idea on preference, so I'm going to cheat and defer Alpha to the future supporting character round.


    Okay, I know i wrote an absolute tomb, but I wanted to convey my current thoughts and the casting status leaders surrounding each of the main characters in terms of what has stuck out to me the most and what I'm hoping to find within future submissions for them.

    This took WAY longer than I intended to write-up, but now that it's done, I intend on shutting up with anymore pontificating updates since I really need to start chewing through these Extended Audition Excerpts. So my updates will be sticking strictly to highlighting these as they're completed for the foreseeable future.

    Any brave soul he's read this whole ramble, you have the patience of a saint.

    Major thanks to everyone who's submitted and follows. You seriously keep the drive in me going!


  • Trini Extended Aud & Casting Notes


    Welp, I totally didn't make the kind of progress that I was hoping for last week for one reason or another, but, back at it we go, starting with Trini's Extended Audition: Trini Kwan.docx

    Which, thankfully also serves as one part of Kat's and one part of Jason's Extendeds. For Trini, its a specific test of range between her traditionally gentle nature, and the modern Boom era.

    Which, as I was discussing with someone, if one considers Jason and Trini to be the Cyclops/Jean Grey combo from Grant Morrison's New X-Men--the two who are the most faithful pupils to Zordon's teachings regarding order, self-restraint, and control, then Kimberly is the Emma Frost of the group--a pure agent of chaos motivated to cause as much disruption as possible to their tradition (sans the infamous psyche adultery).

    I'm not sure if I'm completely happy with it, but I suppose for now it gets the job done, and a little distance will probably help re-evaluate it better once I get to constructing the mock-up. I really don't like writing out-of-sequence, as it feels like your aiming in the dark at times without the prior experiences that built up to it.

    As for the scenes themselves, the Kat/Trini one was interesting for two things. 1)I never mention the real reason Kat has such a serious breakdown (experiencing Pink Ronin's grief from everyone being dead from her premonitions, which, of course, she is not prepared to feel that burden at all on top of everything else already going on). I had meant to...but it's one of those things I think would be evident in the proper narrative sequence, and ultimately more powerful that everything else gets brought up to the surface except that, which is a way more horrifying dilemma to try expressing outloud than teenage girl/boy drama.

    2)This scene was meant to be purely focused on cheering Kat up, but the dramatic beat I actually ended it on was a complete reversal with Trini almost carelessly admitting in-the-moment to her unconscious desire for Jason, and then having to lie terribly to cover it up. I'm not sure why it jumped out at me to do that, other than wanting to not end the scene on a super upbeat note (not dramatic enough), but also an opportunity to plant the seed for the notion about Jason/Trini later down the road for those truly paying attention.

    Regarding the actual Jason/Trini argument, two new aspects kind of popped into existence. 1)Jason almost purposefully looking for any excuses to freeze Kat out of on-field duty, borderline irrationally so (because he's genuinely afraid of her dying from the inexperience with the constant escalating threats from Zedd that give less-and-less room for errors) and 2)Trini taking it upon herself to train Kat and call Jason's bluff.

    The later was interesting because while my intention is to have Kat and Trini develop this personal bond (where as Trini and Kim have a terrible falling out later on), it hadn't really occurred to me about how to do that beyond "girl talk," for a lack of a better term. But I really dig the idea and potential behind it, along with tying more into the Jason/Kat conflict of Kat trying to earn Jason's approval.

    All-in-all, I'm not sure how I feel still, but I can't say it hasn't sparked some new ideas or better clarity on the interplaying dynamic between all 3 characters. Which, starts building upon the foundation for the eventual split of the team once Kimberly's Promethea Pink resurrection occurs.

    Minus a couple DMs I need to reply to, I've pretty much caught up on auditions currently as far as Dismissals. Just know, sometimes it really is just the mic quality, which may not even be bad per say, but I have to keep in mind the people who've made my shortlist so far, which creates a certain quality bar threshold I have to consider so that no one sounds like they're recording on different equipment.

    A certain other drama has this issue at times, and with the fresh start this project has, I don't want to have noticeable gaps like that between actors talking with each other (because it IS really jarring).

    So, other than that, maybe another update soon either with a new character excerpt, or maybe some other casting tidbits like my last update.


Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Katherine Hillard/Pink Ranger/Pink Ronin/Katastrophe

***Must have Australian accent, natural or practiced***

TLDR: Pink Ronin=Batman

TLDR: Kat=Kitty Pryde

Katherine Hillard Extended Audition: Katherine Hillard.docx

Pink Ronin Extended Audition: Pink Ronin.docx

Katherine Hillard is the fresh rookie on the Mighty Morphin' team, constantly battling her imposter syndrome over the seemingly impossible task of replacing Kimberly Hart. Between navigating Ranger duties with her own complicated feelings for Kimberly's ex, and visions of a nightmarish world haunting her dreams, Kat finds herself confronted as the central key that may help decide the ultimate fate of not just the Rangers, but their reality.

