The Casting Process, & the Acoustic Audition.
Yo everyone!
I know I've been radio silent the past couple of weeks, but now it's time to get everyone new here properly caught up-to-speed!
First and foremost, this is a refreshed listing from a delisted project (470+auditions over 12 weeks). From that, about fifty people made the current shortlist for advancing into the next round of auditions, which is where today's update chimes in.
I've written up a Recording Syllabus that summarizes the overall Casting Process, Recording Standards, Issues, and my Resolve EQ settings for transparency on what's done on my end.
This doc is pretty simple and straightforward, and should answer any of the general questions about where casting progress currently stands.
Which brings me to the Acoustic Audition, as mentioned and detailed in the Recording Syllabus above.
If I've shortlisted you (and there's several people I haven't yet that I will be doing so shortly), then I will be getting in contact with you about recording your characters lines for testing in the Audition above, as well as an invitation (not mandatory) to the project Discord with the other currently Shortlisted VAs.
And that's really all I have to expand on for today. People who have been following since the original listing know that sometimes I can get really in-the-weeds in regards to details and analysis...but I'm choosing the "brevity is the soul of wit," option for today.