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A friendly guy trying to get this main project, Islandside Adventures, off the ground. Will do most voice work for free, if it piques my interest, but am considering starting to do some voice work that involves payment in the near future.
I am a Voice Actor, Video Editor, Audio Engineer, and Writer
This is my second Casting Call Club account, as was originally unable to delete or update any expired projects on my first account.
Name: ReubenAge: 34 my YouTube account: CaliforniaEmail: Can be found on my YouTube accountFirst Casting Call account : Casting Call Club account :
Accents: A bit Gruff A bit of French A bit snobbish all american accents american american (southern) aristocratic british ausrtralian australian british british (cockney) british (liverpool) british (london) british (northern) British (slight) brooklyn brooklyn italian calm canadian cherokee country american cowboy (stereotype) danish danish english energetic english english (british) english (london) evil villain excited french french (france) general african general american general american southern general australian general british general canadian general north american english general southern united sates generic australian generic british generic french generic new zealand generic russian generic scottish generic southern generic southern american gilbert gottfried gruff Gruff American gruff british gruff english Hint of Texan hispanic hispanic american hispanic english hispanic/latino Hungarian-Romanian Hungarian-Romanian (Szkely) italian italian american jamaican japan japanese kenyan mexican military Mischievous motherly Navy neutral canadian news anchor new york (brooklyn) new zealand north american northern british Pat Buttram pirate radio dj robotic royal russian russian english sassy scottish scottish (edinburgh) scottish highlands shy Slight british smooth snobbish soft south african south african english south african (johannesburg) southern southern (american) southern (country american) southern drawl southern (north america) southern twang south texan standard british standard french standard russian standard scottish superhero texan transylvanian Trickster Upper Midwestern villain virginian warrior western canadian western/cowboy west indies/caribbean/jamaican west virginia west virginian whiny (Kind of) yorkshire yorkshire british yorkshire english young child zombie
Skills and Interests: script writing voice acting
Little Moose Noises
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Video Editor, Music Composer, Audio Engineer, Writer, and Producer
My name is Jay and I'm from Canada. I write, draw, and voice act under the name JayEmEl, and my audio productions are under Little Moose Noises.
All music I've composed is only by ear, I'm not professionally trained.
But I like to think I'm a pretty good narrator. :)

I can do NSFW voice work, but will only accept to do the sensual/tasteful kind. Rates negotiable.
If you're looking to hire me as a narrator, my rates are the ACX standard 200$ USD per finished hour. I am capable of editing/mastering my own audio, special effects included. For raw audio (completely unedited except for removal of bad takes), I will accept 75$ USD per hour (also negotiable). Please keep in mind that narrators will read some 8400 words per hour, give or take, to give you an idea of how much your project will cost.

