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I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Video Editor, Writer, Director, and Producer
As a dedicated fan since 2014, when the first FNAF game was the only one out there, I've invested years in developing intricate FNAF theories, enjoying FNAF songs, and eagerly diving into the games as soon as they launch. Also, I absolutely love anime.
Up and coming Game Dev!
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Animator, Video Editor, Writer, and Producer
Heya there! Im gio. Im a game dev, digital artist, and a storywriter!Im currently focused on my project: “The Circus of Dismay (TCoD)”Feel free to dm me on discord for inquiries.
Hi there! I'm a new voice actress just starting out with a background in stage and film acting, podcasting, and editing 
I am a Voice Actor, Video Editor, Writer, and Live Actor
I have 3 years of stage and film acting experience on a variety of levels spanning within small local productions, YouTube, and extra work on a premium cable series. I am happy to be venturing into the voice acting sphere to better suit my schedule and lifestyle and continue to do what I love as an artist. Additionally, I have a little bit of experience in video and podcast editing, producing, and writing and I would love to further develop those talents!
Speaks: english
I am a Voice Actor, Animator, Video Editor, Writer, Director, and Producer
Hey! I'm SomeGuyWithASega. I've been making videos on YouTube as a hobby since 2016. I love to talk about computers, retro games and animated shows.You may know me from one of the shorts I made from 2017-2021 (Vista's Afterlife, ВИD, Countries, VOYNA), the many title animations and logos I made for practice (SGEG), translation work (Igla, Konets Kanikul), or just a random meme video that blew up while all this was happening (RICO). I would love to use CCC to practice my voice acting skills, contribute to projects, and develop my own through the many talents of others. Currently I'm organizing a fandub of a 1980s shonen anime called Zillion. Be sure to check the project page and let us know what you think.Thanks for stopping by!
Not an AI, just autistic.
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Animator, Video Editor, Audio Engineer, Writer, and Director
Hello!My name is Óliver. I am a 21 y/o transman with many artistic interests ranging from voice over, script writing and audio editing to traditional drawing (and many more). I love learning about different cultures, people and studying psychology. I speak fluent English and basic, conversational Spanish.¡Hola!Me llamo Óliver. Soy un transgénero hombre de veintiuno años con muchos intereses artísticos que van desde la locución, la escritura de guiones y la edición de audio hasta el dibujo tradicional (y mucho más). Me encanta aprender sobre diferentes culturas y personas, y estudiar psicología. Hablo inglés con fluidez y español básico para conversar.
I am a Artist, Animator, and Writer
Hello! My name is Julian, and I am a self taught artist and writer. I am currently working on a project known as Will of Demon Spirit, a shōnen inspired comic about a human and half-demon working together to slay the demons that roam the world.I hope you find this project interesting!
I am a Voice Actor, Writer, and Director
Hey, I'm Black_Dragon9, STEM guy by trade, and decent writer/RP'er/editor by vocation, with a slight dip into very amateur VAing. Full credit to my existence on this platform goes to (not that my existence means anything at this point in my endeavour). I saw they were going to do a VA thing for one of their upcoming videos and thought why the hell not. I'm here now, and I might as well make some use out of this.
Speaks: english
Voice Description: male teen male young adult
Jack of all trades with a thirst for knowledge!
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Writer, and Live Actor
Interest in many artistic activities! Professional experience in: cosplay, streaming, photography, content creation, production assistant, teaching and coaching. Some experience in acting and writing that I would love to continue working on!
Speaks: english
My name is Candice, and I've got a passion for talking!! 
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, and Writer
Speaks: english
Setup: audacity