For in another one conquered by the mysterious Lord Drakkon, Pink Ronin stands as the last survivor of Zordan's legacy, fueled by vengeance to kill Drakkon for his unfathomable atrocities. Under his crushing dystopian order, trusting others only gets you killed, but that is exactly what Pink Ronin must do to have a shot at ending his tyranny; through recruiting former frenemies like Scorpina, and even the one person she hates more than Drakkon himself--his own fearsome Ranger Slayer-- the ex Kimberly Hart.

Voice description:
  • ausrtralian
  • female teen
  • female young adult
  • radio drama
  • podcast
  • internet
  • *As Pink Ronin* About time you came out your cubby holes. I was getting impatient. *Break* I have no quarrel with any of you. Leave, before you make a mistake you won’t live to regret.

  • *As Pink Ronin* Tell me, why didn’t your Lord send his precious Ranger Slayer with you? *Break* Pity. She was the only chance you had.

  • *As MMPR Kat* I...remember seeing the Dragonzord on the telly back home...scared out-of-my-bloody-wits like everyone else about these horrifying alien machines and monsters popping up again and again since Arrival Day like some late-night Godzilla marathon.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Tommy Oliver/White Ranger/Lord Drakkon

TLDR: Tommy=Black Symbiote Spider-Man

TLDR: Drakkon=Zamasu/Goku Black

Tommy Oliver Extended Audition: Tommy Oliver.docx

Lord Drakkon Extended Audition: Lord Drakkon (Redacted).docx

Tommy Oliver's life has never been in more turmoil. His ex-Ranger girlfriend's dumped him and skipped town, and he's constantly walking a tightrope around the new Pink Ranger, Kat, pretending he doesn't know that she thinks that he doesn't know about her feelings for him. But, after striking the deathblow with Saba on Zedd's latest creation, he re-absorbs his previously stolen green ranger energy embedded in the non-deformed clone's body, pushing his Ranger powers beyond their previous limits.

Feeling like he's outgrown Zordon's moral lecturing and Jason's boy-scout routine, he joins up with the returned Prometha Pink Kimberly on her mission to expand the influence of Rangers across the globe in the fight for the greater good. However, even working within the boundaries of Kimberly's ethical lines in-the-sand, the same frustrations as Zordon's "rules" mount inside him as once again he is being restrained from fulfilling his true potential at making the world a better, safer place...

In another reality, Lord Drakkon has conquered the Earth and numerous Eltarian systems. He is many things: Elegant, graceful, charming, visionary, all-powerful, benevolent, forgiving, commanding, certain, calculating, poised, cunning, lethal, iron-clad--perfection. He has everything that befits his stature--everything that is, except an equal to share in the glory of his masterful designs.

For simply conquering one universe is not enough to satisfy his ambitions. Every reality must bend to his will and be cleansed by his purity...especially the Power Rangers.

Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • male teen
  • radio drama
  • internet
  • podcast
  • *To Jason* Okay then, Zordan—now your ass is really going on this mat!

  • Kim, look—no one knows more than me how it feels. When I lost Green...I’d wished I’d died. But...you were there for me. I want to help...but you keep running away, and I can’t understand why.

  • *To Pink Ronin* That’s a matter of perspective, but now you finally understand the truth. I am not this conjured up evil spirit you’ve imagined masquerading around in the face you so love. No, the facade, the mask—it’s all been from you parading around as a vigilante against my divine justice. Hiding, burying yourself in the sands like a worm afraid to embrace me out of a nonsensical fear of forsaking the others. But you can’t hide from yourself anymore, Kat. Even as I speak, your very eyes betray the lies behind the false, virtuous persona you still shakingly cling to. So, I—Lord Drakkon—beseech you—unburden yourself from the specter of Zordon’s moral decadence, and free yourself to be mine as you yearn!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Kimberly Ann Hart/Promethea Pink/Psycho Pink/Ranger Slayer

TLDR: Kimberly=Iron Man/Atom Eve

TLDR: Psycho=Resident Evil 5 Jill Valentine

TLDR: Kimslayer=Joker/Harley Quinn

Kimberly Extended Audition: Kimberly Hart.docx

KimSlayer Extended Audition: Lord Drakkon’s Ranger Slayer.docx

After Rita's previous scheme permanently severed Kimberly's connection to the Pterodactyl coin, she has traded smashing in Tengu's and monster faces for climbing cliffs without ropes, racing through nightime Paris on her motorbike, and even recreational drugs and alcohol--anything that chases the adrenaline-junkie high being a Ranger once gave her. It's not until Prometha CEO Grace Sterling recruits her to become their first "Promethea Pink" Ranger does she regain her true purpose.

