The House in Fata Morgana - Fully Voiced Fandub
Project Overview
The House in Fata Morgana is a visual novel developed by Novect. It is my favourite story ever told, and definitely worthy of pro-level voice acting! This project will see the whole game (alternate endings pending) voiced by actors like you! All roles have been assigned except for the two protagonists of the tale - EXCITING!! I'd love to hear all your wonderful interpretations of these two extremely compelling characters. To start, I am planning to post this fandub to YouTube, and if it manages to generate any revenue, I will split the gains evenly among all performers.
As is evident from the sides, this story delves into some heavy subject matter. Blood, murder, torture, incest and SA are all featured in one form or another. I believe all of these are tastefully applied throughout the game, though I 100% understand if this isn't for you. Scene 3 of the sides demands intense screaming from Giselle in particular—and there are two other instances where this will be required of her performer. For actors auditioning for both characters, please ensure you have a setup + environment allowing for extreme levels of sound before submitting.
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Giselle is and upbeat, hopeful woman, and the second daughter of a small merchant family. At age 20, she is plucked from the streets of Lausanne and put to work as a maid in service of the Bollinger household. Soon after, she is repeatedly assaulted by the patriarch, Antonin, and blackmailed out of retaliating—lest her mother and sister suffer the consequences. When the matriarch, Lydie, learns of her husband’s infidelity, Giselle is banished to the mansion where Michel has long been living. She endeavors to connect with Michel as a means of overcoming her trauma. The Maid is the form Giselle assumes following her desperate bid with the witch Morgana to see her slain love Michel reincarnated. As The Maid, she remains confined to the walls of the ethereal mansion for the better part of a millennium, eventually forgetting why and for whom she brokered the deal in the first place. With nothing but her regrets and the witch’s occasional “guests” to keep her company, she almost entirely loses her sense of self and purpose.
Please read the following three scenes: (apologies for awkward formatting; the real script is much nicer xD)
GISELLE — Say, Master, what did you do all this time all by yourself?
MICHEL — That’s an exceedingly vague question.
GISELLE — Umm… say when you were really, really stupidly bored out of your mind, what did you do to keep yourself occupied?
MICHEL — ………Meditate?
GISELLE — Just how many times have you reached enlightenment?!
MICHEL — …I sometimes played chess too.
GISELLE — Chess…? Wait, by yourself?
MICHEL — Yes. I imagine how an opponent might react to my moves and play the other side that way.
GISELLE — (Th-That’s kind of depressing to think about.) How about this, Master! Play a game against me!
MICHEL — …Do you know the rules?
GISELLE — You bet I do. I do come from a family of merchants, so I keep up with trends and know all sorts of games.
GISELLE — Hehehe. Prepare to meet your maker!
MICHEL — …So, who was I supposed to prepare to meet again?
GISELLE — R-Rrrgh… (C-Come on! Have a little mercy! You trounced me!) O-One more time! I just wasn’t at the top of my game!
GISELLE — R-Rrrrgh…!
MICHEL — When am I going to meet this “maker”?
GISELLE — What?! How?! When did you put me in checkmate?! One more!
GISELLE — H-H-Hold on! That’s not fair! Take it baaaack!
GISELLE — Aaah, my kiiiing…
GISELLE— P-Please stoooooooop!
MICHEL— Amateur…
GISELLE — N-Nnnnnnnnrh…! Can’t you go just a little bit easy?!
MICHEL — You never asked me to go easy.
GISELLE — This isn’t a game! This is a slaughter! This is a one-sided massacre!
MICHEL — About this “maker”…
GISELLE — I-I’m looking right at him…
MICHEL — That was actually kind of fun.
GISELLE — No it wasn’t! It was miserable! Next time, we’re playing something fair.
MICHEL — Such as?
GISELLE — Um, let’s see… Ooh, I know. Arm wrestling!
MICHEL — Huh? Arm wrestling?
GISELLE — Yeah. You sit across from each other, put your elbow on the table, grab hands, and see who can pin the other down.
MICHEL — Who would ever willingly participate in such a primitive competition?
GISELLE — Not interested, then? Or are you afraid you might lose?
MICHEL — …All right, then. I can’t imagine losing to a woman.
GISELLE — Hehehe. Okay, elbow on the table. Start on my count. Reaaaady, go!
MICHEL — ?! Nrgh?! Nnnnnnnnh?!
THE MAID — Master? Wake up, Master. Wake up.
MICHEL — ………Where am I?
THE MAID — Oh, splendid… You have finally awoken… Good morning, Master.
