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I am a Voice Actor, Artist, and Writer
Hello everyone, I am an aspiring author. I love webtoons, comics, manhwas, and mangas. I have always wanted to produce one of my own!  I also wish to try out voice acting. Might be fun who knows!?
Speaks: english
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Writer, Director, Producer, and Live Actor
Hi! My name is Grays Micaela and I am a multi-faceted performer, who has been in love with the stage and all things art since I could walk. My brand is "The Renaissance Girl"- I have always loved the idea of being a person that could handle anything/do anything. Creating and running businesses is my passion, therefore I am currently working towards my Bachelors in Communication. I love being positive, going to concerts, being artistic and doing all sorts of things at the same time and then complaining about how tired I am. Welcome to the circus!
Voice Description: female young adult
I eat pie that's called Nothing lol.  
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Animator, Video Editor, Music Composer, Audio Engineer, Writer, Director, and Producer ^more information & production credits. Name: VentiVoice Actor, Violinist, and more.
Contact Info:Casting Call Club: [You're Here.] Please PM/DM me for my email.Discord: Still_Oi [Formerly Still_Oi#4339]

Please contact me for serious inquiries. 
Facts About Me:Likes; Ice creams, books, writing, making music, sweets, travelling. Dislikes: discrimination, hateful content.Age: HIGH SCHOOL. Gender: Female (she/her)Accent: Korean American/North American.         My Activity:SEPT-JUN = 15:00-17:00 PST TIME AVAILABILITY.
Jan Theurich
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Video Editor, Writer, Director, Producer, and Live Actor
Jan Theurich, BA. – Produzent und RegisseurJan Theurich, geboren am 14.08.1995 in Velbert, Nordrhein-Westfalen, ist ein deutscher Synchronregisseur und Filmproduzent.Im Jahr 2020 erlangte er den akademischen Grad des Bachelor of Arts an der Fachhochschule Dortmund. Dort studierte er Film mit den Schwerpunkten Regie und Produktion. Mit seiner wissenschaftlichen Thesis über Qualitätsmerkmale in der Synchronregie verfasste er eine der ersten kunstwissenschaftlichen Betrachtungen zu diesem Thema und wurde mit der Prüfungsnote 1,0 ausgezeichnet.Im Hauptberuf arbeitete er für Werbeagenturen, Produktionsfirmen und Fernsehsender und koordiniert heute internationale Videoproduktionen als Leitender Videoredakteur.Seit 2017 engagiert er sich in der Nachwuchsförderung und betreut angehende Schauspieler:innen im Rahmen der Produktion seiner Herzensprojekte wie Trust me, I‘m a Dungeoneer.
I am a Artist, Video Editor, Writer, and Director
Voice Description: child female adult
Skills and Interests: managing
Checkmate official
Email for questions: [email protected]
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Video Editor, Audio Engineer, Writer, Director, and Producer
Welcome to the Checkmate Casting Center. This is where anyone can apply for any roles in the Checkmate Series or any projects that the creator's making. This is made by creator, Angel Orr and More.Skills:Director (self-taught)Producer (self-taught)Art (mostly self-taught)Voice acting (self-taught)Writing (learned from my High School English teacher)Video editing (self-taught)
Accents: north american
Emerging Voice Actor Ready to Bring Characters to Life!
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Video Editor, and Writer
25 Year Old doing voice acting as a hobby and enjoy taking on all sorts of roles. I take special interest in Star wars, LOTR, Harry Potter, and Dark Horror or Fantasy projects!
Speaks: english
Elise W.
Elise Wagenknecht.
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, and Writer
Hello! Im Abbigail, I am an amateur V/A and song artist. I am currently working on learning both JP & KO. But for now, I am fully fluent in English. I play a bit of guitar as well and write music rather easily.Time Zone: CDT.Open For Work
こんにちは!私は Abbigail、アマチュア V/A および歌のアーティストです. 私は現在、JP & KO の両方を学習することに取り組んでいます.しかし今のところ、私は英語を完全に流暢に話せま. 私はギターも少し弾きますし、曲も比較的簡単に書きます.タイムゾーン: CDT.仕事のために開いている.
안녕하세요! 저는 Abbigail이고 아마추어 V/A이자 노래 아티스트입니다. 저는 현재 JP & KO를 모두 배우는 중입니다. 하지만 지금은 영어를 완전히 유창하게 구사합니다. 나는 기타도 조금 연주하고 비교적 쉽게 음악을 씁니다.시간대: CDT.근무 가능.
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