17lakect's Avengers

17lakect's Avengers

Project Overview

This is a huge project I've been building up to for a few years on my deviantart (And YouTube) account. The Avengers of my own, with Venom, Sonic The Hedgehog, Xenowoman (A xenomorph superheroine) and her partner Danforth Johnston (A one man army,) Kratos (Reincarnated), and Godzilla.

Here's the link to the buildup of this project: https://www.deviantart.com/17lakect/gallery/66745979/a-buildup-to-something-big-

The Story: The entire world has been having struggles with the undead known as Hel-Walkers. But this is FAR from the worst that's yet to come. A few heroes know about Aesir that plans to destroy Earth to save their own realm from Ragnarök. They must form a team of heroes that is meant to save their own world before time runs out.

This is a series of SFM/Gmod videos with some artwork I can provide.

To those who are interested to auction for the characters, keep these things in mind:

1: There'll be some more characters in more chapters as we move along

2: This is a big, I mean BIG work in progress, meaning it'll take a while for me to write, animate, and edit.

3: You join this chapter, you join the story. I'm just being consistent. Otherwise, find a voice that closely matches yours if you decide to quit somewhere in between.

4: You're not getting paid, all you're getting is credit for the voices.

For good measure, if you got a discord account, here's the invite link that centers around this project. https://discord.gg/TmQuf2SZsH

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Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Sonic The Hedgehog
cast offsite

Sonic is a super-fast cocky blue alien hedgehog with attitude. Sonic hates oppression and staunchly defends freedom. Although he is mostly quick-witted and easygoing, he has a short temper and is often impatient with slower things. Sonic is a habitual daredevil hedgehog who is honest, loyal to friends, keeps his promises, and dislikes tears.

Sonic in this story does sometimes show signs of seriousness given what crazy events have been happening before the beginning of this story.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male teen
  • (Excited) Whoo-hoo! Time for some action!

  • (Getting a little impatient) This Sebastain dude is taking awhile.

  • Venom? That's one of our hero's names? (Shudders) Sounds like he'll be creepy.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Xenowoman (Aviana Sherling)
Role assigned to: EMZ

Xenowoman is a bisexual sassy heroine who enjoys going out in her alien suit and beat up bad guys. Sometimes she can be a flirt.

As Aviana Sherling, she is sort of shy, but ever since she gained the alien suit, she's build up confidence to herself to the point where she finally asks her longtime crush Danforth to finally be dating.

When Aviana gets in her xenomorph suit and her human mouth is showing her voice is deep and alluring thanks to her alien suit. If she goes full on xenomorph, especially the second jaw and such, she speaks in an reptilian alien hissing voice. If she's out of her suit, her voice isn't as deep since the suit won't be there to disguise it.

  • english
  • (Human with deep voice) I can't really blame him, I myself am looking for some action.(Smug) Didn't your mother ever teach you that terrorism is bad?

  • (Alien Reptilian hissing voice) Head down the alley, I sssssssaw the MINOssssss...I don't know our team name, but I'm ssssssure we'll come up with it.

  • (As Aviana, Normal Human, not as deep or alluring) Still prefer fast foods over fancy restaurants huh? (Uncertain) " may have a few pretty good ideas of what I'd like to do with my life... The only problem I have to deal with is 'How' is this gonna work...

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Christopher Samuels
Role assigned to: SethicusTheBrave

Samuels is the Prototype Synthetic built by Seegson that is supposed to closely emulate humans in both appearance and actions.

One day, he got struck by lightning and his programing messes up to the point where Samuels is more human, to the point where he has emotions and cares.

For the past few years he's still a valuable employee of Seegson and a good friend of Danforth. Even assists him in vigilantism.

  • english
Voice description:
  • english
  • (Note: This is a quote from Alien Isolation not for this story, the point of this audition line is to see if a person playing samuels does the voice pretty well.)

    I'm Samuels, I work for the company.

  • We are to gather up the heroes, find 6 more of these gems, power up a sword, and fight the gods that threaten this planet. We have one gem... and we have 3 heroes right here.

  • Please sir, I know you are overwhelmed and upset. But please sit down and try to calm down.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Sebastian Sieg
Role assigned to: Dylan William van de Wal

Son of the Seegson CEO, Josiah Sieg, he is intelligent and easygoing scientist and engineer; he is also a stepfather of Danforth Johnston.

