Project Freelancer: Expanded - A Fan-Made Red Vs Blue Series

Project Freelancer: Expanded - A Fan-Made Red Vs Blue Series

Project Overview

Project Freelancer: Expanded is an animated short series heavily based and circling around the universe of popular web-series Red vs. Blue. In this story, a secondary Freelancer program is founded under less shady ideals in order to act as a mercenary group to stop actions like the Insurrection. In doing so, many new characters are introduced, both good and bad in their own ways.

In this new Freelancer program, recruits must start off as cities and work their way up to become a state. In this story, there are many things to be explored, in the characters and the universe.

However the Freelancers are not alone, alongside their development, Charon Industries has relocated a new security team for their operations. These new troopers have come from far and wide, all with the plan to get paid and leave no survivors.

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San Diego

San Diego is the self-appointed leader of Fireteam Charlie of the Freelancers. He often tackles his problems head on and attempts to establish a good relationship with all his team members, even on some outside of the team.

While he can come across harsh and rude, he always means well for his team. Since recently losing his mentor, San Diego has become more determined to keep his team alive and to get revenge for the loss of his friend.

  • (Calm) Well I don't see why we have to do this the hard way.

  • (Stern) Ottawa, keep chase after the target, we'll take this one.

  • (Surprised/Anger) No way. I waited a long time to make you pay for what you did.

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Seth Kowalski

Kowalski grew up in the streets, and soon the desert. He had always learned you can't rely on anyone but yourself, and he intended to live and die by that. He joined the UNSC as a way to escape living in a life filled with hopelessness. Soon Kowalski found himself running against his beliefs, now seeing he could have the capacity to care for a team, to make friends. This lead him to become an ODST Captain, soon being offered the job of running Charon Industries' security team.

Armed with a staff and armor detailed in art of his hometown, he leads the Charon Industries team. He had known some of the members of the previous team, grieving the loss of many before it was his turn to run the team. He never planned to fight the Freelancers, believing they would doom themselves before they would meet, but he was clearly mistaken.

  • (Focused) Just a sec... dropping target in 3... 2... sorry about that.

  • (Concerned) We okay? Looks like they got a state on the field. Cunningham, see what you can do.

  • (Disappointed) And here I thought states were supposed to be a challenge. Wiped out the last guys, commander was traumatized. What the hell made you turn soft?

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Charla Cunningham

Cunningham is a duelist, working for Charon Industries. She often takes her opponents one by one, toying with them until she can break them down fully. She is a sadist and enjoys the power she gets from her tactics in a fight. Unlike many characters, Charla Cunningham can be considered a true villain, seeming to have no good intentions and only the worst for those that don't prove useful to herself.

Most of her team try to avoid her and her charms, but Cunningham always is seeking to learn more about her team, for better or for worse. It can be argued she has the highest kill count of the team, allegations of her being a serial killer before joining the UNSC have sparked that up for debate within her team.

  • (Amused) Oh hey look, he's still alive. Hey, hey hey, you're not going anywhere just yet.

  • (Bitter) I mean, your mentor was good, but that red and purple guy... wow, that was a rush when I felt his whole arm just... snap.

  • (Confident) Bitch, just who do you think I am? Charla Cunningham, remember the name. That way you can keep track of who your pals were killed by!

Voice Actor
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Victor Hutchins

Hutchins is a new member to Charon, providing information on Freelancer where he can and using his illusive abilities to change the fight on its head where he can. He has had a few close encounters with the states, causing him to gain some experience with the Freelancers and what their weaknesses could be.

Hutchins often tries to ignore his team, not having much attachment for his comrades and only wanting to do what is needed to get the job done. He is a no nonsense mercenary seeking to destroy the Freelancers, no matter the cost.

  • (Monotone) I don't have time for your games, Cunningham.

  • (Aggressive) And yet you forget is was yourself to blame for what happened to me.

  • (Calm) No, not yet, Indiana. This is only the beginning of the end, and it ends with my sword drenched in your team's blood.

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California is a new state of the Freelancer team. He is often excited and hyperactive in his approach with team mates and has actively attempted to establish a good relationship amongst the team, to only receive mixed results.

He is most notable for using his magnums as knuckle dusters and his bravery (or foolishness) to jump head first into the unknown. As a state, he often has the most clear head of the team, acting as an advisor when needed.

  • (Excited) Aaaaaand another one bites the dust! Hooo boy we are on a roll!

  • (Talkative) Whiskey it's the perfect plan! Come on, you trust me on this, right? States gotta stick together, eh? Eh?

  • (Confused) What do you mean he's dead? He was here just a second ago...

