Legend of zelda botw sequel fandub/Audiobook 2

Project Overview


Hello welcome to a casting call for a passion project! Yes this is a paid work.  This is a fan dub fiction in audiobook format. Dramatized for the lines of dialogue.

This is a zelda Breath of the Wild sequel fan made fiction. 

 This work is still in progress but already over 400,000 words written. 

This will be a long series. At least 30 episodes lined up. So only apply if you are willing to stay aboard for the duration and the continued duration as it expands.(unless your role is a minor and is only several lines)

Pay will go for as follows.

6.50$ per mastered minute of dialogue for roles or 25$ flat minimum for anything shorter than a couple minutes. Whichever is greater. 

NARRATOR Will be paid a flat rate of $5.25 per mastered minute of reading because they are just doing a read through without having to act a role.

This is a non-profit work and a passion project of mine. Any money made will go towards a future increase in pay of the talent if it gets well received. 

More roles will be added as they are needed. Thanks!

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  • ROLES auditioned

    IMPORTANT: Okay, I've been listening to the auditions and they have been great. That being said, this go around the applicants have been really good and it is difficult for me to choose the talent this go around. Many have made the shortlist for roles and if you're not chosen yet, don't despair. This is an ongoing work and there is plethora of minor and even some major roles to be had later which you may be a fit for. I will revisit voices as needed to see if they will be a fit for later on.

    That being said, the important part- PAYMENT- minor roles or roles that only consist of several lines under a few minutes get paid a flat payment of $25(Dependent on how many re-dos or takes needed). So if your dialogue is like 30 seconds long, you'll get paid $25 regardless. If your dialogue is a maximum of 3 minutes long, you'll get $25.

    Roles that are large enough to carry on in the series beyond that point and would eventually last hours and hours by the time it's all said and done get paid at a rate of $6.50 dollars per minute of audio returned to me. (Excluding Narrator).

    Since this is just a passion project, this is all coming from my own budget to pay everyone. And these are the rates I can pay consistently and more importantly to you all, on time and immediate. If the show ever takes off on youtube and patreons join in the effort, I can revisit hired talent payments to you all. But as of now, this is all me. Thanks for your time.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Voice actor- Villain- Original Character- Kelcifer
Paid: Flat Rate 125 USD

The name of this villain is Kelcifer. He is between the ages of 30 and 22. To imagine his personality and the way he should sound just think Kefka from Final Fantasy 6 meets the Joker(Darknight Film) from batman meets Lord Voldemort from Harry Potter, albeit for the Zelda Breath of the Wild universe. He is a Hylian Wizard. The most unique thing about this character is that he is slightly, secretly crazy. He has the ability to speak in two different registers at different times almost as if there are two voices he has within him. One voice he speaks with should be serious, calm, collected and can speak with authority. And then there's the voice he can switch to on a dime which resembles a more manic personality, higher on the vocal range. 

Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • Serious voice- My dear Princess, I came as fast as I heard. If you allow, I will use my magic to do what I must to save this kingdom by your side.

  • Manic voice- (Laughing) Whoo hoo hoo! Amazing how people never say what they truly feel or ask what they really want! She comes to me at last, and at long last she will know the true meaning of despair!

  • Switching from serious voice to manic voice- Have you figured it out? Or should-- Enlighten you!?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Town guard/sentry
Paid: Flat Rate 20 USD

Just a resident soldier of the town that watches the main entrance into the village. 

  • "You there! halt, what business you have in hateno!?"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Village man
Paid: Flat Rate 20 USD

man who whispers as the princess and hero approach the village. Just a townsfolk.

  • In a apprehensive hushed whispers  "Is that the... could that really be her? The princess?"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Prince Sidon of the Zora
Paid: Flat Rate 125 USD

Prince Sidon is the son of the Zora king form the game Breath of the wild and tears of the Kingdom. I would like the voice actor to have a similar sound to the offical actor. Youtube sidon from Zelda breath of the wild or tears of the kingdom to listen how he sounds. His personality is fun, charming, regal and witty with an overall happy-go lucky and can-do attitude. 

Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • Jovially surprised- "My dear princess, is that really you? Have my eyes betrayed me? Does your radiance grace our waters once more?"

  • Cautious and alert- "Watch out Link! Look out for his whip!"