Intent on not wasting her second chance, Kimberly dives head-on with her mission to redefine the very concept of a Power Ranger, much to Zordon and Jason's dismay. Taking advantage of the growing rifts within the team, she convinces Tommy, Zack, and Billy to leave Zordon's "rules" behind and join her crusade to make a bigger difference in the world. However, when Tommy starts defying Promethea and even her orders, she starts re-evaluating if her approach isn't actually eliminating threats, but creating them...

However, in another reality, after being captured and psychologically twisted into becoming Lord Drakkon's sycophantically murderous "Ranger Slayer," the former Kimberly Hart only has two purposes--to serve his whims, and kill Rangers. But, after being captured by Pink Ronin and Scorpina in a duel, she strikes a deal to help them combat Drakkon's forces in exchange for a promised rematch with Pink Ronin alone to-the-death. After all, her loyalty lies only with her Lord himself, not his minions, and the only thing she wants more than her Lord's approval is to hand him the last of the Earth's power coins to finally complete his collection... 

Voice description:
  • female teen
  • female young adult
  • radio drama
  • internet
  • podcast
  • american valley girl
  • Oh, for Christ’s sake, Tommy, do you always need everything spelled out in ABC’s and 123’s? I swear, for being able to go head-to-head with the worst freakshows imaginable—you’re an absolutely infuriating lughead sometimes.

  • Kat’s gotten exactly what she’s wanted, hasn’t she? My coin, my friends, you...

  • *To Pink Ronin* Liar. I’m the one with post-clitoral clarity bout our relationship...Zack, Billy, Trini...they were your world, and I took them all away, one-by-one, leaving you all by your lonesome now to run around with the remaining filth that sully my Lord’s grand plans, prancing around in a fancy cape like you’re Jason in Pink with a larger bust. No, you, you’re the one who flatters herself pretendin’ like you're still this mighty morphin’ Power Ranger worthy of that pterodactyl coin you stole from me along with My Lord’s affections!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Jason Lee Scott/Red Ranger

TLDR: Jason=Cyclops/Steve Rogers

Jason Extended Audition: Jason Lee Scott.docx

The leader of the Power Rangers, Jason's always been fearless in putting his life on the line and making personal sacrifices to protect the team. But even veterans face new challenges, such as learning how to train the new rookie Pink Ranger, Katherine Hillard, or possibly having his and Zordon's authority usurped over the team by none other than the returning Prothea Pink Ranger, Kimberly Hart. 

After the team splinters into two from the growing tensions of the ideological war, Jason is left with just Trini and Kat staying by his side. But after an increasingly unhinged Tommy critically injuries a Ranger during a heated scuffle gone wrong, Jason takes it upon himself to track Tommy down and strip him of his White Tiger power coin before he hurts anyone else--even if it cost Jason his own life...

Voice description:
  • male teen
  • radio drama
  • male young adult
  • podcast
  • internet
  • Hey, don’t knock yourself, Tommy. We all have off days.

  • That was when we had the luxury of being naive and ill-prepared. Zedd ended that.

  • *To Trini* Says who? Kim? The person who just ran out on us and Tommy? Who hates Kat’s guts now despite being the one who gave her the damn Pterodactyl coin? That Kim who’s never even known what a decision is if it isn’t rash and impulsive and centered first-and-foremost on herself?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Billy Cranston/Blue Ranger/"Cranston"

Billy Extended Audition: Billy Cranston.docx

Cranston Extended Audition: Cranston.docx

The only companionship Billy has ever desired has been between his fellow Rangers and science textbooks, but his long-time hypothesis on the subject changes once he encounters Karone, a young alien bounty hunter on the trail of tracking down the inter-galactic drug pirate Divatox. As preposterous as the old adage "opposites attract," is as a theory, Billy finds the reality becoming more self-evident the more time is spent with Karone, and his quest to dissway her from her trajectory of assured self-destruction fueled by the obsessive irrational compulsion the poison of revenge brings.

The last of the original five slain by Lord Drakkon's Ranger Slayer, Billy left Pink Ronin with one final parting gift--"Cranston," an AI backup of himself created from reverse-engineering the same Eltarian technology that preserved Zordon on Earth until the destruction the Command Center by Lord Drakkon. But even with being the only ally the Pink Ronin genuinely trust, Cranston finds himself wishing she would open up to him the way she and his creator did with Zordon instead of just being a helpful gizmo...

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • male teen
  • radio drama
  • internet
  • podcast
  • Well, I’d say he’s currently suffering from a major dissociative preoccupation impairing the connection between his cerebrum and central nervous system.

