The Scourge of Lordaeron (World of Warcraft Movie)

Project Overview

Hello everyone!

This project is called "The Scourge of Lordaeron", it happens during the events of the human campaign from Warcraft 3, but instead of focusing the a more global storyline, it focuses on a little town and how those big events affect it. Following it from prosperity to its inevitable fall to the scourge

The movie will follow the town as it deals with the plague, the cult of the damned and swarming forces of undead. It will be fully shot in Unreal engine using World of Warcraft assets, and for now doesn't have a fixated runtime.

All the character designs and lines are a work in progress (So some characters will have very basic looks while others wont even be displayed for now, updates on that are sure to come)

Feel free to contact me on twitter or discord if you have any questions

I've done two videos revolving on this movie already, a trailer, and a WiP check of the Village the movie will take place in

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  • Radio Silence

    Sorry for the radio silence the last few months! I've been quite busy with exams and whatnot, but everything will be ready to go and everyone will get their respective lines by the beginning of summer, thank you all for waitting!
Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Captain Brennen Clive

Age: 28

Weapons: Sword and Shield

Son of a Stormwind Knight that fell during the siege of Stormwind. His father’s friend, Cyrus took him in as his own son. He has lived in Ashenwood ever since.  After his mentor Cyrus retired he took the mantle of Captain of the Village's guard.

Characteristics: Bold, assertive, witty, noble, determined, protective, sentimental, adventurous.

  • I’ve come to appreciate your honesty Ciara, even in front of high ranking officials. Let’s go, there’s much to attend to.

  • Welcome to Ashenwood Seranis. I am Captain Brennen Clive, and this is my Lieutenant, Ciara Barclay.

  • I can’t let you do that Penney, what if they turn on the populace, that’s too great of a risk!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Lieutenant Ciara Clive

Age: 25

Weapons: Crossbow and Sword

Brennen's Lieutenant. Native to Ashenwood. Clearly has some interest in Brennen.

Characteristics: Impulsive, challenging, independent, assertive, pushy, brave, irreverent, blunt.

  • Sir, you expect us to pull men from the patrols to guard the orcs? There has been no incidents for 3 years.

  • (Annoyed) Late as always, are we?

  • (playfully/flirty) You’ve know me for long enough not to still be impressed by it.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Seranis Sunshard

Age: Adult

Weapons: Staff and Sword

Seranis is a High Elf emissary from Dalaran. He comes in behalf of the Kirin Tor to investigate the rumours of the plague in the Northlands

Characteristics: Focused, curious, stern, mature, peaceful, reserved, observant.

  • Indeed I did. I would like to know if you could spare a few forces for my research effort, I’m afraid the wilds are not as safe as they used to be.

  • Wonderful, I will go to him right away! Thank you.

  • Still, it is my task here to help the people of Lordaeron. You wouldn’t like the blood of your people on your hands, dead by the hundreds, all because a petty old man wouldn’t trust an elf. Is that what you want?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Former Captain Cyrus
Role assigned to: BodaciousBob

Age: 54

Weapons: Sword

Cyrus was the former mercenary who took in Brennen as a child when his father die during the siege of Stormwind. With the help of Johnson he moved to Ashenwood, where eventually he became the captain of the City's guard, eventually stepping down the mantle to give way to Brennen.

Characteristics: Experienced, negotiating, wise, protective, brave, tactical, resourceful, honorable, mature, diplomatic.

  • He is hard on the surface, but he is a good man. He’d do anything for our village, just like any of us would. Were it not for him, we might have just have been refugees, living off what others can spare.

  • Your father made me promise that I would protect you at all cost.

  • Close your eyes boy. You don’t need to see this.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Warden Penney
Role assigned to: Astralogion

Age: 60

Penney is the warden of Ashenwood's small orc internment camp. He is respectful towards the orc prisoners, unlike most wardens he treats them like people instead of monsters, it is a Controversial Practice.

Characteristics: Peaceful, generous, forgiving, noble, daring, controversial.

  • Look at them Brennen, they talk and feel, just like us. All these years I’ve tried to treat them with dignity in hope we could co-exist one day. We can’t keep prisoners for ever. But this increase in patrols in the camp have put the orcs under pressure. They are already devoid of energy due to the lack of exposure to demonic magic, this constant vigil will only worsen those effects I’m afraid.

  • I know, I know. But these orcs are doomed to stay here forever, rumour has it that the reformed horde has already set sail West. A small camp such as this one was overlooked in their plans.

  • Brennen, there’s something I wished to discuss with you in private.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Chief Krom

Age: 44

Brought to the camp after the battle near blackrock mountain, this once proud Blackrock orc has been reduced to a Lethargic prisioner, even so he tends to speak up for his fellow orcs, and acts as their "Leader"

Characteristics: Glum, aloof, troubled, lazy, unreliable, lost. (evolution towards: Determined and respectful)

  • You seek my help human? After keeping us jailed like beasts for all these years.

  • Lok'tar ogar! For the Horde!

  • The horde's spirit must live on in each of us.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Militiamaster Johnson

Age: 48

Johnson has always lived in Ashenwood, he's a man of the people. He tends to believe the village is his, and because of that he tends to be very judging of outsiders. But beneath his rude exterior, Johnson is a man who would do anything to protect those he loves.