Upon learning Danforth's secret of being a gun-slinging vigilante, he is reluctant and doesn't approve even if he is proud of helping stopping Seegson from being destroyed before the Hel-Walker incident got started around the world. He nevertheless accepts Danforth's role as a secret vigilante, even if he doesn't approve 100 percent, if his stepson can help save the world then so be it.

  • english
  • (Upset) Samuels told me everything... did you really go out at night killing criminals?

  • (Overwhelmed) This is- this is not... There's zombies out there... and now we have talking animal, a magic jewel, and we have gods? I can't believe I'm seeing all of this.

    (His tone starts to get a little louder, but not to the point of yelling)

    And you, you are one of the chosen ones!? I'm still coming to terms with the fact that you and Samuels have been vigilantes behind me and your mother's back. And now there's THIS!?

  • (Calm and chill) I think it'll be a good opportunity for Seegson to cooperate and work together with Raymond Tech.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Random person, Hel-Walker (Ice Zombie), MINOS Soldiers (Both male and female that as a few lines)
cast offsite

Some random worker freaks out about what's happening and kills himself, turning into a hel-walker.

Hel-walkers are vengeful undead souls that came back from the realm of the dead (Helheim) in less then a minute after death. The only things in mind for the Hel-Walkers is to kill everything in their way. Unlike a zombie, they don't eat, they just kill with their hands, ice sword, and ice bombs.

MINOS are the terrorists who have secretly worked for the Ama-Corp, they do all the terrorist stuff to create their own future for Earth (Midgard)

  • english
  • Some worker in Seegson:

     (Hopeless and afraid) It's an apocalypse... I can't do this...


    (Has no hope left) I can't- I can't...

    *Becomes a Hel-Walker and makes zombie growling noises*

  • (COMPLETELY OPTIONAL) Hel-walkers: *Zombie Growling noises.*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Gwendolyn Hale
Role assigned to: Sarah Larson

Optional: If it's cool, make her sound like Lysandra from the God Of War games. The actresses can either be Gwendoline Yeo, who did the first and third game. Or Jennifer Hale, who did Ascension.

In God Of War Generations (Remake), Gwen was the girlfriend of Terrence, the reincarnated Kratos. They broke up due to the bad things that have happened, but they remain to be friends and she makes her ex promise to be the protector the planet. She hates violence, especially since the reincarnated god of war has been killing the bad guys left and right.

Also, she is the reincarnation of Lysandra, the wife of the original Kratos.

  • english
  • (Disbelief) You're just gonna go and get yourself killed!? You may have helped with that YouTube video with these hel-walkers, but this is even more insane!

  • (Note: It's lines from her reincarnation from the game just for good measure.)

    (Angry) How much is enough kratos!? When will it end!?

    (Still angry, not believing in his husband's words seeing through him.) "The glory of sparta." You did this for YOURSELF.

  • (Calm and forgiving.) You can see the light. It is changing you. It is time to lay your fears to rest.

    The Light reveals the truth. The power of forgiveness comes from within.

    To be forgiven, you must find the power to forgive yourself.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Debi Lander (Who in chapter 1 has 3 lines... how 'bout that?)
Role assigned to: Mimi

Optional: Make her sound like Debi Derryberry as a young adult.

The Best Friend of Terrence, has a snarky attitude, and is the reincarnation of Calliope. Daughter of the Original Kratos.

  • english
  • (Dumbfounded) You... your are the guy who posted the video on dealing with these ice zombies!

  • (Weirded out) Should I be alerted to the fact you are treating this terrorist attack casually!?

  • ...I'll bet you 5 dollars if we see don't this crazy guy alive.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Laufey The Just (Faye)
Role assigned to: discolexia

Laufey is the last Jötnar of Jötunheim. For years upon arriving on Midgard, she's been hiding and helping people. She is both a kind woman with a warrior's spirit. Currently she is the girlfriend, if not the wife of Kratos, both the original and reincarnation. She is one of the few who remembers the old life.

Edited: Link to video to get a good idea of faye: (SPOILERS FOR GOD OF WAR RAGNOROK) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DzlJQzS-C2g

  • english
  • (Surprised) That's one of the gems... (Confused) ...what kind of creature are you? (Smiles) Ah... Very clever.

  • (These are lines from the game for good measure.) To grieve deeply is to have loved fully. Open your heart to the world as you opened it to me, and you will find every reason to keep living in it.

  • We're not far from the place your father and i first met. We nearly took each other's heads off. But he's softened since then... Somewhat. Unfortunately for you, he remains dreadfully stoic.


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