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I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Video Editor, Writer, Director, and Producer
HI, I'm Brooklyn!I'm 26 years old and have been practising voice overs since 2015. I like doing roles with lots of energy, and I'm more comfortable voicing male characters that have medium or higher pitched voices.I also can do female and androgynous voices as well.I also like doing lots of different accents too!  Oh, and I sing too!If you need my discord or email, just let me know! 
Skills and Interests: singing voice directing
I am a Voice Actor, Video Editor, Writer, Director, and Producer
I am an amature Script Writer and Actor my dream is to become so famous with my acting skills I won't have to work but I still will because being an actor is so fun. 
Music Producer, Audio Engineer, Musician and Arranger
I am a Video Editor, Music Composer, Audio Engineer, and Producer
zmand97:I am currently a musician and producer, as well as an aspiring editor and leader of projects in general. I'm not part of any studio at the moment, and I'm a solo creator. The size of my audience varies because I upload on YouTube somewhat sporadically. At the moment, my mission regarding this project and everything else I do on is primarily to lead projects or help out with existing projects.
Speaks: english
"Hope Is The Key To Your Heart!"
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Writer, Director, Producer, and Live Actor
I'm an aspiring writer, actress, singer & lyricist who loves plays, musicals, TV shows, & Movies! I'm also very autistic and loves helping out people with disabilities!
Speaks: english
An active double major in Film Productions and Digital Arts! Attending university for future of Tv Show Creator.
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Animator, Writer, Director, Producer, and Live Actor
Hello, I am Michael, 18. I have a passion to create tv shows and video games. He/Him please!
Speaks: english
Vamptastic Vtuber
Nice to meet you, I am Tamahr the Vampire. I am a Vtuber, Voice Actor, and Director for my own show and video game, and for other projects. I hope we can have a good time!
I am a Voice Actor, Animator, Writer, Director, and Producer
Ok... Lets start at the very begining, my name is Tamahr Williams, I was biten by a 33-year-old vampire, and I became the one and only--- Wait... this is a Spiderverse reference! Let me hold that back! ____________________________________________________I'm Tamahr the Vampire, I am a Vtuber, voice actor, and RPG maker. Who is looking for a project to work on so, I can start my true journey! Mostly I get lazy, but I'm trying my very best to do some stuff. Also I'm also Autistic, just to let you know. So, if you want me to voice act a project or ask me to voice act for my project, make sure to go to my discord server. ____________________________________________________Roles I done:Marnix- Cosmic war ((48) Cosmic war episode one “bloodshed” [animated sci fi series] 16+ - YouTube)Tamahr, Andrew, Ori, and Vinninenie- Tamahr's Normal Life (
Voice Description: Android any child creature female female adult female child Female Creature female senior female teen female young adult Genderfluid He's 200 years old Male male adult male child Male Creature male senior male teen male young adult neutral nonbinary pokemon they/them They/Them Teen They/Them/Their unknown A bit mean Actor alien Anger Anger issues Anger problem Angry any anything badass Bad Mannered Bowser Brave Busy calm caring Caring for her girlfriend chill Chilling Choir Clueless Clumsy Cocky Cold Cool creature cute deep depressed Doggy dumb Eccentric evil Excited Extroverted Fair fast Fast talker fast talking Flamboyant Flippant flirty focused formal friendly fun funny Goombas greedy Grieved gruff grumpy happy Has a bit of an anger problem Hellhole Heroic Hot Iconic Impatient Insane Intelligent Introduction kind Kinda Flirty Kind to nature King Lazy little mad loud Loves Shadow Queen Loving Loyal luigi Mafia Man in 50s mario Mature meme Meme-able Merciful Messing around mischievous Monstrous mother Namekian nice Normal Old Organized Outgoing patient Peach Perverted petty Pirate Playful Plotting polite Polyglot powerful Power Ranger Pretty Prideful Prince Protective queen Quick-witted Quips raspy relatable Responsible rich Rivaled with Goku rock Sad Sadistic Sarcastic Sassy Scared Scaredy-cat Scaredy Cat Scary Selfish serious Simp singing/vocals smart smooth Smug Sneaky Soft-spoken Strategist Strict strong Superhero super sentai supportive Sweet taunting Theif Thief Thinkable Threating tiktoker tired Toads Tomboy Tough Ultra Instinct upbeat Up to the challenge Villian warm Wise-Cracking Wizard Wolf like Yandere