Voice Actor
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Lucas Reynolds

Reynolds is the lead demolition officer of Charon Industries. He often acts as a squad leader whenever Kowalski isn't in charge, having served in the UNSC alongside him. He grew up as the eldest sibling, and became an action movie enthusiast. This interest would lead him to drop out of school and move on to work in a junkyard. When a car had exploded at the workplace, Reynolds felt that he found his calling, joining the UNSC and taking whatever opportunity would let him blow things up.

His behavior soon came to the attention of superiors and it was seeming like all was lost for Reynolds, but Charon Industries offered him a position. In taking this, he knew that finally he would be able to take place in the battles he had always wanted.

Reynolds can be rather blunt and dismissive, feeling he is always in the right. In his team, he is noted to be a bit of a loudmouth, usually cracking jokes or making declarations of war, and he always loves a party. In truth, there is nothing he wouldn't do for his friends, despite the words that come out of his mouth.

  • (Aggressive) Cody, if you let me die I will haunt you until the fucking end, you hear? Seriously I'm gonna go all poltergeist on you and steal your kidneys or something.

  • (Annoyed) Oh come on, who the hell was that guy, Victor? Clearly you two have got a little history and I got all the time in the world for a story.

  • (Excited, leading to disappointed) Boom! Get fucked, nerd! Anyone get that on camera!? No!? Yeah fucking fine, whatever...

Voice Actor
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Las Vegas

Vegas is a sniper for Freelancer and is one of the few agents who weren't in the UNSC beforehand. Vegas grew up with hunters and worked with the Insurrection as a sniper. Soon he found being on the run too much, going to turn himself in before Freelancer came with an opportunity to join them instead. Not having much choice, he joined up, soon finding that the project was much different to the previous one. This caused him to be intrigued at what could be different and so at times would lead him to snoop around for information.

He is indifferent to Charon Industries, feeling that they are just the same and that both sides are only following orders. Compared to his comrades, Vegas can be very cynical at times, often providing reality checks when it seems an idea is too far-fetched.

  • (Annoyed) Shush! Can you just keep quiet for one god-damn second while I pop this guy's head? Jeez.

  • (Confident) Well unlike the last project, we're not doing this to recreate some old guy's dead wife.

  • (Lighthearted) Heh, why? Think something will go different this time?

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Salem is Fireteam Charlie's grenadier, often finding himself hard to fit in with others on the team. He has taken to holding onto friendships when he can, all the while fighting off his own demons from underestimating what combat can do a to a person.

Out of the fireteam, he is often the first to question what the mission's purpose could be and furthermore what could be in store later down the line.

Salem grew up with psychology in mind, however things soon were quick to change when he attempted chemistry and created a lethal explosive. This curiosity for explosives lead him to experiment more and more until he had an epiphany - join the UNSC. He found quickly he was unable to socialize well and had difficulty functioning as a team, hence why he took the first escape out of there, right into Freelancer.

  • (Distracted) It's nothing, it's nothing. Now, where were we?

  • (Defensive) It's not a ridiculous hat, it's common back at home.

  • (Chuckles) Come on, what? It's only a scarecrow, you guys. We have heaps of these at home, seriously I lost track of names.

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Wisconsin is one of the original states from Project Freelancer. He used to lead a team of states before they lost Vermont, now the team have been split up to lead their own smaller teams. Wisconsin often is full of regret since that mission, preferring to keep away from the battlefield or in positions where he has to lead.

During his time in Project Freelancer, Wisconsin always made it a priority to make friends with his team. However this would come off as pushy and annoying, yet to not immediate effect.

On the few occasions where he does lead, Wisconsin often has this hero complex. thinking it's up to him to make a difference in the world. However he is often in conflict with himself over this belief. Ultimately, Wisconsin wishes things could go back to when it was just him and his team, surviving against endless odds.

  • My opinion? We're not much different, Captain. We both just want our teams to go home safe.

  • (Stern) Your actions almost cost us an agent. It hurts to lose a friend, I know, but you need to learn to put those feelings of revenge aside.

  • (Remorseful) I'm sorry I didn't stop Indy. It was all so fast and then... it was already over. If I could go back, I'd stop it, all of it.

Voice Actor
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Jack Zero

Zero was a former luchador, growing up in constant violence until he managed to join the UNSC as a means to escape the lawless lands. Soon he left to join Charon Industries, finding the UNSC too dull and hoping that Charon Industries would provide him with a true challenge.

