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My previous game, Fazbear Frights Custom Night:
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Animator, Video Editor, Music Composer, Audio Engineer, Director, Producer, and Live Actor
My name is GABI Carvalho and I am a 18 years old teenager, an expert sfm animator, musician, developer, modeler, great porter, and an awesome guy
Skills and Interests: blender cinema4d unreal engine
Закадровая озвучка и звукорежиссура)
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Video Editor, and Audio Engineer
Привет, меня зовут Дмитрий Зайцев, я живу в России.Занимаюсь 2-3 года озвучкой, дубляжом и вокалом. Также занимаюсь монтажом, делаю короткие анимации, немного фотошоплю, пишу мелодии, работаю в Clickteam Fusion (Чисто по интересу). Я работаю в таких программах как: FL Studio, Reaper, Adobe Audition, Filmora, Vegas, Cinema 4D и т.дЯ готов работать как за деньги так и ради забавы)Мою работу вы можете увидеть на моем канале YouTube)
По всем вопросам обращаться в лс или на почту: [redacted]
Speaks: russian
Hey, I'm Pixlo!
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Video Editor, Director, and Producer
You want to know about me?Okay well, I’m Pixlo. I’m 19 and I live in England 😱 I have 2 cats, Missy and Nibbles. My favourite show is arcane and I love wasting money in arcades.I've always wanted to make my own Minecraft series but there's too much pressure doing it all solo, so I'm offering my skills to help others fulfil their dreams.(if anyone stumbles across this with an opportunity just shoot me a message 🙏)Want to get in contact with me?Here, add my discord: imthatpixlo
Speaks: english
Search all 2718 video editor cinema4d profiles