  • *To Zack as Trini walks in to argue with Jason* I sense a discomforting disposition entering our recreational facility’s vicinity.

  • I’d wager our presence for this impending quarrel is politely requested to be excused.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Trini Kwan/Yellow Ranger

Trini Extended Audition: Trini Kwan.docx

Trini has always prided herself on being the heart of the group, never quick to anger or making rash decisions. After Kimberly's departure, Trini takes it on herself to be the new Pink Ranger's "big sister" and more gentler guiding hand to Jason's sometimes too stern reprimands. 

But on Kimberly's return as the Prothea Pink Ranger, Trini's patience for amicable differences of opinion even with her best friend quickly exceeds even her limits as Kimberly newfounded crusade splits the bulk of the group away to Prothea, leaving only her, Kat, and Jason standing by Zordon's side. Despite the blow to the roster, Trini finds the test of faith and loyalty to Jason bringing out previously supressed feelings for each other in both of them...but convincing Jason he can allow himself to be vulnerable and leader of the team, is an entirely different matter...

Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • radio drama
  • female teen
  • asian american
  • internet
  • podcast
  • Billy-ese is...an acquired taste.

  • Kim! Oh my God, where have you been? We haven’t seen you in school, and you haven’t returned my calls. We’ve been worried.

  • You know, when I cry, my Mom often says, “May our tears fall like rain, so the storms can pass.” I always thought I understood what she meant by it...until I became a Ranger.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Zachary Taylor/Black Ranger

Zack has always been the definition of hip...

Voice description:
  • radio drama
  • male young adult
  • male teen
  • black american
  • internet
  • podcast
  • Dang, Tommy—Jace is smoking you today. Already lost count.

  • Yo, Kimberly! How’s my favorite future Olympic gymnast swingin’?

  • Why don’t you grab a chair and kick it with us for a bit?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Kay Anderson/Karone/Astronema

TLDR: Karone=Leon the Professional's Mathilda (Natalie Portman) & Zeiram's Iria

Karone Extended Audition: Karone.docx

Astronema Extended Audition: Astronema.docx

As a bounty hunter, Karone has been chasing the criminal trails of Divatox for years, but always seemingly falling one step short. Following the latest stream of Tox drug shipments to Earth, she now possibly has her chance to finally extract her revenge for the murder of her family. She has little concern for macabre villains or teenage Power Rangers--as long as they both stay out her way in settling her personal vendetta.

In another reality, Astronema has risen to power as the omnimous avatar of the Dark Spector--a ethereal force responsible for helping with balancing the scales between good and evil throughout the universe. A scale that has become unended thanks to the rise and threat of Lord Drakkon's empire. 

Marshalling forces to help put an end to this unnatural imbalance, Astronema and Spector's forces work on creating an ultimate weapon to topple Drakkon for good--the Gravezord. Loyal to her master,  Astronema won't suffer the likes of interlopers like Pink Ronin, Lami, or even Lord Drakkon's own Ranger Slayer from hijacking Dark Spector's grand design for their own ends...

Voice description:
  • radio drama
  • female adult
  • female young adult
  • internet
  • podcast
  • *Say something you think would fit*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Jen Scotts/Time Force Pink
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • podcast
  • radio drama
  • internet
  • *Say something you think would fit*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Eric Myers/Quantum Ranger
Voice description:
  • internet
  • radio drama
  • podcast
  • male adult
  • *Say something you think would fit*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Wesley "Wes" Collins
Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • internet
  • male teen
  • podcast
  • radio drama
  • *Say something you think would fit*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Gold Ranger
Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • male teen
  • radio drama
  • internet
  • podcast
  • *Say something you think would fit*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Kiya Kyatyl/Omega Ranger
Voice description:
  • female teen
  • female young adult
  • internet
  • radio drama
  • podcast
  • *Say something you think would fit*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Zordan/Ranger Visor AI

TLDR: Zordan = Charles Xavier

Zordon Extended Audition: Zordon.docx

Originally one of Eltar's last surviving Power Rangers, Zordan has been reborn on Earth as a transcendent neural AI that has served as the strong guiding voice of reason for the current Rangers during their darkest hours. However, their unwavering loyalty is about to face the ultimate test as it's revealed that Zordan has been intentionally obstructing from them the full tragic history behind the Power Coins, their purpose, or his past relations to Lord Zedd...

I'm open to interpretation for the voice, but Heisenberg-like gravitas is what my ideal is for it. "Classic Zordon" doesn't fit "96's tone.

Voice description:
  • male senior
  • radio drama
  • male adult
  • podcast
  • internet
  • Katherine, there’s no need to be alarmed. Your dreams are probably just the last psychic remnants of Rita’s spell trying to regain control. A normal side-effect that will vanish in time.

