Dirty Daniel

Dirty Daniel

Unofficial Moderator of Casting Call Club

Joined Jan 2019 190 Following49 Followers
About Dirty Daniel

Thank You Final Boss Buford and Ana Flores for making me a CCC SUPERSTAR! And for the golden medal. Especially thank you to Buford for Casting Call Club.

Massive Thank You towards GlowingRelic & MorganRy & King of Ducking

Thank You For Gold!

(I'm gonna attempt to parody many dumb things people do on CCC and the internet.)

Yeah, I approved it. Not lyin' nor tryna deny it.


"Please don't make fun of me. Being a voice actor is my dream, even though I have throat cancer, I try my best." -Dirty Daniel, Circa 2019

You sent me a cool picture in DMs? I'll have you know that I was born in 2015. I am 9. What do you mean you don't believe me? I said it, therefore I am. By default, I am a prodigy!

CCC Ban Count: 3.5
Discord Ban Count: 2

Follow Roman Heath on SoundCloud Also pray for him, he went clinically insane. Its so sad. (Most the stuff on my profile is satire, but I'm not joking. Its actually sad.)

Subscribe to Honey-Kun the mostest EPIC GAMER.

This guy is genuinely funnier than me. Please follow him: MarcusScrabbleVAOfficial

If you look at my account. Please recommend me, you don't have to have a reason just say something funny. I'll return the favor if you want.

(LEGACY BIO) I made 11+ auditions now I'm a professional. I'm totally professional! Its only been like 30 hours and now I'm a celebrity! 


2.50$ per line for audiobooks. (Line is approximately 8-32 words, about 1 to 3 complete sentences.)
10$-25$ for cameos on YouTube videos approximately 3-12 lines.
Free on Sundays from 2-3PM or Tuesdays at 4PM for qualifying clients.
Slurs are 3x multipliers to the cost of each line.
I will not endorse political parties. But a million dollars is a million dollars and that's subject to change.

What Dirty Daniel is looking for

The dumbest projects on this website.

  • @erose3842

    he gud af

  • @kvetchva

    He turned me into the gayest of the frogs.


  • @philosodan

    He thinks he is funny, but isn't really.

  • @evangeline

    he taught me how to be American

    he cared more for me than my own parents, recommend 10/10

  • @illuminasium

    You won't find a better waifu than his voice

  • @renneko

    I got him to read his recommendation to me in a Naruto voice. It was the greatest experience of my young neutered life. He helped me get enough experience to go from level from 9 to 10 and I evolved into a beautiful butterfly. 2 wings out of 0, would fly to freedom once more.

  • @deleted276585

    they sang happy birthday for my dogs 18th birthday so 6/9 recommend

  • @leolyonvo


  • @haydendavisva

    This man is great. He voiced my best friend and we sang F.U.N for a spongebob fandub! I recommend!

  • @stg_overload

    Dirty Daniel was the first person to ever join CCC! And as such is one of the best! Your project will go from a placid dick to having that shit on 5x the Viagra and an overdose of Adderall. If I could give 11 out of 10 I would!

  • @axrov

    I love him, that's it, I love him. (PLEASE LET GO OF MY FAMILY)

  • @Keyuu

    For legal reasons I am not friends with Dirty Daniel. However, this gentlemen (said in the loosest of terms) HAS PASSION and LOVE for the art of Voice Acting. A true man beyond his time. A true Van Gogh of VAs (the mental instability included all in the best ways) God bless this man for his contribution and dedication to the craft. May he live on forever after his impending death whether that be by old age or illness, car wreck etc. There are many ways for us all to die at any time for example i may die writing this very reckeiodpajiceoP[HKN;/LKCZ

  • @gawr_gura

    After his recent "accident" of submerging his own balls in a McDonalds deep fryer, Dirty Daniel has become a true inspiration for me. 

    Not only is he a man of his word, but his words are those of a man, as you can hear in his sonorous voice that oh so beautifully conveys his crispy balls of steel.

    One thing to critisize is that he rejected my N-word pass, saying that i am 'not black', even though i am black online.

    Generally i can vouch that this man knows how to use his mouth and throat and can make others quite happy with it.

  • @lilashines

    Dirty Daniel took me by the hand and led me to the land. Do you understand?

  • @VernMorris

    A harbinger of fun. Defender of the people. The man who walks a tight rope between genius and insanity. 

  • @SirSlender

    All I had to do was take a look at his enormous p word and I knew that I would be enthralled in a captivating life. Daniel has truly opened my eyes to what it means to be a VA.

  • @ageekybear

    After months of being rendered deaf due to my dog licking my ear, it was only when hearing the melodic voice of Dirty Daniel did I recover. It was like the beautiful orchestra accompanied by Jesus himself at the DJ stand. Truly divine, not clickbait. Totally true story ask your mom Dan knows her-