He is often quiet and brooding, avoiding needs for conversation and more focusing on needs for violence. The only thing keeping him from turning into a viscous cold-blooded killer is his only family, which often reminds him of what he could eventually be. Zero often takes pride in his accomplishments, reminding his enemies of his many victories and at times using this to taunt the enemy further.

  • (Annoyed) You talk too much, focus on the enemy.

  • (Sinister) Your mentor broke in half like a twig, let's see how much faster you will die.

  • (Aggressive) You are in my ring now, pendejo.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Penny MacIntyre

MacIntyre is a sniper for Charon Industries and a former boxer. She was imprisoned shortly after her time in the UNSC and had participated in underground fighting rings for a chance at a lesser sentence. Impressed with her abilities to think on her feet, Charon Industries hired her onto their security team.

As a sniper, she often has to rely on her team, and has to remember they rely on her too. MacIntyre had found her time in Charon Industries to be therapeutic, allowing her to socialize again without worrying for a knife in her back, and with a network to assist her in the field. She tends to be very insightful and often loyal to the friends she makes.

  • (Calm) Oh, you must be one of those Freelancers snipers, eh? If you would kindly let me blow your head off, that would be heavily appreciated.

  • (Bitter) Oh like you know what it's like, Freelancer.

  • (Amused) Yay teamwork, huh?

Voice Actor
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Cody Wattz

Wattz is almost a literal shock trooper for Charon Industries. He is incredibly hyperactive and energetic, on the account of his ADHD and almost constant electricity going to his body. He is one of the few experimental soldiers on his team, and he has a tendency to try and modify his own electrical charges so that he can go even faster.

Wattz utilizes a baton, despite it being a non-lethal weapon, Wattz's desire for action and excitement allows him to overdo things, such as reaching the point of making the baton a lethal device. He maintains very rocky relationships among his team due to his behavior, however is always one to take a challenge, no matter how daunting it may be.

While not being a significant character story-wise, Wattz is the fastest character in the series and sets some interesting challenges for the Freelancers.

  • (Hyperactive) Haha! Yes! Now this is the fight I've been dreaming about!

  • (Excited) Well of course I am gonna win, I have something you don't. Charm, some badass colors, and speed.

  • (Shocked) H-hey! That's not fair!

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Chicago is a swordsman for Freelancer, having always wanted to train to be like Agent Vermont. He is determined in honing his skills and creating a better future, having been living a life of uncertainty and fear of authority.

He often controls his fireteam when on the field and has an affinity for dramatics, seeing combat as like a dance. With the death of Agent Vermont, he used that opportunity to take up sword fighting to the extreme, throwing away his gun and now working entirely with his sword.

  • (Amused) Sword on sword, huh? Glad to see someone actually appreciate the art of combat.

  • (Nonchalant) Oh is it my turn now? Took you long enough, heh.

  • (Supportive) Ah, ignore those two. They're just hounds, out for blood, or money, or both.

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New Orleans

New Orleans is apart of the leading team, one of the few cities close to becoming a state. She is very reckless and doesn't know how to slow down, always running around and shooting things with little care in the world.

She is either liked or disliked by her team due to her enthusiastic attitude and need for action.

  • (Excited) What is up, bitches!?

  • (Clearly-not-listening) Uh huh. Uh huh. Yup. No way. Yes way. Totally paying attention. Yep.

  • (Annoyed) Aw man! I was gonna kill this fucker! Gah! Thanks a lot, Cali!

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Victoria was number one on the Freelancer leaderboard, having been the mentor of San Diego and always electing her team for more missions. Victoria was a team-player and always sought to do what was right for her team, seeing them like family.

As to always be able to understand others, she places herself in the middle of a fight as much as possible, not wanting to lose any of her team if she could help it.

  • (Stern) You're sloppy, San Diego. Remember to breathe, otherwise you're just gonna tense yourself.

  • (Confident) I'm just gonna check out that noise, could be hostile.

  • (Aggressive) Come on, then, dickhead. I ain't got all day.

Voice Actor
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Milwaukee is an all-around lovable idiot of Freelancer. He often knows how to brighten a room and has always been there for his friends. He was an orphan during a war and had his life stripped from him, being indoctrinated into the UNSC. However there, he learned compassion and what it means to work in a team.

Now in Freelancer, Milwaukee always seeks to make a new friend and to try to brighten someone's day, even if it might be their last. Unfortunately, the effects of combat are starting to get to him, and so he might have to plan his retirement a little bit early.

  • (Nervous) No of course I can do it. Just... keep me covered, okay? I'm trusting you on this one.

  • (Excited) Who wants to blow up a rebel base!?

  • (Stern) Nah, you're not just somebody. You're not even human. You're the devil.


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