  • Proud and witty- "Hey Link, I think this overgrown pony wants to hurt us! What do you think? Should we get close and see?"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Princess Zelda
Paid: Flat Rate 20 USD
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Princess Zelda is the young, and beautiful blonde princess of the fantasy kingdom of hyrule. She is 17 of age. Actress for the role must have a similar tone and voice compared to her official voice actor in the game. Youtube a video of her speaking and you can hear what she sounds like.

  • "Ha! At least I know you haven't been bored since I've been gone."(Small Chuckles)

    "Link!? Where are you?...(where has he run off to?)" Parenthesis is a whisper to herself.

    "Aha! That must be it... Of course! The mechanism of this mount must have stopped working since the threat of Calamity Ganon has disappeared. That must be it!"

    Crying shaking voice- "How...how did it come to this? The Divine Beasts...the Guardians...they all turned against us. It was Calamity Ganon...it turned them all against us! And everyone...Mipha, Urbosa, Revali and Daruk...they are all trapped inside those things...and it's all my fault!"

  • Thank you, Link...the Hero of Hyrule." Said gracefully.

  • Spoken slightly flustered, but playful. "Hmph! Well have it your way, Mr. Legendary hero, see how far you get without my help!"

    Panting sounds

    Weeping sounds

    Giggling loud and soft sounds

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Link the hero
Paid: Flat Rate 20 USD
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Link is the young adventuring hero of the zelda series. He has only a slight english accent, reminiscent of someone low borne or a commoner would have. Not as thick and strong as the princess. Almost like an American accent with a dab of englishness in his voice. Very faint.  He is 17 years of age. He usually has a calm stoic personality with bits and pieces of humorous snark when he is trying to get a rise out of someone or amuse princess zelda.  If I had to imagine the sound of his voice it would be a mixture of the meek and honorableness of Jon Snow from Game of thrones, the courage of Trunks from Dragon ball Z(funimation dub), and lastly; the cool wit and charm of Android 17 from Dragonball Z(Funi dub). A tough blend of feelings portrayed. Imagine what you like of it and have that in mind. I do realize this will be the hardest character to pull off in this audition. Good Luck. 

  • Slight and calm snark - "Ha, no, don't misunderstand. I'm sorry…I was just pointing out that I had the largest role to play. You helped I guess, kind of like how that slate helped....For someone who doesn't like to be called princess, sure does like giving orders like one."

  • Calm angered and slightly sad- "Father...mother...Sven, all the townspeople... I won't... I won't let you get away with this... You and me been at war since before I was even born...I will never forgive you... I'll destroy you! Calamity Ganon!"

  • Spoken calmly in a casual voice "Then perhaps i should go to them, and remind them of their honor."

    Small chuckles



    Swordfighting panting.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Impa the wise old woman
Paid: Flat Rate 20 USD
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Impa is a wise old sage of the princess of hyrule. She gives counsel and always tries to uplift the princess. Actress must have a similar voice in comparison to her official voice in the game. Youtube can show you examples of how she actually sounds like. 

  • In a frail charming old voice that is filled with gladness "I've been waiting an awfully long time for this day... you have been keeping me waiting, dear princess."

  • In a wise voice of counsel " and do trust in him your grace, for this young lad shall be your rock in trying times."

  • In a correction tone towards her grandaughter- "Well don't just stand there gawking like a catfish! Hurry and prepare for our noble guest of honor. Quickly now child!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paya the sage's granddaughter
Paid: Flat Rate 20 USD
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Paya is the sheepishly sweet granddaughter of Impa from legend of zelda and is apart of the noble sheikah tribe. She hold honor in high regard. She has cheerful disposition but slightly aloof and carefree. She hums as she goes about her daily business and gets nervous around boys, specifically the hero of Link.

  • About Link...I have never seen him so happy until last night. In fact, I don't recall ever seeing him smile before now. He is probably so relieved, what with the fate of the world finally off his shoulders...He is so brave...Do you think he would be interested in...? Oh, never mind. Please, forget it." Spoken as she looked away sheepishly, letting out a wistful sigh.

  • Spoken gleefully - "Oh look! Grandmother! They are back from their long journey! " proceeds to stub her toe on a leg of an end table. (Grunts and moans, but still excited)

  • Spoken upset- "But that isn't fair grandmother! i care about Link. He is my friend! If you won't tell him he is sick, I will!"


    Large giggles and small chuckle samples.



Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Little child(female)
Paid: Flat Rate 20 USD
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Small child who approaches the princess from behind and offers her a flower as a gift.

