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Someone once told me I have the perfect face for here I am!
I am a Voice Actor and Video Editor
Greetings! My name is Miles (aka YoungHylianLad). I've been voice acting for fandubs for a few years now but am open to all types of projects! Thanks for listening and any consideration!

Discord: HylianLadFYI: Great problem to have but I receive a TON of messages on here and I'm not able to check daily. Please don't take it personally if I don't get to yours or overlook it!
Speaks: english
I make videos and help with FNaF fangames. |
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Animator, Video Editor, and Producer
I enjoy creating 3D animation, editing videos and doing light (for now) voice work.
Speaks: english
Big Game Productions
Writer | Smash Ultimate Machinimator | Self-proclaimed Expert on Ganon Canon |
I am a Video Editor, Writer, Director, and Producer
Hey there! I run a YouTube channel that specializes in machinima, primarily Smash Bros. machinima. Feel free to take a look at some of my previous works below: I hope you enjoy them!
Completed Projects:
Delusions of Grandeur: Smash Bros. Ultimate Machinima (Complete)
A reboot of a Melee machinima by razanak7. Fox McCloud has long been the top competitor in the monthly Melee tournaments, but after years of slipping in the ranks he has become bitter and resentful. Now he aims to not only rule the tournament scene... he wants to rule over everyone.
The Demon of Delusion: Smash Bros. Ultimate Machinima (Complete)An original story that serves as a prequel to Delusions of Grandeur. Arulo, the hot-headed and arrogant Prince of Drochal, is stripped of his birthright as a result of his behavior. He schemes to take the throne back, and with the help of the demon Razanak, his plot ma...
Speaks: english
Voice Demo Reel:
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Animator, Video Editor, Audio Engineer, Writer, Director, Producer, and Live Actor
Hi! I'm Jordan. I'm a voice actor. Thank you for checking out my page. I'd be more than happy to be in a project you might have! ^_^ You can reach me via email, Youtube or Linkedin and Discord which I have linked on here.Thank you and have a nice day!IMDB:
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Video Editor, Writer, Director, and Live Actor
Hi there! My name is Hannah M. Colman, but I commonly go by 'Zel' as an online alias.
I am a freelance voice actress and digital artist. I am currently a high school Senior with experience in acting and improvisation. 
I have been voice acting as of March 2018 and doing digital art for over 2 years.
I currently live in west-central Florida and I have been taking acting classes at the Straz Center in Tampa. I also have experience with Technical Theater.
Discord: zel#2061
Speaks: english
I'm a mess...but at least I'm the creative kind 😅Now called GoldenDroid200
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Video Editor, Writer, Producer, and Live Actor
Name: GD200 Quirk: Creativity – there’s a lot of ideas in my head…maybe too many 😅😅😅
I’m just a guy who loves creating content and caring about people. Most of the time, I don’t even know what I’m doing. I just do it.
If you ever need a voice actor, a collab partner, or just someone to talk to, I’m your guy.
Anyways, I hope y’all have a great day/night!!
Find me on Tumblr: Or on YouTube: Or you can just email me at goldendonnie[at]gmail[dot]com
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, and Video Editor
I'm an aspiring filmmaker doing my best!
Speaks: english
Voice Description: male teen
I have a AT2020USB+ microphone. Also, I play Bb trumpet and sing 2nd Soprano and some Alto. I can use Musescore 4, Audacity, and Microsoft Clipchamp, but I only know the basics. I am available as a voice actor, singer, and musician.
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Video Editor, and Writer
I have lots of auditions, but I have yet to get a role. I am good at mimicing singing voices, and like to voice act, but I'm not amazing at it. I can sing in english, spanish, and romaji japanese. I can speak and read english and a little bit of spanish.
Setup: audacity
Kinda tired of being tired | Hobby Youtuber | Local community leader | Full time improv
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Video Editor, and Writer
I am a college student in the USA

Low-medium voice registers, sometimes might go off script a little when I am trying to embody the character for auditions, but director has the final say :)

Speaks: english
Skills and Interests: bass singing voice comedy improv
Search all 3404 video editor zelda profiles