  • Rita is cold and murderous. Her possession of you does not foretell your own capacity for good or evil. That can only be determined by your own choices.

  • I beg to differ. Indeed, being a Ranger is a tremendous burden to carry—especially at your age—but you must remember, the others too once shared similar gaps in their experience and instincts. Only through strict discipline, training, and a willingness to learn from their failings have they become the seasoned warriors you’re misjudging your own potential by. Growth takes time, Katherine. You must learn to embrace that fact if you ever hope to one day master not just being a Ranger, but yourself.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Saba Extended Audition:

An entity that's embedded within the White Power coin to guide and advise it's wielder, Saba has developed a strong relationship with his human steward, Tommy Oliver, willing to protect him at all cost, even at defiance of Zordon's direct orders.

Using himself as a conduit to help Tommy siphon away Drakkon the Ranger Slayer's Green Ranger power to save the team, the boost pushes both Saba and Tommy to new heights in capabilities and strength. Now the most powerful Ranger on the team, the lines between where Tommy ends and Saba begins start to blur the more the White Power coins limits are tested and pushed, evolving Tommy and Saba's perspective about Zordan's outdated "good and evil" shtick, or his favorite pet student Jason's fumbling leadership. 

The old rules of engagement must be retired to defeat the Rangers enemies permanently, and lead the way to a more ambitious, wide-scale form of justice that extends beyond Zordan's secret little wars... 

Voice description:
  • male senior
  • male adult
  • radio drama
  • podcast
  • internet
  • *Say something you think would fit*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Rita/Psycho Green/Robo-Rita

TLDR: Rita = Cersei Lannister

Rita Extended Audition: Rita.docx

Note*This is a completely different take on the character that's the furthest thing from her traditional Barbara Goodson portrayal.

Rita desires nothing more than to get out from the ruling thumb of her "dear" Lord husband Zedd and seize his reigns of power for herself, along with extracting proper vengeance on Zordon for trapping her in his Eltar Reformation cube for 10,000 years.

Her only true loyalties lie with Scorpina, the closet thing to an adoptive daughter she has, and her father, Vile. But her loyalty to the latter becomes strained once he shows up on Earth and reveals the existence of her "brother" Rito, created by Vile after he thought his only daughter was dead.

A more unfortunate fate befalls another realities Rita, who is captured by the uprising forces of Lord Drakkon, and maliciously transformed into an enslaved cyborg as the ultimate humiliating revenge for once enslaving the former Tommy Oliver as the Green Ranger...

Voice description:
  • female adult
  • radio drama
  • podcast
  • internet
  • Hmph. I told you, didn’t I, my poor, foolishly flayed cadaver of a husband? My father’s fealty lies solely with his iniquitous work, not a fledging allegiance to a pompous tyrant’s declining hold.

  • Most vulnerable? Let’s kill them in their sleep like the children they are and be done with it!

  • You Eltarians and your asinine sense of honor will be the end of you just like it was for Zordon, Zedd. But don’t pretend my plan was all for naught. Besides the ample amount of coin energy procured, my precious Kat has replaced the Pink Ranger. She does not have the training or experience of her predecessor, which is to our advantage if we act quickly.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Lord Zedd\Zophram

TLDR: Zedd = Magneto

Zophram Extended Audition: Zophram.docx

Lord Zedd faces what he once never thought possible--certain defeat. Whether from the humiliating losses to Zordan's children continuing to mount from their private war over possession of the last power coins, or the multiplying legions of Machina's androids breaking through Eltarian's galactic borders, Zedd realizes that there is only one last hand for him to play to save his prized homeworld.

For Lord Zedd must die, so that Zophram, Eltar's greatest warrior, may once again rise and crush his enemies, Ranger and Machina alike, once and for all.

Voice description:
  • male senior
  • male adult
  • radio drama
  • internet
  • podcast
  • You speak candidly for one who’s life hinges on the barest threads that remain of my ascetic graces.

  • Do not test me, Rita—least you forget there are far worse agonies to suffer than a merciful death.

  • The Rangers have proven themselves most formidable with battle mechs. Only a full-powered Serpentera could destroy their arsenal. No, Goldar, they must be met on the ground, where they are most vulnerable.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

The new Empress of the Eltarian Empire, and the biological daughter of Lord Zedd and Rita. Created in secret by Vile to usurp her father's claim to the throne after the news of his apparent "death" causes an internal civil war to spark for control.

Voice description:
  • female teen
  • female young adult
  • radio drama
  • podcast
  • internet
  • *Say something you think would fit*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Lami Extended Audition: Lami.docx

Loyal to Rita, rival to Goldar, Scorpina lives for nothing but the heart-pounding thrill of battle and conquest, or so she thought..

