

Project Overview

Welcome to the thrilling world of audio theatre!

Triumphant is a 9 episode anthology of 6-8 minute imaginative explorations into the superhero genre. All of the best audio storytelling is equal parts voice acting and the music that enhances it. This is where you come in. 

What you are auditioning for is the opportunity to breathe life into one of our sprawling diaspora of fantastical characters. As actors, we have lightened the recording load significantly. Since these are 6-8 minute episodes, any given character will have about 15-55 seconds of total dialogue per episode. So give us your best audition performance lines for characters that most interest you!

Here is your short list of essential knowledge:

1) You may submit no more than 3 auditions across different episodes 

2) You may do up to 2 different takes per line

3) Every audition must include: Social media handle. Ethnicity you identify as. Pronouns. Device you're recording on.

If you are selected, you will be contacted, and sent the dialogue, along with any pertinent helpful notes. We want to make it as easy for you to win as possible.

Make sure to have a lot of fun, and we look forward to hearing the submissions!

Even though some characters have gendered designations in the descriptions, anybody can audition for any role that interests them. 


If you're curious in listening to our past projects, feel free to check our stories out here:

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Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Queen Rafa | Triumphant: Episode 2
Role assigned to: KeciaDoesVO

A royal queen with two daughters at odds with one another.Queen Rafa understands the argument growing between both of her daughters, yet is steadfast in how proud she remains of both of them. Queen Rafa has the magical abilities of physical healing, and looks forward to the day she and her husband can leave the kingdom to their youngest daughter, so they can spend all of their time developing more complex magic based technology.

  • I am so proud of you daughter.

  • Quickly- hide here! The Gunslinger will not find you.

  • Your sisterhood is the most important thing!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Princess Nyla | Triumphant: Episode 2
cast offsite

The youngest born child of Queen Rafa and King Bylu. While her older sister has no magical abilities, Princess Nyla was born full of the magic which courses through the kingdom. Because of her magic powers, she also has become heir to the throne... which angers her older sister. Princess Nyla doesn't think it's a big deal and just wants her big sister to treat her like normal and stop being so angry.

  • Mother- I don't thin Vianna likes me.

  • They don't love me more than you!

  • Why don't you just grow up??

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Cyon | Triumphant: Episode 3
Role assigned to: Rule19Cosplay

Cyon is an empath with enhanced strength, and a member of the older teenaged crime fighting group "Winds of Justice." Cyon is brave with a timid sounding voice, but never one to abandon teammates no matter how stark the situation has become.

  • It's... really dark in here.

  • (gasp) What's that?

  • I don't like the way this feels at all.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Blinker | Triumphant: Episode 3
Role assigned to: Jephblee

Blinker is also a member of the older teenaged crime fighting team "Winds of Justice." Can rotate optic blast types with every blink. Sturdy and reliable in combat, the Blinker ability and moniker have been passed down throughout generations, and when Blinker's own child comes of age, the family tradition will continue.

  • You're the team leader- so lead.

  • Everybody get down!

  • Make no mistake... this is going to hurt.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Akanji | Triumphant: Episode 3
Role assigned to: GANJAGENERAL

Akanji was the oldest member of the older teenaged crime fighting team "Winds of Justice." Akanji was different because, while everyone else on the team has some sort of superpower, Akanji is the descendant of old wizardry. When Akanji came of age, and completed the Trials of Battle Magic, two living blades were the boon of that victory. Akanji and Emerald Vengeance were best friends, and it was Akanji who convinced Emerald Vengeance to accept the role as leader of the Winds of Justice.

  • All I know of life is fighting for what you want.

  • I'm sure we'll get out of this... somehow.

  • I'm gonna miss you pal.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Raspin Torris | Triumphant: Episode 4
cast offsite

Raspin Torres is a mercenary hired to kidnap children for the good of the planet. Black and white perspective on survival, and unmoved by the emotional pleading of victims or their families.

  • You're wasting all of our time.

  • Maybe you should be stronger.

