Youtube video titled every cryptid explained

Youtube video titled every cryptid explained

Project Overview

i am looking for a narrator for a 5 hour long youtube video titled every cryptid explained'

i am sure that this video is going to get a lot of views.

your hard work won't go unnoticed - i am giving credit where credit's due! Your social media links will shine in the video

description, bringing you some well-deserved recognition. it's a chance to shine and open doors for more opportunities.

The ideal candidate is one who can adeptly manage audio post-production tasks, including cleanup and retake editing.

The payment is low because the channel is very small right now, and I don t make much money from it.

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Project Roles: Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 20 USD
cast offsite
  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • narration
  • american
  • Cryptids are creatures or beings whose existence is suggested by purported sightings, folklore, or other evidence, but which are not recognized by mainstream science. These creatures often exist in the realm of urban legends, myths, and folklore, with reported sightings typically lacking credible evidence. Some famous examples of cryptids include Bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster, the Chupacabra, and the Yeti. While many cryptids are associated with supernatural or paranormal phenomena, others may have more mundane explanations, such as misidentified animals or hoaxes. Cryptid research is often conducted by cryptozoologists, who study these creatures and attempt to gather evidence of their existence.


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