Joshua Crawford for Tommy Oliver/White Ranger/Lord Drakkon

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Tommy Oliver/White Ranger/Lord Drakkon

TLDR: Tommy=Black Symbiote Spider-Man

TLDR: Drakkon=Zamasu/Goku Black

Tommy Oliver Extended Audition: Tommy Oliver.docx

Lord Drakkon Extended Audition: Lord Drakkon (Redacted).docx

Tommy Oliver's life has never been in more turmoil. His ex-Ranger girlfriend's dumped him and skipped town, and he's constantly walking a tightrope around the new Pink Ranger, Kat, pretending he doesn't know that she thinks that he doesn't know about her feelings for him. But, after striking the deathblow with Saba on Zedd's latest creation, he re-absorbs his previously stolen green ranger energy embedded in the non-deformed clone's body, pushing his Ranger powers beyond their previous limits.

Feeling like he's outgrown Zordon's moral lecturing and Jason's boy-scout routine, he joins up with the returned Prometha Pink Kimberly on her mission to expand the influence of Rangers across the globe in the fight for the greater good. However, even working within the boundaries of Kimberly's ethical lines in-the-sand, the same frustrations as Zordon's "rules" mount inside him as once again he is being restrained from fulfilling his true potential at making the world a better, safer place...

In another reality, Lord Drakkon has conquered the Earth and numerous Eltarian systems. He is many things: Elegant, graceful, charming, visionary, all-powerful, benevolent, forgiving, commanding, certain, calculating, poised, cunning, lethal, iron-clad--perfection. He has everything that befits his stature--everything that is, except an equal to share in the glory of his masterful designs.

For simply conquering one universe is not enough to satisfy his ambitions. Every reality must bend to his will and be cleansed by his purity...especially the Power Rangers.

Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • male teen
  • radio drama
  • internet
  • podcast
  • *To Jason* Okay then, Zordan—now your ass is really going on this mat!

  • Kim, look—no one knows more than me how it feels. When I lost Green...I’d wished I’d died. But...you were there for me. I want to help...but you keep running away, and I can’t understand why.

  • *To Pink Ronin* That’s a matter of perspective, but now you finally understand the truth. I am not this conjured up evil spirit you’ve imagined masquerading around in the face you so love. No, the facade, the mask—it’s all been from you parading around as a vigilante against my divine justice. Hiding, burying yourself in the sands like a worm afraid to embrace me out of a nonsensical fear of forsaking the others. But you can’t hide from yourself anymore, Kat. Even as I speak, your very eyes betray the lies behind the false, virtuous persona you still shakingly cling to. So, I—Lord Drakkon—beseech you—unburden yourself from the specter of Zordon’s moral decadence, and free yourself to be mine as you yearn!

Joshua Crawford

Nice Zamasu/Goku Black vibes, which I can't deny isn't one my main sources of inspiration behind MMPR '96's Drakkon.I just wanted to share a couple items I added to the main project page after you submitted just FYI. Namely, I will be keeping casting open until I have solid choices for all the EP1 principal cast, or maybe divided between a couple waves (like all Rangers first, etc). I'm a complete boy scout at this whole entire casting thing, so it's all very learning on the job situation.The other thing is I added a Tommy/Drakkon character pitch to the role info to attempt to provide more clarity about the potential storyline/direction. I apologize for the rough draft shoddiness of the writing itself, as all the intended subtility/slow-burn is lost, but I hope it's still somewhat informative.TL;DR: Black-suit Spider Tommy arc.Thanks for submitting!"Lord Drakkon is many things: Elegant, graceful, charming, visionary, all-powerful, benevolent, forgiving, commanding, certain, calculating, poised, cunning, lethal, iron-clad--perfection. He has everything that befits his stature--everything that is, except Pink Ronin.

In another reality, Tommy Oliver's life has never been in more stressed turmoil. His ex-Ranger girlfriend's dumped him and run away to Paris, he's constantly walking a tightrope around the new Pink Ranger Kat, pretending he doesn't know that she thinks that he doesn't know about her feelings for him that enabled Rita's and Zedd's manipulation in stealing the Pink Power coin, or the fact it's an inner tug-o-war keeping his own growing attraction to Kat in check.

However, after striking the death blow on Drakkon, the Ranger Slayer by re-absorbing his previously stolen green ranger energy embedded in Drakkon by Zedd, his previous worries start fading and seem rather unworthy of his concern compared to more pressing matters. Like Kat's fumbling mistakes in the heat of battle, Zordon's backwards and self-defeating moralistic handcuffs, or Jason's clear incompetence at playing leader.

Being the most powerful Ranger now makes it all more tempting to put Jason in his place for good and take command, or even better, maybe it's time to finally cut ties with them all and go solo..."

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