  • A trial is no place for the impotence of your tears.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Dr. Manoq | Triumphant: Episode 4
Role assigned to: Chad Singleton

A statistician and highly advanced intellect. Dr. Manoq sees things very practically, and has an unshakeable believe in always taking the most direct route to change, no matter how harsh or distasteful. Either you want change... or you don't.

  • The few will always be the cost of the many.

  • According to my projections, approximately 1 million deaths will be averted.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Dr. Janer | Triumphant: Episode 4
cast offsite

Dr. Janer is the statistician with heart. While sharing the believe with Dr. Manoq that true progress sometimes requires actions that are distasteful- Dr. Janer is equally cognizant of the impact of harsh actions upon the psyche and the soul, and questions whether the success in one area is truly worth the failure in the other.

  • The numbers don't lie, but we are more than numbers.

  • You're not the only doctor here!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
High Priest Bunak | Triumphant: Episode 4
Role assigned to: Jephblee

High Priest Bunak is an opportunistic mystic, who will cut any corner or take any job in order to ascend the ladder of prestige and social power. Priest Bunak knows that attaining the rank of Priest Diadem is unlikely, but that may not be necessary if chosen by their home planet as its Herald and executor of dark deeds.

  • Anything you wish, my lord.

  • I assure you... every sacrifice was necessary.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Darkholm | Triumphant: Episode 4
Role assigned to: marristaks

A supervillain with an extremely measured speaking voice. No one knows Darkholm by face, which allows for public visitations unbothered. Darkholm will do anything to discredit superheroes- including support the mercenary Raspin Torris.

  • What are you so afraid of? It's just a little pain.

  • Admit it hero... you've become obsolete.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Kahz | Triumphant: Episode 5
Role assigned to: Chad Singleton

Kahz is a foot soldier for the military on the sentient planet "Estelle." He will do whatever it takes, within moral grounds, to protect his planet. Kahz is fiercely loyal and deeply looks up to Estelle's legendary military leader Commander Luva. 

  • Commander! Invaders!

  • I've got bad news from the front lines.

  • Argh. I've been hit.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Keeper 990 | Triumphant: Episode 5
cast offsite

An agent from an order of time traveling assassins. Under the lead of the Director, Keeper 990 and their cohort have returned from a banned time period in galactic history with stolen technology. Keeper 990 believes heavily in the Director's grander aspirations, and will follow any order without question.

  • We have landed, Director.

  • Superheroes are pathetic.

  • Cloaking array maintaining, Director!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Captain Jules Ranger | Triumphant: Episode 7
cast offsite

An elite soldier of the intergalactic police force the Golden Warriors. Captain Jules Ranger worked her way up with no family wealth, savvy political connections, or formal training. She works with superheroes as she sees fit, but harbors a bit of prejudice against superheroes common in all Golden Warriors. She is no nonsense, and will do whatever it takes to achieve peace in the big picture.

  • You're under arrest!

  • Heh. I know that one hurt you!

  • *wheezing* Only... one of us... is walking out of this.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Rank Mansion | Triumphant: Episode 7
Role assigned to: Timothysmallvo

Rank Mansion is a member of the intergalactic police force the Golden Warriors. He's the lowest in his troop, and constantly trying to earn the respect of his peers by being extra brutish on missions. He'll follow any order, no matter how questionable. He isn't evil, but he's ignorant and means well, which makes him more dangerous than he otherwise might be. 

  • I've got this one Captain.

  • I'll take you down without firing a single shot!

  • I'm not supposed to enjoy killing superheroes- but I'll take the write up.

Multiple | Triumphant: Episode 8
Role assigned to: marristaks

Welcome singers!

Looking for groups, individuals, and rappers! If you've got a vocal, musical talent, we want to hear it. Here's how your audition works.

The first slot is where you sing one minute of your favorite song from your favorite musical.

The second slot is where you rap a whole verse from your favorite musical.

The third slot is the magic slot- you can interpret it however you want. We want to hear how you play.

  • One minute of your favorite musical.

  • One rap verse from your favorite musical.

  • "What's gonna happen with this superhero when the super is on the line?"


Public Submissions

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