Characteristics: Serious, loud, bold, adamant, bossy, controlling, full of himself

  • There ain’t no plague in this village Elf-boy, not on my watch

  • You're an abomination to this world. I spit on your wretched kind!

  •  As much as I don’t like admitting it, you’re right. I may not trust your pointy eared kind, but I sure as heck don’t want any plague in my village. I’ll help.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Scoutmaster Grodrik

Age: Adult

Grodrik is a wildhammer dwarf that decided to settle in Ashenwood after his service in the second war. Thanks to his mastery in the wilds he became the village's leading scout.

Characteristics: Stern, cunning, blunt, anti-social, tactical, resourceful, straight-to-the-point.

  • Meh scouts have reported that there's movement near the river.

  • Aye. 'Tis very bad. We need tae get back to Brennen and tell him what we saw.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Private Isabel

Age: 20

Characteristics: Shy, generous, peaceful, friendly, warming, pure, helpful, naive.

  • (hesitant) I'm Private Isabel Sir.

  • What of the villagers? 

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Private Harris
Role assigned to: BSSchouten

Age: 21

Characteristics: Obnoxious, loud, rambunctious, immature, witty, loyal, obedient, socially awkward.

  • I'm so excited for my first day!

  • And who are you? I'm Harris!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Dorothy is an old woman known for her exceptional bread. She supplies most of the village with it.

She has served to a degree as Brennen's motherly figure.

  • Brennen, sweetie! Do you have a moment?

  • Have you heard news from Andorhal? The Grain shipment is running late. I’ll barely have enough grain for this week’s bread.

  • Thank you dear. Send my greetings to Ciara for me will you?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Father Gustavius

Father Gustavius is the Village's priest. He always stands for what is right and his faith is unwavering, even when facing extreme odds.

  • Thank the Light, the grain has arrived!

  • The church of the Light appreciates your service young pilgrim.

  • What is the meaning of this? Are we to be reduced to worshippers of death? The light has not yet abandonned us friends!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
King Terenas Menethil II

King Terenas has been the ruler of Lordaeron for the Last 50 years, and during that time he has lead his kingdom to great heights. But problems plague the kingdom and he must decide how to better protect it.

Voice reference:

  • I will not be remember as the King who slaughtered an entire population for the sake of prevention. My orders for the upkeep of the internment camps remain. But I will call for their garrisons to be doubled.

  • I will send Prince Arthas and Uther to investigate the claims of the existence of that plague, and a group of our finest men led by Captains Marwyn and Falric.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
General Warford
Role assigned to: AndrewM

  • My King, I come with dire news.

  • There have been reports of missing missing villagers among the Northlands, and the rumours of a plague keep spreading.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Stormwind Ambassador

  • Those vile orcs are surely responsible for the kidnappings, those savages know nothing more than violence.

  • It’s nothing more than rumours or a flu! Stormwind won’t stand idle while the orcs amass at our very doorstep. You highness, I beg of you, terminate the orc threat, don’t you see that they will once again bring destruction our lands? The internment camps have been proven a failure, many of them are being liberated as we speak, it’s only a matter of time until they burn Lordaeron as they have burnt Stormwind. And where will the refugees go? Many Nations were lost to the Horde’s wrath, don’t allow any more to fall!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Quel'Thalas Ambassador
Role assigned to: Cameron Stevens

  • The orcs are not our primary concern human, this “Plague” requires investigation, who knows what repercussions it could have.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Kirin Tor Ambassador
Role assigned to: Carbek

  • What of the plague Sire? The Kirin Tor can provide agents to help with the investigations, but without proper escort I’m afraid it would be too dangerous

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Commander Stansfield

  • I’m sorry Captain, King’s orders.

  • Don’t worry Captain, I understand her concern. But we cannot allow the Horde to regroup after all they’ve done.

  • But worry not Lieutenant, some of my men will be staying here to help. I shall return soon with the rest of my men, we just need to follow on some leads left by an orc escapee from a nearby camp.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Brennen's Father

Brennen's father sacrificed his life to help the citizens of Stormwind flee during the Horde's siege

  • Promise me you'll take care of him no matter what.

  • I have to do this Cyrus. I am Sworn to defend Stormwind!

  • (reassuringly) I'll see you on the other side little man...

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Young Brennen
Role assigned to: RyanDay

  • Where are you going papa?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Penney's Cousin

  • I hope this letter finds you well.

  • there's something wrong here. The populace is turning against eachother... turning into... things.

  • Prince Arthas has betrayed us, his army is rushing into the city as we speak, they are slaughtering everyone!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Lordaeron Pilgrim
Role assigned to: Astralogion

  • Undeath is a curse upon these lands! I shall purge you!

  • Die wretch!

  • For Lordaeron!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Cult of the Damned Members / Leaders

The cult of the damned seek the death of all things.

They serve the Lich King, and entity that rules over the undead from atop the frozen throne.

  • *Feel free to try any generic line*

  • *battle grunts*

  • The Lich King Empowers us! Death shall inherit this world!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Lordaeron Guards / Soldiers

  • *Feel free to try any generic line*

  • *battle grunts*

  • For Lordaeron!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

  • *Feel free to try any generic line*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Orc Grunts / Prisioners

  • *Feel free to try any generic line*

  • *battle grunts*

  • Lok'tar Ogar! For the Horde!


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