For regular voice work like playing a character -- DM me, I'm op...
Trans Voice Actress with QUITE the range
I am a Voice Actor, Video Editor, Audio Engineer, and Director
⫹ Hello! ⫺Hello there, a dear viewer of my profile! I am Elise Lepley, a seventeen-year-old trans voice actress who has been doing voice acting/voice engineering for almost six years. I am also a professional audio engineer and amateur creative/voice director.⫹ Contact ⫺If you wish to have me on a project, my Discord is usually the best way to get to me but if you want to contact me through email, it is audio.lepleyethan (at) gmail (dot) comProfile Picture Art Drawn by 
I am a Voice Actor, Video Editor, Writer, and Live Actor
I'm Caitlin, 23 year old Australian (AEST/GMT+10), She/Her.I use an AT2020 mic with a Scarlett Solo interface (Gen 1)Productions I'm apart of (Chronological)NCRCF Inmates - NCRCF Prison Guard Add-On | Common Criminal Voicetype | By Cu Na Saoirse (Credited as NotSoChillies)Children of the Sun | Mercy | By CraftianEncounters of the Mojave - Novac and Nelson | Ghoul Caravaneer + Scared Bright Follower | By Cu Na SaoirseA SODA IN A BAR | Mei Akuma | By Evan_InklingEncounters of the Mojave - Highway 95 South | Bored Ghoul NCR Ranger | By Cu Na Saoirse
Speaks: english
Setup: audacity
Skills and Interests: audacity vegas pro
OrnithoStudios is a indie studio with the goal to tell different stories then those seen today, we currently are in production of a multi-media project known as The Meliora Project that tells a single story over different media outlets, a show, a comic, and a video game.
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Animator, Video Editor, Writer, and Director
Have you ever wondered what would've happened to the ethereal realms if Satan was the one whom had created the known universe? If you have, then Welcome to Project Meloria, a multimedia story-project created by Quill Tulip to tell this very idea. 
The currently released/announced stories for Project Meloria are Meloria: Psychosis and  Meloria: Year Zero
These projects, and the other unreleased projects have been in heavy development for the past 10 years!
Speaks: english
Still attempting to produce a series loosely based off of Looney Tunes/Merrie Melodies since Zaslav is still neglecting that IP as of today.
I am a Artist, Video Editor, Music Composer, Audio Engineer, and Writer
I'm currently a solo creator as of right now. I was diagnosed with Autism at the age of either 2 or 3. And my job is to make stuff to entertain people. Cause what would I be without my magic?
Doublage, Musique et Son
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Video Editor, Music Composer, and Audio Engineer
Salut, moi c'est Mathys PONCIN (aka Big_Mathylou) 🍋Étudiante en BTS Audiovisuel - Option Son・ Comédienne de doublage transgenre depuis 2021, je souhaite me professionnaliser et faire rêver les futurs cinéphiles ! (Voix Médium/Aigue)QUELQUES RÔLES NOTABLES:・Cletus & Sallie May ~ Helluva Boss (pour Helluva Fandub FR) - FANDUB・Ricket ~ Monkey Wrench (pour Vox Society) - FANDUB ?・Également productrice de VF lorsque je sais m'organiser, avec mon collectif (Dub Lemon), notre objectif est d'aider les créateurs à développer leurs projets en leurs permettant d'atteindre le public français.QUELQUES PROJETS NOTABLES:Metrecalia (par Cramiro Starenn) - VF OFFICIEL
Vidéaste dans le domaine de l'animation Machinima.
I am a Voice Actor, Animator, Video Editor, and Producer
Je suis un animateur machinimiste, traducteur de jeux et directeur artistique de versions françaises de jeu vidéo.Jeux traduits :Coldline (VF, pas encore sortie)
Speaks: french
Hey, everyone, to my Casting Call Club page!
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Animator, Video Editor, Music Composer, Audio Engineer, Writer, Director, Producer, and Live Actor
Hey, everyone, Jacob Hecht is the name, Animation is my game! My name is Jacob, I'm the founder, president, animator, and voice actor of JakeToons Productions Inc., I'm the creator of Humans in Characterville, Cartoons in the Real World, and much more. Equipment: Tablet: Wacom Tablet Cintiq Programs: Adobe Animate, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe After Effects, Etc. Thank you: Please subscribe to my YouTube channel
Speaks: english
Skills and Interests: louis armstrong
Video Game and Animation are my specialty, let me bring your character to life!
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Video Editor, Director, Producer, and Live Actor
Over 20 years in the entertainment industry on stage and on camera. Over 10 years as an entertainer in Children's Live Shows, having performed for over 1 Million kids over that timeCurrently A Producer at a major video game studio, so love recording VO in my free time for any projects that need a reliable voice with rangeI am available for projects ranging from short animations to 100s of lines of video game dialogue and everything in between.I also specialize in hosting, whether live, in person or pre recorded eventsI use a professionally treated sound proof booth with a Neumann TLM 102 condenser microphone and full suite of editing software to delivered raw or mastered files as quickly as needed
Speaks: armenian
Ce débutant en comédie va vous étonner !
I am a Voice Actor, Video Editor, and Director
Après pas mal d'années passées à m'intéresser à cet univers, j'ai finalement décidé de me lancer dans le monde du doublage depuis maintenant un peu plus d'un an !

Loin d'être un comédien qualifié, j'aimerais m'améliorer en participant à tout type de projets, découvrir les possibilités de modulation de la voix et surtout rigoler une bonne tranche en disant n'importe quoi. Ouais.