

I do that thing on the internet

Joined Oct 2020 15 Following1 Followers
About ItsSampai

I am an independent voice actor, sound designer and have some experience in game development.

  • @voicesofwynn

    Great voice and sent in his voice lines really fast.

    Great guy! Highly recommend

  • @thepurplesnake

    I adore his voice, he delivered his lines fast, with the right emotion and following the requirements. I 100% recommend him! Keep up the great work!

  • @jae_makes_animations

    Wow. What an amazing voice. Itsyoursampai voiced the role of the husband in a Christmas Animatic. He delivered his lines swiftly, easily working within the deadline, and to a high quality. He recorded several takes of each line, showing a great dedication to the craft. He effortless shaped the stern yet caring character into reality. Would I recommend him? Yes, yes I would. 

  • @faketsuki

    Very work positive person.
    Not shy about asking questions, paced theirselves perfectly and got their lines done in record time.
    Would definitely recommend !

  • @twohearted

    Sampai’s voice is honestly crazy. I remember when we first heard his voice on the audition section, we immediately knew he’d be the voice for Sojiro. His timbre is so rich and his vocal quality and delivery is so good. He has what we call "Golden Pipes". He is very professional as well and delivered everything in a timely manner.