Hamilton House Hauntings Pilot

Hamilton House Hauntings Pilot

Project Overview

Haunted Days is a story about a pre-teen girl named Clair who can see ghosts. After the passing of her grandmother/legal guardian, Clair is relocated and brought to live with her Aunt Cleo in the town of Thompsonville. As if starting at a new school and having to make new friends wasn’t hard enough, Clair finds herself in the midst of a ghostly mystery.
Hamilton House is haunted by not one, but dozens of spirits. All of which claim to have been “drawn to the house”. Clair is determined to help these spirits cross over as well as find the angry spirit that first died at Hamilton House and help them rest in peace too.

This story is currently being published as a novel, but we have goals to make it into a graphic novel and YouTube series as well.

Voice actors will be working on the show and audiobook for the novel. Artists will be working on this show as well as other future projects.

If you want to support the project, check out my Patreon.

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Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Clair Harper
Paid: Flat Rate 50 USD
Role assigned to: Adrienne Whitaker

Feel free to read the provided lines here, or from episode one's script.

Clair’s father was never in the picture and her mother passed away when she was three years of age. She was then raised by her grandmother—Beatrice Harper—until her passing. Clair is now in the care of Max’s sister, Cleo Crews.
Although Clair had never met her aunt Cleo before, the two formed an instant bond.
Cleo works as an event planner and is currently organizing a haunted house event for Halloween. Cleo offers to take Clair to the town’s real-life haunted house, which happens to be where the event is taking place.
Clair obviously excepts and is surprised when she arrives at the house to find that it’s not just haunted by one ghost, but multiple. She discovers that one ghost, in particular, is drawing all the other spirits to the house. She takes it upon herself to find out who this ghost is and help them move on.
She’ll make some friends—both living and alive—along the way as she solves this mystery.

  • “Hi, I’m Clair. I’m new to Thompsonville.”Said nervously; she’s introducing herself in front of a new class.

  • “I didn’t have many friends at my old school,” leave a pause for dramatic effect, “but I hope we can all be close.”

  • “I can see you.” Whispering ominously  

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Grace Prince
Paid: Flat Rate 40 USD
Role assigned to: Sae_Mimi

Feel free to read lines provided, or from episode three's script.

Daughter of Ellen and Joseph Prince.
Grace’s father passed away in a car accident five years ago, and Grace’s mom is the town’s mayor.

Grace has a free spirit vibe to her. He loves adventure and a good mystery.
Although she isn’t one of the “popular girls”, Grace is well known around the class and school. She makes sure she knows who most students are and what grade they’re in. Being part of the student council, and her class’ student body president, is a serious honour for her.
Grace’s dream is to lead like her mother.

Grace and Clair become friends almost instantly. Although Clair is a bit odd, Grace doesn’t mind. She actually finds it curious and entertaining.
Little does she know that becoming Clair’s friend comes with its own adventure.

  • "Morning. I have something for Principal Northwood. He left it at my house when he came over for dinner. "She is delivering something to the school principal and talking to the secretary.

  • "The principal is dating my mom. He left a tie at my house." Pauses to giggle,  "You’d think it was underwear with the way he acts."Grace is talking to Clair here.

  • "I'm on the student council; I need to know as many students as possible.” This happens during a conversation with Clair.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 40 USD
Role assigned to: Rose Monster

Feel free to read the provided lines here, or from episode five's script.

Esmeralda is a ghost girl who died in the 1950s.

Esmeralda is one of the many ghosts living in the Hamilton House. She is the first ghost Clair meets in the house.
Esmeralda follows Clair home and requests that she help the main ghost of the house move on, because the mysterious ghost seems to be very angry and restless.

Although Esmeralda doesn’t remember how she died, or much about her past, she is a happy spirit. She still feels lonely like all the other ghosts in the Hamilton House, but she doesn’t let that keep her down.