MICHEL — Good morning…
THE MAID — Hehe, what is the matter? Are you still waking up? You seem rather drowsy. Come now, you must gather yourself. Though I am glad to hear your voice. I have simply been waiting so long for this moment. Tending to the mansion all by my lonesome, ensuring it was ready for your return—whenever that time may be. When I caught sight of you through the window, my heart fluttered. The time had finally arrived.
MICHEL — …The window…
THE MAID — What kind of herbal tea would you like to start your day with? I have some wonderful chamomile leaves, if you would like. Or perhaps your tastes have changed since last we met. Tell me, Master, what would you like?
MICHEL — (…Master…)
THE MAID — Hehehe… I beg your pardon. I allowed myself to get too excited. But I hope you will be sympathetic, Master. I am just utterly elated that I could see you again.
MICHEL — … (Her voice… is so lifeless… Though her words are lively… it all feels so… empty. I don’t know why… but it’s incredibly sad… Not just her… The very mansion… in which I sit… is incredibly sad…) …I don’t… know who… you are…
THE MAID — Oh my, you do not know who I am?
MICHEL — …I don’t know… anything…
THE MAID — Do you not know who you are, either?
MICHEL — …I do not…
THE MAID — That is quite the predicament. If you cannot remember who you are, then who am I to serve?
MICHEL — … (The air of death suspended around her… is terrifying… Though she, herself, is not. Do I really want to know… the source of this discomfort…?)
THE MAID — You are the master of this house. Though it would seem you have no memories of such. Quite the dilemma… If you know not who you are, then you are no different than a stranger to me, no?
MICHEL — …Didn’t you… just say… that I had… “returned”…?
THE MAID — Indeed, you have returned. But from where? That, I cannot say.
MICHEL — …I see… I don’t know either…
THE MAID — Then how about this? I am a servant of this mansion, and as such, I am familiar with the many incidents that have taken place here. I shall show you the history of this house, Master. That will surely allow you to recall who you are.
MICHEL — All right…
THE MAID — Let us be off, then. And fear not—I merely entreat you not to let go of my hand. Should you hold it tightly, you need not worry about being washed away by the waves of history. No matter what happens, you mustn’t let go of my hand.
MICHEL — (Her palm… is so cold… Touching her skin like this… almost makes me want to cry. Why would that be?)
VILLAGER F — Aaah, i-it’s a demon! The rumors about this place were true! A cursed demon lives there!
GISELLE — (Demon? Him? Michel?) N-No, he’s not curs—
MICHEL — Indeed! I am cursed! The witch’s curse is real! I have inherited it, in its entirety—as well as her purpose! A witch, a demon, a spirit impure! Call me whatever you wish! For the truth shall not change! I carry within me an eternal curse! Behold my flesh, pale as the moon! No red blood flows beneath this skin, as it does yours! Behold my hair, utterly devoid of colour, offered up to the Devil as part of our pact! Behold these crimson eyes! A symbol of the lifeblood spilt at my hands!
VILLAGER D — Ah… aaah…
MICHEL — I shall bring calamity upon you, as the witch of legend! Neverending famine! Plague! Catastrophe! Suffering for generations! Until the moment of your deaths, you shall regret ever coming near this place!
VILLAGER D — N-No, no! H-Have mercyyyy! We were just—
AMEDEE — It was that woman! She brought us here! Tempted us with promises of wealth! Deceived us! Told us to pillage this house! We’re innocent!
GISELLE — Amedee…
AMEDEE — P-Please have mercy on us!
MICHEL — …Give her to me, then, as an offering.
AMEDEE — A-Absolutely, she’s yours! Torture her however you please!
MICHEL — I have one more condition: you never come near this house again. If you so much as consider it… you will all die by my curse!
AMEDEE — I-I swear it! We won’t return!
VILLAGER D — R-Run! Get out of heeeere!
MICHEL — …Don’t think I’m helping you... Look at me… Look at me, Giselle! Tell me… is it true you returned to the mansion to plunder it?! That you brought those men here? To rob me of my valuables?! Answer me, Giselle!
GISELLE — …Yes, it’s true… I persuaded them… to steal from you…
MICHEL — Are you really so desperate for money that you resort to looting?! Just how low will you go?! Not only did you seduce my father! Not only did you go digging around for information about me! You brought a mob to this house! And they were armed too! Were you trying to get me killed?! ANSWER ME, GISELLE!
MICHEL — Not even going to defend yourself?! Your scheme failed, so you’re retreating into silence?! Ahh, for god’s sake… you sicken me! I’m done with you. I’m done! Leave this place! And never show your face here again!
