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Email me at [email protected] :)
I am a Voice Actor, Video Editor, Audio Engineer, and Writer
 My name is Lachlan Lucas, but I'm ironically known professionally by the unprofessional sounding name of Nerdy Nom Nom.
 I have been born, raised and educated from home in the East-Midlands of Britain, and run a Youtube Channel called, what do you know, Nerdy Nom Nom.
 I'm extremely flexible with any and all recording times, and I can always provide recorded lines 24 hours after receiving the full script. I have a Discord account for communication, as well as my email rockonfreakybrah[at symbol]
 If you have any questions, then feel free to message me!  Have a nice day!

Nerdy Nom Nom, AWAY!
Speaks: english
Hi, I'm Ellie! I'm always looking for fun projects. If I don't respond here, you can always message me on discord at ms.ellebear
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Video Editor, Writer, Director, and Producer
Hi, my name is Ellie! You can reach me on discord through ms.elliebear or @LilBearEllie on Twitter! My icon is from amidalas on tumblr!

Casting, Direction, Production

Warrior Cats Into the Wild Fan Dub (WHS)casting director/director
Prologue: are currently up to ch7! Ch8-10 are in progress.
WoF GND Book 4 (WHS)
Assistant Casting

Singing/MusicStayed Gone (Hazbin Hotel)Extra - Alto/Mezzo

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Mini Musical - Treasure TownKangaskan

WoF GND BOOK 5 (WHS)To Be Announced

Voice Acting
WoF GND Book 4 (WHS)
Queen Splendor, Mango, and Extras
Finished: https:/...
Speaks: english
Accents: american
discord is stuurtle if needed :)
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Animator, Video Editor, Audio Engineer, and Producer
he/him16creator of 'Give Up The Ghost' which has just begun production! previously known as Lost Loyalty :)
also run studdedturtle which is my zine + video archive! just interviewed your arms are my cocoon which will be going up soon !
Speaks: english
Voice Description: child female teen male teen
We're made up of atoms and atoms never touch each other. So no, Officer, I did not dropkick that child.
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Video Editor, Music Composer, and Writer
Hello! I've always had a passion for storytelling and worldbuilding. I've taken beginner classes for band, choir, and voice acting. I can also 3D Model and am an aspiring animator and artist. Backgrounds are where I really shine. I hope my skill set is suitable for your project and I look forward to work with you! :D
Speaks: english
Artist and Animator! Sometimes I do Voice Acting!
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Animator, Video Editor, Writer, Director, and Producer
My name is Skye and you probably know me from my animations over on YouTube or Tik Tok!

All my social medias are here: Skyestudios
Speaks: english
Voice Description: female adult female teen
I am a Artist, Video Editor, and Writer
I am PhoenixTheGreat! I am an Indie studio that is creating an original story on Youtube. One of my friends creates the script and I do the filming. My audience isn't that big as I am a small creator on Youtube. I also make speedpaints, gore art and I do commissions.
Voice Description: female teen
Voice actor, director
I am a Voice Actor, Video Editor, Writer, Director, and Live Actor
Hello! I’m Storm! I am a teen girl who enjoys voice acting! I’m a Christian! I would love to audition for your series! -About my voice acting- I started voice acting in April 2021. Some Projects I directed: Warriors The Sun Trail Audiobook