  • In a sweet chirp- "Mother says you saved and blessed us. Is it true?"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Village woman
Paid: Flat Rate 20 USD

Woman who whispers as the princess and hero approach the village. Just a townsfolk.

  • In a apprehensive hushed whispers  "Is that the... could that really be her? The princess? I heard she died along with her knight at blachtery."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 20 USD

narrator will be the one that drives the emotion of the story and describe the events taking place. 

  • Spoken with emphasis and passion- "Zelda exclaimed, voice all but dripping with suspicion as she tried to hide her guilt and jealousy simultaneously from the Sheikah girl."

  • "Zelda abruptly woke, flinging the hand-stitched blanket that covered her clear across the room where she'd slept. She was surprised to notice the soft bed she lie upon wasn't her own, nor was the gown she wore, when the memory of the previous night's festivities returned. She had fallen asleep outside...right next to Link!"

Sheikah man
Paid: Flat Rate 20 USD
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Tribesman who sings alongside two others.  A sweet deep voice nice enough to put someone to sleep.

  • Sing something beautiful in strong baratone voice only, no music.

Shiekah man
Paid: Flat Rate 20 USD
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A tribesmen who songs  that could put someone gently to sleep in a baritone voice.

  • Sing something beautiful in a baritone . Voice only

Shiekah man
Paid: Flat Rate 20 USD
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A tribesmen who songs  that could put someone gently to sleep in a baritone voice.

  • Sing something beautiful in a baritone . Voice only

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Purah the quirky Scholar/Scientist
Paid: Flat Rate 20 USD
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Purah is the chief sceientist of the dwindled Sheikah tribe of hyrule. She is Impa's older sister yet she has the form of a small child anywhere from 6-9 years old in characteristics. However she is well over a hundred years old in spirit. 

  • "Silence! Seize yourselves! And SNAP!"   Said in an authoritative snarky tone.

  • "We don't speak of it...but since you are the princess, I guess it wouldn't hurt to let you know," Said in a snappy tone followed by "It was Sheikah Slate number thirty-three that created the stunningly beautiful image of youth that your eyes see standing before you now!"

  • "Now, Princess, what brings you to Hateno?" said inquisitively followed by "More importantly, what brings you to me?" said curiously and pompous.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Yiga Clan member
Paid: Flat Rate 20 USD
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A yiga clan member who breaks into the princess's bedroom while she sleeps, threatening her with her life. 

  • In a creepy angered voice about to smother someone- "Go ahead and squeal, your boy hero can't save you now! All is left is you and me...princess!"

  • Grunts, yells

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Nod the hateno village giant
Paid: Flat Rate 20 USD
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Nod is a mercenary who runs amok in Hateno village, he is wide at the waist and taller than the average hylian. He is slack jawed and pretty much has the personality of an oaf. But later on in the story we find, that he is actually more clever then he has ever let on and actually has a big heart, if he is only given the chance to show it. 

  • In an illiterate grizzly voice- "hey thur pretty lil' lady, what's that shiny toy you have there? Wouldn't mind if Ol' nod had a looksy' at it?"

  • "C'mon! things are meant for theievin'! There ain't no such thing as knights!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Hateno goon
Paid: Flat Rate 20 USD
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Just a member of Nod's little posse that he has roaming around Hateno and outlying areas. They are mercenaries and not necessarily the best sort of folk. Skulky character, not incredibly tough but wish he were.

  • "Yeah! let him have it Nod! Get em from the side! Don't let him get away! That's it, that's it!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Link's father Royal guardsmen Captain
Paid: Flat Rate 20 USD
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He is a thinner man than Link. but taller. But, he has a bushy brown mustache and has brown hair unlike Link. with a fair complexion. He is stern and wise, but also lighthearted when all the work is done.  He has deep affection for Link but he is hard on him, Only to make him the best he can be.

  • In a shout- "Get these soldiers up to the barracks, Immediately, we have no time to lose!"

  • In a personable father figure like gruffy tone- "Very good son, keep up your feet. Your sword is an extension of your body. It is your life line...Now, clear your mind and focus. Eliminate all distraction from within...breathe. That's it! very good!"

  • A sassy chuckle like expression- "well of course I can tell you like her! Your'e my son after all! How else did you think I won over your mother!?"  maybe give some examples of some yells, grunts, laughs and anger/cries. 

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Hylian High Priest Galivan
Paid: Flat Rate 20 USD
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The high priest is a man of short stature. Overly pompous, middle aged and fancies young women to the point of being  an ogling womanizer.  Cares more about appearances and looking like a great priest of the people, than actually being one. I imagine his voice being snobby. Thinks of himself highly. 