  • "Wait, you can see me?" Pause, "You can see me!?"This is the first time Esmerelda and Clair meet. Esmerelda is very excited--and surprised--to find a living person who can see her.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
T.J. Jones
Paid: Flat Rate 40 USD
Role assigned to: Isotopic Productions

Feel free to read lines provided, or from episode six's script.

T.J. Jones, son of Maggie and Julian Jones and younger brother of Aspen Jones.
T.J.’s mom is a dance instructor and his dad is a private investigator.

T.J.’s full name is Tobias-John Jones but he shortened his name in the first grade to make it less of a mouthful.
Along with most of the other boys in his class, T.J. is very into basketball. Although he likes other sports too, baseball is by far his favourite.
T.J. also has a secret love of mystery novels and national mystery documentaries. It’s something he has in common with his older sister; his mom says it’s something they got from their father.

T.J. lives across the street from Cleo and Clair and he’s also in Clair’s class.
His detective instincts go wild when Clair shows up and he decides to investigate her. But what he discovers isn’t exactly what he expected.

  • "I know your secret. I saw you." He's just witnessed Clair talking to a ghost.

  • "I'm really sorry. I hope you can forgive me."Apoligetic. 

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Aaric Edwards
Paid: Flat Rate 40 USD
cast offsite

Feel free to read the provided lines here, or from episode nine's script.

Aaric is one of the kids in the grade above Clair's. He's one of the "cool kids" and only has two close friends. He gets easily annoyed and can be standoffish.

  • *I suggest you stay away from that place. Or else."Threatening tone.

  • "I guess you aren't as lame as I first thought."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Cleo Crews
Paid: Flat Rate 40 USD
cast offsite

Feel free to read the provided lines here, or from episode one's script.

Cleo is Clair's Aunt. She's her father's sister, but since Clair has never met her father, she doesn't know any of his side of the family either.

  • "I’m an event planner. I work for the township to organize events and set up venues."Said with excitement, explaining what she does to Clair.

  • "Your grandmother was very smart," takes a breath, "If you aren't ready to go back to school, then I understand."Said with sympathy. 

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Emily Green
Paid: Flat Rate 40 USD
Role assigned to: Morgan J.

Feel free to read the provided lines here, or from episode five's script or from episode nine's script.

Emily Green is the daughter of Penelope and Alexander Green. Emily’s grandmother, Marylin Green, lives with her family and has since Emily was five. She and her grandmother are very close because of this.


Emily is a major bookworm. It doesn’t matter if it’s a good novel or a textbook, she can get easily lost in it. Her love of literature is one of the things she shares with her grandmother; Emily sometimes even reads her textbooks or novels to Marylin, since the woman can no longer read on her own.


Emily doesn’t have many close friends at school, but she isn’t lonely. The characters in her books keep her company. She does like it when Grace Prince offers to have a homework date at the library, though. And when Clair shows up in their class, she can’t help but become friends with the girl.

  • "Are you okay?"Concerned. 

  • "We would never think that. We're your friends."Said with empathy.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Iris Mills
Paid: Flat Rate 30 USD
Role assigned to: AnimeFan14!

Feel free to read lines provided, or from episode two's script. (girl 1)

Iris Mills is the daughter of Julia and Harry Mills. She has a six-year-old younger sister named Evelyne. Iris’s father is a lawyer and her mother is a fashion designer.

Because of her mother’s career, Iris gets to wear custom clothes in the latest fashions. Because of who her parents are, Iris has high self-esteem and self-worth.

Iris’ two closest friends are Britney and Stacy. Years ago, she and Grace were best friends, but after a spin-the-bottle incident they aren’t.

Iris is known as the “queen bee” of the popular kids. She and Cole are considered an item even though they aren’t dating.

Not many people see Iris’ gentle side. She can be very bitter and snarky, but she’s not all bad. Iris has a green thumb; she loves gardening and feels the most relaxed when she’s outside surrounded by plants. She hates getting dirty, but that’s what gloves are for.