GISELLE — ……me…
MICHEL — What?!
GISELLE — If you want me gone, then kill me! You can do that, can’t you?! You can use your curse to kill me, can’t you?! Then do it! Right here! Use your power! Take my life! And if you don’t want to do that, stab me with your knife! Kill me, kill me… KILL MEEEEEEEE!!!
MICHEL — What—
GISELLE — I’m done! I can’t take it! I’m through with this whole world! No one will believe anything I say! No one cares one bit about how I feel! They just walk all over me, laughing! Why? Tell me, why?! Why is this happening to me?! I never stole anything!
MICHEL — Wh— What are you talking about?
GISELLE — I tried my best… to look happy… I thought everything would work out if I could keep smiling… I believed that would make things better! But nothing ever got better! What did I ever do?! Tell me, what did I do?!
MICHEL — What did— But you…
GISELLE — All I did— All I ever did was believe! Tried my best to survive, to always wear a smile! But if everything’s going to be my fault… and I have to deal with that for the rest of my life… then I’m done… I don’t want to live anymore! I don’t want to live in this world anymore!
MICHEL — C-Calm down, please. I don’t follow what you’re saying. My understanding… is that you desired money… so you brought that mob… And before that… you used my father…
GISELLE — You wouldn’t believe me even if I told you the real story! You’ll take your family’s word over mine! You don’t have any idea what I went through there! How hard it was just to keep myself together!
GISELLE — I never wanted riches! All I wanted was a decent enough wage to allow my family to live comfortably! That’s all I wanted! B-But that man, he— he used… my family against me! H-He made me— F-Fo— Forced m-me— me to—! He— He r—
MICHEL — ………
MICHEL — ………What?
GISELLE — A-Again and again, no matter how much I resisted, h-he wouldn’t stop, again and again… H-He threatened me… beat… beat me… c— cut me w— with a knife… Over and over and over again!!!
MICHEL — …Wh… What? M-My father… raped you?
GISELLE — No one would believe me! I— I did n-nothing wr-wrong! Y-You don’t b-believe me either, do you?! So I’m done! I don’t want… this body anymore…! I don’t want… to live like this anymore! I can’t take it anymore… Help me, please… Set me free! Kill me… KILL ME ALREADYYYY!!! Use your curse and kill me! KILL MEEEEEEEE!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH!!!
MICHEL — …G-Give me… Give me a moment… I-I need time… to process this…
GISELLE — You can do it, can’t you?! Then kill me already! Kill me, kill me now!
GISELLE — Kill… me… dammiiiiiiiit!!!
MICHEL — G-Give me time… so we can talk this through… I want to hear everything… from the beginning…
GISELLE — Aah, aaaah, aaaaaaaahhh!
MICHEL — I-Inside… Let’s go inside… and talk. The light… hurts my eyes…
- english
- female adult
- female young adult
*Say something you think would fit*

Michel Bollinger is the third son of the noble Bollinger family. An albino, intersex individual presumed female at birth, he would grow to self-identify as a man—disconcerting his family. He undergoes immense torment, ridicule and mockery before departing to live in exile within an abandoned mansion owned by his father Antonin. His mother Lydie longs for the day his “curse” is broken: when her “daughter” Michelle may return to her. The witch Morgana sees to it that his decade-long stay in the mansion is anything but peaceful. He meets the eventual love of his life, Giselle, when he is 27 years old.
Please read the following three scenes: (apologies for awkward formatting; the real script is much nicer xD)
GISELLE — Say, Master, what did you do all this time all by yourself?
MICHEL — That’s an exceedingly vague question.
GISELLE — Umm… say when you were really, really stupidly bored out of your mind, what did you do to keep yourself occupied?
MICHEL — ………Meditate?
GISELLE — Just how many times have you reached enlightenment?!
MICHEL — …I sometimes played chess too.
GISELLE — Chess…? Wait, by yourself?
MICHEL — Yes. I imagine how an opponent might react to my moves and play the other side that way.
GISELLE — (Th-That’s kind of depressing to think about.) How about this, Master! Play a game against me!
MICHEL — …Do you know the rules?
GISELLE — You bet I do. I do come from a family of merchants, so I keep up with trends and know all sorts of games.
GISELLE — Hehehe. Prepare to meet your maker!
MICHEL — …So, who was I supposed to prepare to meet again?
GISELLE — R-Rrrgh… (C-Come on! Have a little mercy! You trounced me!) O-One more time! I just wasn’t at the top of my game!
GISELLE — R-Rrrrgh…!