  • In a pompous chastising tone " Throughout the ages a princess must act and behave as one, at all times. You must learn to Show nothing less but pure devotion to the divine.  A princess's duty is to her kingdom."

  • From a skulking position of authority. Trying to use his status to corrupt young maidens who are in public.. "Well, what do we have here this fine morning tending the gardens? Sure is a hot day out today! It wouldn't hurt for you to show your shoulder or two in this swell. I'm sure the goddesses wouldn't mind at all. So, just this once, I'll allow it." licks lips.

  • Do a couple laughs, screams, yells, coughs etc etc

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 20 USD
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Merchant seller of linens.

  • Just need someone who can play a merchant selling good in a market place. medieval town square. feel free to audition whatever you like

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Hand Maiden Adeline
Paid: Flat Rate 20 USD
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Adeline is Zelda's most trusted handmaid, just a few years older than her at the most. She is spunky, bubbly and has a knack of getting into mischief. She makes everyone's business her business. 

  • In a cheerful over exaggerated voice "OH hey Link! It's you!? This is great, quick, you need to go and save the princess. There is no time to lose!"

  • In a mischievous friendly voice.  "Why of course princess I am here.  I wouldn't want to leave you two alone together now. Link, is far too fetching of a catch for a sweet princess such as yourself. Can't be too careful!"

  • Just execute some laughs, giggles, coughs, cries etc etc

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Link's best friend Sven
Paid: Flat Rate 20 USD
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Sven is Links brother he never had. His best friend. Younger than him, yet taller than him. He is courageous, looks up to link. Has moppy hair and is age 14. A royal guardsman as well.  He is clumsy however and not nearly as a good a fighter as Link. Link trains him. 

  • In a cautiously optimistic tone. "Don''t worry Link, you'll do great during the qualifying trials! I just know it!"

  • In a nervous tone. "Gee, you think so Link? You really think I can be as great as you someday!?"

  • in a frightened tone questioning his idol, Link. "Hey, please tell me your not loosing heart now right? LInk! what's the matter? You have been missing your cues all morning in the training yard! Even I got a hit on you? You feeling alright?"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
King Rhoam Bospharamous Hyrule
Paid: Flat Rate 20 USD
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This is the father of Princess Zelda from Breath of the wild. Try to mimic the known english voice actor from that game. You can youtube and see what he sounds like there. 

  • "What are you doing here Zelda? You should reframe from studying now and focus on the important task at hand; and that is finding a way to unlock the power that which will seal ganon away. I forbid you to see these machines until this deed is done. No more to discuss on the matter." spoken stern and forceful, yet caring for his daughter. 

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Royal Guardsman
Paid: Flat Rate 20 USD

This is a guardsman to zelda and the royal family of the mythical kingdom of hyrule. This character will play multiple minor roles. 

  • "You there, halt. No prancing about around the courtyard after nightfall!"- Spoken stern and commanding.

  • "Make way! Make way for her royal majesty, the princess of hyrule, princess Zelda!" -Spoken in a declaration like tone.

  • Some grunt sounds, frightened yells, begging sounds and laughs etc. 

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Robbie the Shiekah Scientist
Paid: Flat Rate 20 USD
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Robbie the Shiekah Scientist is one of the shiekah in the story of breath of the wild that performs research on guardian remains.(Giant mechanical spiders with terrible power). He is a close ally to zelda and the royal family. Extremely loyal and a bit brave.

  • "Hello there princess, and a fine day today to be out on the research bluff, isn't it? We will really give them a show!"- Spoken enthusiastic

  • "These are the finest artifacts that I have found on my travels and If my hypothesis is correct, they will work perfectly! Well, don't just stand there, let's give a go shall we?"- Spoken excited yet curious/anxious.

  • "I tried my best to save them, but I just wasn't fast enough...I'm...I'm sorry." -Spoken somber, full of regret and on the verge of tears. 

Intro Animator.
Paid: Flat Rate 20 USD
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I already animated an intro for my story on youtube, but I think I'm ready to have a better one. It is a zelda breath of the wild story and if you are interested let me know if you can animate full fledged animations. I'm thinking something similar to an short anime intro. maybe 10 seconds long.  You can see the intro I already made on youtbe. I'm looking for something else that pops even more. Thanks

  • Say something you think would fit


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