*Note: This character is in very few episodes, but the voice actor may be used for other characters.*

  • "That way."Her answer when Clair asks where the office is.

  • "Yeah, whatever."Her response after Clair thanks her.

  • "I couldn't help overhearing." Iris is walking over to Clair and Grace. "New girl is an orphan. How sad. It looks like you and the one-parent-wonder are perfect for each other."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Stacy Smith
Paid: Flat Rate 30 USD
Role assigned to: Larissa Crowe

Stacy was adopted by Robert and Fabian Smith as a baby. She loves her dads and has a close bond with them. She is very self-confident and isn’t ashamed to be herself.


Stacy is a big fan or horror movies. She and her dads have a movie night every Saturday night and watch whatever horror or thriller they can get their hands on.


Her best friends are Iris and Britney. She has a crush on Cole. Her favourite subject is math.

*Note: This character is in very few episodes, but the voice actor may be used for other characters.*

  • "Iris, let's just go. They aren't worth it."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Britney Turner
Paid: Flat Rate 20 USD
Role assigned to: Brittany Skyy

Feel free to read lines provided, or from episode two's script (girl 2), or from episode three's script.

Britney Turner is the daughter of Ellen and Craig Turner. She has two brothers; Scott, who’s older, and Oliver, who’s younger. Being the only girl means that she gets spoiled more than her parents like to admit.


Britney’s best friend is Iris. She’s honestly not very close with Stacy, but Iris likes the girl so Britney acts friendly.


Britney is into fashion, celebrity gossip, and has a small caffeine addiction. She’s a big fan of Instagram. Her dream is to some day become a model.

*Note: This character is in very few episodes, but the voice actor may be used for other characters.*

  • "Oh my gosh, did you see her hair?"Loud whisper. Mocking.

  • "Cognates on placing in your tournament, Mrs. Jenson."She's being a suck-up to the teacher.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 20 USD
Role assigned to: Kitsune

Feel free to read the provided lines here, or from episode five's script (deep/dark voice), or from episode six's script.

Tabitha is the original ghost in the Hamilton House. Her family built it years before she was born. One day she was playing in the yard when she noticed a well. She got to close and fell in.
She didn't die right away. She cried for help. Little Tabitha was only six. She was scared and alone. When she died (in the 1850s) she was so lonely that she found a way to use the house as a beacon to draw in other lost and lonely spirits to keep her company.

*Note: This character is in very few episodes in season one, but the voice actor may be used for other characters.*

  • "Get out! Get out or face my wrath!" Dark and angry.

  • "You... You really think so?" Innocent and calm.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Hanna Hampshier
Paid: Flat Rate 20 USD
cast offsite

Feel free to read the provided lines here, or from episode one's script.

Hanna is the child services worker that is in charge of relocating Clair. She brings the girl to live with her aunt Cleo, whom Clair has never met before.

*Note: This character is in very few episodes, but the voice actor may be used for other characters.*

  • "Are You nervous?"
    Said to Clair, before meeting Cleo.

  • "What a lovely home."Said to Cleo after doing a tour of the house.

  • "I'll be back in a couple of weeks to see how you're adjusting."Said to Clair, as she's leaving.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Levi Norward
Paid: Flat Rate 20 USD
cast offsite

Feel free to read lines provided, or from episode three's script.

School Principal.

*Note: This character is in very few episodes, but the voice actor may be used for other characters.*

  • "Thank you, Grace. I would appreciate it if you could keep my personal life, well, personal."Annoyed.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Pam Hamnston
Paid: Flat Rate 20 USD
Role assigned to: Caroline Orejuela

Feel free to read lines provided, or from episode three's script.

The school’s secretary. She is a calm and collected woman. She gets along with the students and staff. She normally wears glasses but is very forgetful if she strays from her lists or sticky-note reminders.

