

Joined Aug 2021 2 Following0 Followers
About Zacc

I'm just a fella

  • @ccmaci

    Zacc is a quality voice actor: he excels in vast vocal range & performance, has a quick DM response time, and will be a breeze to direct.

      In Hallownest Vocalized, he voices 1 Major Role, and 11 Minor Roles which he volunteered for.

      Zacc’s best quality is his charisma, which is seen clearly in his performances. He’s easy to click with, always fun to be around, and will enthrall you with his storytelling ability. Zacc uses these qualities in his voice acting to create relatable, funny, and/or wacky performances, of which put a smile on players’ faces.

      His range spans from cute and cuddly, to genuinely unsettling. He can give you a heartbreaking performance, or a heartwarming one. But above all else, Zacc excels at happiness: whether that be making you laugh, or smile, or forgetting the day’s troubles, his performance will bring exactly that.

      Zacc should be highly sought after, a voice actor you’re glad to have added to your project. Do not overlook this guy!

      Additional Notes: This recommendation is for a voice actor from Hallownest Vocalized, a Hollow Knight mod which gave English voice acting to every character in the game. This was a large-scale project, acquiring over 5,000 auditions, but only casting 100 voice actors. This is the mod's Launch Trailer (this VA does not appear in it)