Email: silverstreamkitten (no space)Discord: StormLight2#1022Youtube: StormLight2
Speaks: english
I am here. Hello. If you wish to contact me my discord is Bud9. Hope you have an awesome day!
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Video Editor, and Live Actor
I am a 19 year old amateur voice actor and intermediate photographer who mainly voices teenage/young adult males. I can also narrate. Thanks for checking me out!
Speaks: british
Hello! I'm Crow! I'm 17, and I'd love to voice act for your (male) characters! Let me know by DMing me on here, and/or on Reddit! 
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Animator, Video Editor, and Writer
Speaks: english
Accents: american soft
Sol, 17, she/her
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Video Editor, and Writer
Hello!I’m a seventeen-year-old amateur voice actor. I’ve been voice acting in personal projects and friends’ projects since I was about eight, and have recently wanted to voice act in online projects. I mainly voice act, but I also write, edit and sing!I am mainly interested in Warriors and Wings of Fire related projects, but I also enjoy projects relating to animals in general. I will audition for anything that catches my eye, though! Discord: sollareclipseFeel free to reach out if you’d like to ask me about joining a Warriors or WoF related project, as I more than likely will and appreciate the offers, but please do not DM me if you’re under 13 or over 19. Thank you!
Speaks: english
AngelTheRainWing Studio
Your neighborly Voice Actor, Animator, Artist, and Gamer!
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, and Video Editor
.:|' Hello fellow Jefferies of the world! '|:.--.:|'☆'|:.--My name is AngelTheRainWing Studio! You can call me Angel!I have a love for Voice Acting, doing animations, drawing, gaming and singing!I am a YouTube Content Creator who does Wings of Fire, Warrior Cats, Undertale, Underverse, and comic dubs for content. Sometimes I may be doing some gaming as well!--.:|'☆'|:.--.:|' VOICE ACTING STUFF I'M FEATURED IN: '|:.--Voice of Frisk the Human in "Comic Dubs with my Subs" by Eerie Cicada--Voice of Ink!Sans in MooDubs by MilkiMango (NOT RELEASED)--Voices of Angel Rainwing, Director, Artist, and Music Composer in "The Fallen Curse | An Undertale/Underverse AU" by me (current YTP)--Voice of Pumpkin the SkyWing in "The Mother's Day Special" by CosmaniaTheDragonCat--Voices of Queen Glory of the RainWings and Sunny of the SandWings in "Wings of Fire: Voice Over" by MaxwellKot (NOT RELEASED)--V...
Speaks: english
A wild, awkward artist has appeared!
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Animator, Video Editor, and Writer
Currently working for Scratch Studios.
Hihi! You can call me Torpid or Pea. I'm an 19 y.o. illustration student, trying to survive the day-to-day life. I go by she/her/them, and aside from a little bit of autism, I have heavy social anxiety. Receiving messages makes me very panicky so I apologize in advance in case I take a little while to reply ':0
I am a very very small content creator, mainly active on Instagram. I've pretty much only been doing random art without focusing too much on my own character's stories, but I want to start doing a bit of that and see how it goes.
At first I came here to try voice acting myself, but since it didn't go that well, and couldn't keep up with it for college and mental health reasons, I erased my account.I ended up coming back a few months later in search for voice actors -w-Might try again someday, when I get better with pronunciation a...
AngelTheRainWing Studio ALT
"I'm a Voice Actor! Of course I only get 5 hours of sleep!" -BlueBerryDoes 2024
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Animator, Video Editor, Music Composer, Audio Engineer, Director, and Live Actor
.:|' Hello fellow Jefferies of the world! '|:.--.:|'☆'|:.--My name is AngelTheRainWing Studio, and welcome to my AMAZING ALT ACCOUNT! YAY!!!I have a love for Voice Acting, doing animations, drawing, gaming and singing!I am a YouTube Content Creator who does Wings of Fire, Warrior Cats, Undertale, Underverse, and comic dubs for content. Sometimes I may be doing some gaming as well!--.:|'☆'|:.--.:|' VOICE ACTING STUFF I'M FEATURED IN: '|:.--Voice of Frisk the Human in "Comic Dubs with my Subs" by Eerie Cicada--Voice of Ink!Sans in MooDubs by MilkiMango (NOT RELEASED)--Voices of Angel Rainwing, Director, Artist, and Music Composer in "The Fallen Curse | An Undertale/Underverse AU" by me (current YTP)--Voice of Pumpkin the SkyWing in "The Mother's Day Special" by CosmaniaTheDragonCat--Voices of Queen Glory of the RainWings and Sunny of the SandWings in "Wings of Fire: Voice Over" by Maxwe...
Skills and Interests: audacity CapCut