In another reality ruled by the iron-fisted Lord Drakkon, she's simply "Lami," a dubious merc hired by Divatox to help her former enemy the Pink Ronin take down Lord Drakkon and his diabolical Ranger Slayer. However, she keeps her true motivation to herself--mercy killing the enslaved Robo-Rita.

Voice description:
  • female adult
  • asian american
  • asian english
  • radio drama
  • internet
  • podcast
  • So that’s what sulking on your throne like a reclusive mute for weeks is called now? Strategy?

  • Speak for yourself, Titan. My tongue doesn’t grovel like yours.

  • *Talking to Goldar* Enslavement requires a power source like the Dragon Coin to keep its host subservient. The kitten was swayed through manipulative suggestions of things already buried deep in her heart, but like a knob, another’s hand can reverse the effects. Of course, a lapdog like yourself only needs orders to follow, not details.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Goldar Extended Audition: Goldar.docx

Loyalty, honor--these are the traits Goldar values above all else. Long ago, he vowed he would serve Lord Zedd until his dying death, and so far he has kept that vow--even under the most distasteful circumstances, such as serving under Rita and the constant entanglements with the Rangers.

But with Lord Zedd's rebirth as Zophram, Goldar questions the merits of his former pledge, since if Lord Zedd is "dead," then Goldar's only allegiance is back to where it started--his own...

Wanting a truly fearsome take on Goldar, not a show-accurate one.

Voice description:
  • radio drama
  • monster
  • podcast
  • internet
  • Dammit! I have no patience for these childish games when there should be Ranger blood on my sword!

  • Our Lord is simply strategizing his remaining avenues for attack.

  • P-pardon me, my Lord, but what about repowering Serpentera? Surely that would be the better alternative than expending the finite coin energy collected on yet another of Finster’s failed, useless abominations?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
"Pirate Queen" Divatox

TLDR: Divatox = Leon the Professional's Norman Stansfield (Gary Oldman)

Divatox Extended Audition: Divatox.docx

The self-styled "Queen of the Pirates," Divatox has zero interest in the frivolous planetary conquest of the Lord Zedd's of the universe. Her empire building kinks come in the form of furthering the interstellar expansion of her smuggling operations, particularly when it comes to her wonder-hit designer drug, Tox.

Despite her own addiction to getting high off her own supplies, Tox has amassed her a vast pool of wealth and information, as well as VIP access to important regulatory officials, whether through specially laced suggestive mind control variants of Tox, or her through the whims of her own seductive charms.

However, the rise of Lord Drakkon has been very bad for business. So bad, in-fact, it's forced her to directly lend her prized resources to the remaining band of rebels who may be able snuff him out for good--mainly the Pink Ronin, the last surviving Power Ranger. 

Voice description:
  • female adult
  • radio drama
  • internet
  • podcast
  • *Say something you think would fit*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Voice description:
  • podcast
  • male senior
  • internet
  • male adult
  • radio drama
  • *Say something you think would fit*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • internet
  • radio drama
  • podcast
  • female young adult
  • *Say something you think would fit*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Voice description:
  • internet
  • radio drama
  • male senior
  • male adult
  • robotic
  • podcast
  • *Say something you think would fit*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • podcast
  • radio drama
  • internet
  • *Say something you think would fit*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Garrison Vox
Voice description:
  • male senior
  • male adult
  • internet
  • podcast
  • radio drama
  • *Say something you think would fit*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Queen Machina

TLDR: Metal Cooler from Dragon Ball.

Voice description:
  • radio drama
  • female adult
  • internet
  • podcast
  • *Say something you think would fit*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
"Andros" the Hunter

TLDR: Mask of the Phantasm Guise

"Andros" the Hunter is the infamous alias used by Karone for her bounty hunter exploits, keeping her true identify a secret by utilizing a voice projected by D.E.C.A.

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • podcast
  • internet
  • radio drama
  • *Say something you think would fit*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Dr. Fáinne/Vile

TLDR: Vile = Mr. Sinister & Gustavo Fring

Voice tone: Something with the tone like Gustavo Fring, a voice that can perfectly blend in with civilians, but can on the dime shift into a calculating, intimidating cold menace.

Vile Extended Audition:

Originally a mild-mannered scientist married to a beautiful witch, Vile became obsessed with evolutionary and cross-species breeding after failing to save his wife from a rare disease not even her magical powers could cure. Giving his daughter's hand to Lord Zedd at his xenith before Zedd's encounter with the Zeo Crystal, Vile gained unlimited resources to further his research while producing battle-capable monstrosities that helped fuel Zedd's empire's reach.

