Servalan - various stories

Servalan - various stories

Project Overview

Supreme Commander Servalan was the main protagonist in the Blake's 7 Scifi series that transmitted between 1978 and 1981.  She was portrayed by Jacqueline Pearce

Servalan was a complex and intriguing character. Her role evolved throughout the series, blurring the lines between protagonist and antagonist.

Here’s a closer look at her character:

Antagonist Traits:

Supreme Commander: Servalan held a position of immense power within the Terran Federation. She was ruthless, calculating, and not afraid to use her charm and wiles to achieve her goals.

Enemy of the Rebels: She was the archenemy of the rebel hero Roj Blake and was primarily concerned with crushing resistance to the Federation’s rule.

Cold and Sociopathic: Servalan’s ambition knew no bounds, and she was willing to sacrifice anyone to maintain her position.

Protagonist Traits:

Complex Motivations: Despite her villainous actions, Servalan’s motivations were multifaceted. She wasn’t a one-dimensional villain; her desires and struggles added depth to her character.

I am an amateur audio drama producer and have made many audio stories for this fandom.  There are more I'd like to make, that are being written now by fans of the series but I need a Servalan voice.  This delivery doesn't have to be an imitation of Jacqueline's Servalan but it does need to be Servalan-esq so the emphasis and manner are important.  She was a RADA actor and spoke with precise diction and pronunciation.

If you can make this work, there will be many stories to be involved in.

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Latest Updates

  • Update

    Hello all.

    Many thanks for submitting for this project. The closing date is at the end of August and so I will be reviewing all submissions in the 2-3 weeks leading up to that date with a view to creating a shortlist.

    There are some exciting stories in the pipeline for Servalan and so I hope to find the right voice among you.

    Any queries, please feel free to reach out.



  • Update

    Hello everyone,

    This listing will 'expire' on July 19th according to Casting Call rules and so I will be shortlisting entries just after that. Great response so far and well done to all of you. I'm looking forward to listing back to all of you and deciding on our Servalan.

    Many thanks, Julia.

Project Roles: Servalan
Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 40 USD

Supreme Commander Servalan was the main protagonist in the Blake's 7 Scifi series that transmitted between 1978 and 1981.  She was portrayed by Jacqueline Pearce

Servalan was a complex and intriguing character. Her role evolved throughout the series, blurring the lines between protagonist and antagonist.

Here’s a closer look at her character:

Antagonist Traits:

Supreme Commander: Servalan held a position of immense power within the Terran Federation. She was ruthless, calculating, and not afraid to use her charm and wiles to achieve her goals.

Enemy of the Rebels: She was the archenemy of the rebel hero Roj Blake and was primarily concerned with crushing resistance to the Federation’s rule.

Cold and Sociopathic: Servalan’s ambition knew no bounds, and she was willing to sacrifice anyone to maintain her position.

Protagonist Traits:

Complex Motivations: Despite her villainous actions, Servalan’s motivations were multifaceted. She wasn’t a one-dimensional villain; her desires and struggles added depth to her character.

I am an amateur audio drama producer and have made many audio stories for this fandom.  There are more I'd like to make, that are being written now by fans of the series but I need a Servalan voice.  This delivery doesn't have to be an imitation of Jacqueline's Servalan but it does need to be Servalan-esq so the emphasis and manner are important.  She was a RADA actor and spoke with precise diction and pronunciation.

If you can make this work, there will be many stories to be involved in.

  • english
Voice description:
  • Intelligent
  • Manipulative
  • Low sensual velvet
  • female adult
  • proper british
  • RADA British
  • authoritative
  • I usually admire a man in uniform, but you look terrible, Avon. I assume our mysterious host hasn’t quite extended the same level of hospitality to you as he has to me?

  • I have no idea, and in any case, the Federation doesn’t bargain with terrorists.

  • All fighting ships to make maximum speed, patch this office into the fleet coordination suite. WELL GET ON WITH IT!!!


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