MICHEL — When am I going to meet this “maker”?
GISELLE — What?! How?! When did you put me in checkmate?! One more!
GISELLE — H-H-Hold on! That’s not fair! Take it baaaack!
GISELLE — Aaah, my kiiiing…
GISELLE— P-Please stoooooooop!
MICHEL— Amateur…
GISELLE — N-Nnnnnnnnrh…! Can’t you go just a little bit easy?!
MICHEL — You never asked me to go easy.
GISELLE — This isn’t a game! This is a slaughter! This is a one-sided massacre!
MICHEL — About this “maker”…
GISELLE — I-I’m looking right at him…
MICHEL — That was actually kind of fun.
GISELLE — No it wasn’t! It was miserable! Next time, we’re playing something fair.
MICHEL — Such as?
GISELLE — Um, let’s see… Ooh, I know. Arm wrestling!
MICHEL — Huh? Arm wrestling?
GISELLE — Yeah. You sit across from each other, put your elbow on the table, grab hands, and see who can pin the other down.
MICHEL — Who would ever willingly participate in such a primitive competition?
GISELLE — Not interested, then? Or are you afraid you might lose?
MICHEL — …All right, then. I can’t imagine losing to a woman.
GISELLE — Hehehe. Okay, elbow on the table. Start on my count. Reaaaady, go!
MICHEL — ?! Nrgh?! Nnnnnnnnh?!
GISELLE — Victory!
THE MAID — Master? Wake up, Master. Wake up.
MICHEL — ………Where am I?
THE MAID — Oh, splendid… You have finally awoken… Good morning, Master.
MICHEL — Good morning…
THE MAID — Hehe, what is the matter? Are you still waking up? You seem rather drowsy. Come now, you must gather yourself. Though I am glad to hear your voice. I have simply been waiting so long for this moment. Tending to the mansion all by my lonesome, ensuring it was ready for your return—whenever that time may be. When I caught sight of you through the window, my heart fluttered. The time had finally arrived.
MICHEL — …The window…
THE MAID — What kind of herbal tea would you like to start your day with? I have some wonderful chamomile leaves, if you would like. Or perhaps your tastes have changed since last we met. Tell me, Master, what would you like?
MICHEL — (…Master…)
THE MAID — Hehehe… I beg your pardon. I allowed myself to get too excited. But I hope you will be sympathetic, Master. I am just utterly elated that I could see you again.
MICHEL — … (Her voice… is so lifeless… Though her words are lively… it all feels so… empty. I don’t know why… but it’s incredibly sad… Not just her… The very mansion… in which I sit… is incredibly sad…) …I don’t… know who… you are…
THE MAID — Oh my, you do not know who I am?
MICHEL — …I don’t know… anything…
THE MAID — Do you not know who you are, either?
MICHEL — …I do not…
THE MAID — That is quite the predicament. If you cannot remember who you are, then who am I to serve?
MICHEL — … (The air of death suspended around her… is terrifying… Though she, herself, is not. Do I really want to know… the source of this discomfort…?)
THE MAID — You are the master of this house. Though it would seem you have no memories of such. Quite the dilemma… If you know not who you are, then you are no different than a stranger to me, no?
MICHEL — …Didn’t you… just say… that I had… “returned”…?
THE MAID — Indeed, you have returned. But from where? That, I cannot say.
MICHEL — …I see… I don’t know either…
THE MAID — Then how about this? I am a servant of this mansion, and as such, I am familiar with the many incidents that have taken place here. I shall show you the history of this house, Master. That will surely allow you to recall who you are.
MICHEL — All right…
THE MAID — Let us be off, then. And fear not—I merely entreat you not to let go of my hand. Should you hold it tightly, you need not worry about being washed away by the waves of history. No matter what happens, you mustn’t let go of my hand.
MICHEL — (Her palm… is so cold… Touching her skin like this… almost makes me want to cry. Why would that be?)
VILLAGER F — Aaah, i-it’s a demon! The rumors about this place were true! A cursed demon lives there!
GISELLE — (Demon? Him? Michel?) N-No, he’s not curs—
MICHEL — Indeed! I am cursed! The witch’s curse is real! I have inherited it, in its entirety—as well as her purpose! A witch, a demon, a spirit impure! Call me whatever you wish! For the truth shall not change! I carry within me an eternal curse! Behold my flesh, pale as the moon! No red blood flows beneath this skin, as it does yours! Behold my hair, utterly devoid of colour, offered up to the Devil as part of our pact! Behold these crimson eyes! A symbol of the lifeblood spilt at my hands!