However, when Rita was assumed dead after being charged by Zedd to find Zordon and the location of the last power coins, Vile started quietly planning his revenge for the loss of his only child while turning himself into his own test subject, transforming himself into a powerful being not even Zedd at his mightiest could topple. 

And now, the moment to finally enact his plans has arrived, with Zedd at his weakest, his empire crumbling to the Machines, and the Earth a rich prize of new test subjects to add his collection too...

Voice description:
  • male senior
  • male adult
  • radio drama
  • podcast
  • internet
  • *Say something you think would fit*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Grace Sterling

Founding CEO of Promethea.

Voice description:
  • female adult
  • female senior
  • internet
  • radio drama
  • podcast
  • *Say something you think would fit*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Angela Fairweather
Voice description:
  • internet
  • radio drama
  • female adult
  • podcast
  • *Say something you think would fit*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

TLDR: Physically Jamie Lannister, but personality of HEAT's Waingro.

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • internet
  • podcast
  • radio drama
  • *Say something you think would fit*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

An infamous bounty hunter that mentored the orphaned Karone after the murder of her parents and abduction of her brother. Currently M.I.A/presumed dead.

In another reality where Lord Drakkon's hold on the galaxy threatens to reign supreme, Ecliptor became enslaved by the Dark Specter in part of its efforts to build a counter-offensive against Drakkon's empire's ascension. Loyal to his new master, he lures his former pupil Karone to him and captures her to become the Dark Specter's greatest weapon in his arsenal to fight Lord Drakkon--the Princess of Darkness, Astroemna. 

Voice description:
  • male senior
  • male adult
  • podcast
  • radio drama
  • internet
  • *Say something you think would fit*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • male senior
  • radio drama
  • podcast
  • internet
  • *Say something you think would fit*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Lady Fienna
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • podcast
  • internet
  • radio drama
  • *Say something you think would fit*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Voice description:
  • internet
  • radio drama
  • podcast
  • female adult
  • *Say something you think would fit*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Adam Park

Friend of Zachary Taylor, and shares chemistry class with Billy Cranston and Kay Anderson.

NOT a Power Ranger.

Voice description:
  • male teen
  • podcast
  • radio drama
  • internet
  • asian american
  • *Say something you think would fit*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Tanya Sloan

Friend of Trini Kwan.

NOT a Power Ranger.

Voice description:
  • internet
  • radio drama
  • podcast
  • black american
  • female teen
  • *Say something you think would fit*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Cassie Chan

Friend of Kimberly Hart.

NOT a Power Ranger.

Voice description:
  • female teen
  • podcast
  • internet
  • radio drama
  • *Say something you think would fit*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
  • *Say something you think would fit*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
"Drakkon, the Ranger Slayer"

Originally one of the hundreds of Power Rangers spread throughout the galaxy, Drakkon became obsessed with becoming the strongest Ranger to ever exist--in fact, the ONLY Power Ranger that to exist--and started his one-man murdering crusade for the purpose of obtaining power coins and absorbing them into his own.

Eventually he was defeated by the last Red Ranger, the man that would later become Lord Zedd. Despite his death, a part of Drakkon's immense power jolted into Zedd upon the killing blow, and has been the secret the Zedd's ruthless strength that built his empire. 

However, thanks to Zedd desperation to topple Zordon and obtain the last set of power coins in known-existence before his empire crumbles to the Machine Empire's constant attacks, he has resurrected Drakkon by transferring his own strength into a cloned vessel along with the remnants of Green and Pink coin energy previously obtained.

Now, Drakkon rises again, to finish his original mission...

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • male senior
  • radio drama
  • podcast
  • internet
  • *Say something you think would fit*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Farkas "Bulk" Bulkmeier
Voice description:
  • male teen
  • podcast
  • internet
  • radio drama
  • *Say something you think would fit*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Eugene "Skull" Skullovitch
Voice description:
  • internet
  • male teen
  • podcast
  • radio drama
  • *Say something you think would fit*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
T.J. Johnson

Friend of Tommy Oliver.

NOT a Power Ranger.

Role for Episode 4: I Really, Really Hate CopyKats.

Voice description:
  • male teen
  • podcast
  • black american
  • radio drama
  • internet
  • *Say something you think would fit*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Rocky DeSantos

Friend of Jason Lee Scott.

NOT a Power Ranger.

Role for Episode 4: I Really, Really Hate CopyKats.

Voice description:
  • male teen
  • podcast
  • internet
  • radio drama
  • *Say something you think would fit*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mr. Caplan

The principal of Angel Grove High School.

Role for Episode 4: I Really, Really Hate CopyKats.