*Note: This character is in very few episodes, but the voice actor may be used for other characters.*

  • "Good morning, miss Harper. Just let me look you up, and I'll have someone escort you to your class." Pause. "Looks like you are in Mrs. Jenson’s class."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Lola Jenson
Paid: Flat Rate 20 USD
Role assigned to: Ribz/Rebecca Danae

Feel free to read lines provided, or from episode three's script.

Clair’s classroom teacher. During the day she’s very tired but still friendly and cheerful.
She’s very active and a big fan or bowling; she’s in a league and bowls in comparative tournaments.

*Note: This character is in very few episodes, but the voice actor may be used for other characters.*

  • "Hello girls. You must be Clair. I’m Mrs. Jenson. I have an empty desk set up for you at the back of the class."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Maggie Jones
Paid: Flat Rate 20 USD
Role assigned to: Teisha Lou

Feel free to read lines provided, or from episode six's script.

Maggie Jones is wife of Julian Jones and mother to T.J. And Aspen Jones. She owns and instructs at a local dance studio. She normally dresses very casually around the house and around town bull dolls herself up for her dance competitions.


When Maggie was younger she discovered she loved to dance. She’d dance at any chance she got. Her mom would put her in as many classes as they could afford. When Maggie was a teen, she got a part-time job at the same dance studio she had taken classes at as a kid. She used her hard-earned money to pay for her own dance lessons so her parents no longer had to, she used whatever money was left to save for college. She took a break from dance when she went off to college. She studied Acting first, then Theatre. After college, she found it difficult to find a job in either thing she attended school for. She hated the thought of moving away from her parents for work, so she returned to worked full time at the dance studio. But now, instead of cleaning the studio, she was trained to be a dance instructor. She fell in love with dance all over again. Due to the owner now being in their late fifties, Maggie helped with all the boring business paperwork too, so the owner wouldn’t have to. At some point along the way, she was “gifted” the studio.


Maggie met her husband in college. They weren’t exactly friends; more like a friend of a friend. It wasn’t until their mutual friend cancelled last minute on a group outing that the two really got to connect. They eventually got married and had a daughter, and then a son.

*Note: This character is in very few episodes, but the voice actor may be used for other characters.*

  • “Oh, dear. I’m so sorry for your loss, Clair. I’m Maggie, T.J.’s mom. You let me know if you need anything, alright?”Empathetic. 

  • "We brought some dinner. I know that your aunt works late some nights, so I thought this might help you both out. And T.J. has your homework.”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 20 USD
Role assigned to: MelZQ

Feel free to read lines provided, or from episode two's script.

She died in 2013 from a “janitorial accident” and refuses to explain further.

She’s 56 and wears a pink (or naive) work shirt with black pants and has her brown hair up in a bun.




*Note: This character is in very few episodes, but the voice actor may be used for other characters.*

Voice description:
  • cuban (in spanish)
  • colombian (spanish)
  • latin american spanish
  • female senior
  • argentinian (in spanish)
  • "Accident at work.” Responding to the question "how'd you die"? She's very calm and collected.

Cleanup Animator (2D)
Paid: Flat Rate 500 USD
Role assigned to: Yamnaa Nancy varyupon

I am building an animation team. Looking for a cleanup animator who can work in a style like this: Link.

  • Say something you think would fit

Colourist (2D animation)
Paid: Flat Rate 500 USD
Role assigned to: Charlie Iola Lane Beep

I'm looking for a colourist who can work with this style: Link

  • Say something you think would fit

Background Artist (2D)
Role assigned to: Iola Lane Sarah DeLisser

I'm looking for a colourist who can work with this style: Link

  • *Say something you think would fit*

Audio Engineer
Audio Engineer
Audio Mixer
Role assigned to: DiamondWarrior

You will be in charge of syncing the audio to the video.
You will also be tasked with being sure the music and video flow well together.

  • *Say something you think would fit*

Audio Engineer
Audio Engineer
SFX Designer
cast offsite
  • *Say something you think would fit*

Role assigned to: Faye
  • *Say something you think would fit*


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