VILLAGER D — Ah… aaah…
MICHEL — I shall bring calamity upon you, as the witch of legend! Neverending famine! Plague! Catastrophe! Suffering for generations! Until the moment of your deaths, you shall regret ever coming near this place!
VILLAGER D — N-No, no! H-Have mercyyyy! We were just—
AMEDEE — It was that woman! She brought us here! Tempted us with promises of wealth! Deceived us! Told us to pillage this house! We’re innocent!
GISELLE — Amedee…
AMEDEE — P-Please have mercy on us!
MICHEL — …Give her to me, then, as an offering.
AMEDEE — A-Absolutely, she’s yours! Torture her however you please!
MICHEL — I have one more condition: you never come near this house again. If you so much as consider it… you will all die by my curse
AMEDEE — I-I swear it! We won’t return!
VILLAGER D — R-Run! Get out of heeeere!
MICHEL — …Don’t think I’m helping you... Look at me… Look at me, Giselle! Tell me… is it true you returned to the mansion to plunder it?! That you brought those men here? To rob me of my valuables?! Answer me, Giselle!
GISELLE — …Yes, it’s true… I persuaded them… to steal from you…
MICHEL — Are you really so desperate for money that you resort to looting?! Just how low will you go?! Not only did you seduce my father! Not only did you go digging around for information about me! You brought a mob to this house! And they were armed too! Were you trying to get me killed?! ANSWER ME, GISELLE!
MICHEL — Not even going to defend yourself?! Your scheme failed, so you’re retreating into silence?! Ahh, for god’s sake… you sicken me! I’m done with you. I’m done! Leave this place! And never show your face here again!
GISELLE — ……me…
MICHEL — What?!
GISELLE — If you want me gone, then kill me! You can do that, can’t you?! You can use your curse to kill me, can’t you?! Then do it! Right here! Use your power! Take my life! And if you don’t want to do that, stab me with your knife! Kill me, kill me… KILL MEEEEEEEE!!!
MICHEL — What—
GISELLE — I’m done! I can’t take it! I’m through with this whole world! No one will believe anything I say! No one cares one bit about how I feel! They just walk all over me, laughing! Why? Tell me, why?! Why is this happening to me?! I never stole anything!
MICHEL — Wh— What are you talking about?
GISELLE — I tried my best… to look happy… I thought everything would work out if I could keep smiling… I believed that would make things better! But nothing ever got better! What did I ever do?! Tell me, what did I do?!
MICHEL — What did— But you…
GISELLE — All I did— All I ever did was believe! Tried my best to survive, to always wear a smile! But if everything’s going to be my fault… and I have to deal with that for the rest of my life… then I’m done… I don’t want to live anymore! I don’t want to live in this world anymore!
MICHEL — C-Calm down, please. I don’t follow what you’re saying. My understanding… is that you desired money… so you brought that mob… And before that… you used my father…
GISELLE — You wouldn’t believe me even if I told you the real story! You’ll take your family’s word over mine! You don’t have any idea what I went through there! How hard it was just to keep myself together!
GISELLE — I never wanted riches! All I wanted was a decent enough wage to allow my family to live comfortably! That’s all I wanted! B-But that man, he— he used… my family against me! H-He made me— F-Fo— Forced m-me— me to—! He— He r—
MICHEL — ………
MICHEL — ………What?
GISELLE — A-Again and again, no matter how much I resisted, h-he wouldn’t stop, again and again… H-He threatened me… beat… beat me… c— cut me w— with a knife… Over and over and over again!!!
MICHEL — …Wh… What? M-My father… raped you?
GISELLE — No one would believe me! I— I did n-nothing wr-wrong! Y-You don’t b-believe me either, do you?! So I’m done! I don’t want… this body anymore…! I don’t want… to live like this anymore! I can’t take it anymore… Help me, please… Set me free! Kill me… KILL ME ALREADYYYY!!! Use your curse and kill me! KILL MEEEEEEEE!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH!!!
MICHEL — …G-Give me… Give me a moment… I-I need time… to process this…
GISELLE — You can do it, can’t you?! Then kill me already! Kill me, kill me now!
GISELLE — Kill… me… dammiiiiiiiit!!!
MICHEL — G-Give me time… so we can talk this through… I want to hear everything… from the beginning…
GISELLE — Aah, aaaah, aaaaaaaahhh!
MICHEL — I-Inside… Let’s go inside… and talk. The light… hurts my eyes…
- english
- male adult
- male young adult
- nonbinary
- androgynous
*Say something you think would fit*
Public Submissions