Voice description:
  • male senior
  • internet
  • podcast
  • radio drama
  • *Say something you think would fit*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Ms. Appleby

Angel Grove High School's most famous teacher.

Role for Episode 4: I Really, Really Hate CopyKats.

Voice description:
  • female adult
  • podcast
  • radio drama
  • internet
  • *Say something you think would fit*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

The Juice Bar Guy that syas "on the house" a lot.

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • internet
  • radio drama
  • podcast
  • Here you go, kids. Five cold sodas, and for our new Aussie Park Kat, today’s special goji berrie smoothie—on the house!

  • Hey, just doing my small part to make ya feel at home. Couldn’t find better tour guides to Angel Grove than your cohorts here.

  • Hey! Bulk! Skull! Haven’t I told ya nimrods...

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Alpha 5

Alpha 5 Extended Audition: Alpha 5.docx

Alpha 5...

Impersonation, or surprise me...

Voice description:
  • radio drama
  • internet
  • podcast
  • Oh, what a relief! Usually, Billy calls around this time to work on command center projects.

  • Zordan‘s right! Tommy struggled with nightmares too, and he’s perfectly fine now.

  • Oh...sorry, Katherine. One of the circuits in the lower-level generators shorted. Please ignore me.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Voice description:
  • male child
  • internet
  • radio drama
  • podcast
  • *Say something you think would fit*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Voice description:
  • radio drama
  • internet
  • podcast
  • *Say something you think would fit*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Another of Vile's earliest creations that resembles a dark-fur monkey with anorchid retractable pincers that protrude from his shoulders at will, giving him extra vertical mobility, or room clearing attacks.

Extremely intelligent, but considered by Vile as "unfinished work," and given to Rita as yet another pet like Squatt.

Voice description:
  • radio drama
  • podcast
  • internet
  • *Say something you think would fit*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

A hulking orc-like creature with the strength to crush a man in his grip, but not very bright.

One of the earliest experiments of Vile, given to his daughter as a pet.

Voice description:
  • radio drama
  • internet
  • podcast
  • *Say something you think would fit*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Main Drain
Voice description:
  • internet
  • podcast
  • monster
  • radio drama
  • *Say something you think would fit*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • podcast
  • radio drama
  • internet
  • *Say something you think would fit*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Voice description:
  • male child
  • radio drama
  • internet
  • podcast
  • *Say something you think would fit*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Drakkon Ranger #1

Russian Female. Commander of Legionnaire group killed by Pink Ronin in the intro.

Voice description:
  • female adult
  • russian english
  • podcast
  • internet
  • radio drama
  • By order of Lord Drakkon, you are under arrest!

  • Drop the package! Last warning!

  • *To Pink Ronin as she is wounded and bout to die* Lord...Drakkon...will... *Break* Ne...never...he...is...God...

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Drakkon Ranger #2

Subordinate of the Drakkon Squad killed by Pink Ronin in the Intro.

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • podcast
  • internet
  • radio drama
  • We serve our Lord to our dying breath, unlike you, you treasonous Ronin bitch.

  • Watch it! In the air!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Drakkon Ranger #3

Subordinate of the Drakkon Squad killed in the intro by Pink Ronin

Voice description:
  • british
  • podcast
  • internet
  • radio drama
  • The Slayer has more important duties than serving our Lord’s justice to the last Eltarian scum!

  • Drop the container, now!

Story Editor/Contributor

Looking for a valuable 2nd pair of eyes for an advisory role for spotting potential weaknesses or inconsistences within the story/scenes/beats/subtext, along with potential ideas for subplots and threads where there may be gaps or imbalances.

This series is constructed directly in the video editor scene-by-scene by me instead of the traditional completed manuscript coming first, so its very much a seat-of-the-pants style production outside the general mental outline guiding me.

Also, while certainly not required, it might be beneficial if you're an absolutely huge PR fan (the shows or the more recent Boom comics), as it might be beneficial to counterbalance someone like me who checked out at the half-way point during Turbo eons ago.

  • *Say something you think would fit*

Intro/Outro Composer

Looking for a talented musician who would be interested in creating a X-Men '97 style modernization of the original MMPR intro and credits themes.

Particularly with the intro, I would like mimic what X-Men '97 did with its openings including a mix of iconic callbacks and hints directly related to the episode. Though in this case instead of visuals, iconic lines from past MMPR and vocal related hints performed by the MMPR '96 cast.  

  • *Say something you think would fit*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Veronica Hill

President of the Angel Girls Club at Angel Grove High School.

Voice description:
  • black american
  • podcast
  • radio drama
  • internet
  • female teen
  • *Say something you think would fit*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Black Dragon

TLDR=X-Men's Nimrod

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • podcast
  • internet
  • radio drama
  • *Say something you think would fit*


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