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I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Video Editor, and Writer
I guess just an amateur voice actor and learning artist, trying to get back in the swing of things after hitting some problems with voice acting a few years ago! Hoping to do my best and have some fun!If you want more from me, check me out on Youtube, Twitter and Twitch primarily.
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Music Composer, Audio Engineer, and Writer
Name:My name is Drake (WOW SUPER SURPISING)
About Me:I've been singing for like 12 years, and I'm actually going to an art college to study Sound Design. I record, mix, and master all of my music (original, cover, etc.) and hope to get much better in time. I've performed in a national show choir called Brandon Brio, and was with the group for 3 years.
Age:Currently 23
Contact Info:Discord: @pasty
Email: pastydrake
I'm completely serious when it comes to voice acting and I'm very committed to whatever project I'm working on. You can always count on me to get my lines done when I'm asked to. I'm able to take criticism as it's the only way to get better alongside practice and hard work. I hope you consider me for the job.
Returning back to voice acting with better equipment and a passion!Please feel free to offer any feedback you can.
I am a Voice Actor and Singer
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Music Composer, and Audio Engineer
22 Year old dude who likes to voice stuff and things.I have a decent amount of singing experience. I have a range of [B1 - B5]
I also do twitch @
Speaks: english
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, and Live Actor
Richard is a Community actor and singer. Originally from England he now lives in the eastern United States.

He has worked on a number of voice projects from You tube machinima, to Libravox public domain audio books.

For more information visit his site.
Speaks: english
Voice Description: male teen
I talk a lot.
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Music Composer, and Audio Engineer
Hi! I'm Sarah I'm a voiceover artist based in Japan. Contact me here, on my website or on Discord for projects! sarahcarolvoice
Skills and Interests: lyric writing narration singing
Application developer by day. Aspiring actor by night.
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Video Editor, Music Composer, Writer, Director, and Live Actor
I’ve been a voice actor for about 5 years now. I’ve been in mostly Minecraft roleplays. In real life, I’m an actor, singer, and musician. I’ve performed in musical theatre as well as directed a few. I have roughly 7 to 8 years of experience in video editing and roughly 5 to 6 years of experience in scriptwriting. I'm just a young VA that has some dreams in mind. 
A trans voice actress whose voice - old and new - is here to help!
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, and Audio Engineer
The voice I grew up with is a friendly, personable, and honest young baritone that's here to help. Confident but not booming, it lends itself well to explainer videos and eLearning, as well as modern commercials which have moved toward the neighborly "everyman" as a brand voice.In characters, I've historically been most capable as a young-to-middle-age adult male, though I can pull off a decent cartoony old man voice as well. I can deliver high fantasy characters also.In 2020, something amazing happened to me: I accepted myself as transgender and began to live my best life. As a trans woman, my vocal capabilities are in flux. I've chosen to embrace the intersection of my journey and my acting - I feel like my VO booth is a bigger sandbox than it has ever been. As I continue to learn and develop my voice, I'm fully willing and prepared to exercise its full range, from the enthusiastic ...
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, and Artist
Winter Noël is an expressive voice talent with a vast vocal range from young adult (feminine and androgynous) to adult woman. Her lilting and modulated voice is familiar but novel, often speaking with a mid-low tone.ComfortingMelodicArticulatePassionateFormalAfrican American, Creole, Mexican, and Native American... As a multiracial woman of color, she seeks to encourage and inspire other people of color to join the voice acting scene. She enjoys singing and drawing using programs, such as Audacity, Mixcraft, Melodyne, and Krita.
Skills and Interests: audacity krita mixcraft singing
Abridger/Parody Artist/Fan
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Video Editor, Audio Engineer, Writer, and Director
I make parodies on the internet, as well as occasional fan-dubs. I am mostly an editor, but I do tend to voice in some of my own projects. I have been partaking in parodies since at least mid 2007 or early 2008 (either way it's been a long time).
When it comes to projects I fairly usually respond via email or Discord (mostly active on Discord), but can sometimes be open to using Skype if that is all that is provided.

Some of the notable abridged parodies I have done are as follows:
School Days The Abridged Series
Dance In The Vampire Bund The Abridged Series
Gantz Sagas
Speaks: english
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Video Editor, Audio Engineer, Writer, Director, Producer, and Live Actor
A passionate content creator looking to build a portfolio in voice acting. Able to provide a wide variety of creative voice work and impressions.Radio Host - 1 Year of experience as an on air host and audio technician
(Resume available upon request)Some of the specific impressions that I can do are:Kronk (Emperors New Groove)Shaggy (Scooby-doo)Scooby-doo (Scooby-doo)Elmo (Sesame Street)Kermit the Frog (Muppets)Mickey Mouse (Disney)Goofy (Disney)Mario (Super Mario Bros.)Luigi (Super Mario Bros.)Peach (Super Mario Bros.)Stewie Griffin (Family Guy)Herbert the Pervert (Family Guy)
Varying voices (Nerdy, Goofy, Surfer, Witch, etc) are also available upon request.
Speaks: english
Voice Description: female senior male senior
Skills and Interests: audio production script writing
aspiring vocalist and VA | Filipino-American (22, she/her)
I am a Voice Actor and Singer
Hi, I'm Hana! Nice to meet you :)Music, cartoons/anime, and video games have been a major part of my life. One of the many things I had loved most was the way that singers and voice actors could give their characters and songs life. Now, many years later, I've finally taken the step to try to become one of those people I admired so much! I may not have any formal training quite yet, but I hope that my passion is able to shine through in my work.I grew up doing music- I'm a self-taught guitarist and have been in various choirs my whole life! My entire vocal range is F3-C6, though I've been able to reach as low as Eb3 and as high as an E6 before.My speaking voice is generally on the higher side, and can work for characters ranging from a child to a young adult, depending on what's needed. Being quite animated myself, bubbly or high-energy characters are the most natural for me- but that...
Speaks: english
Actor & VA represented by The Peak Agency
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Writer, Producer, and Live Actor
Currently writing and producing a dramatized audiobook titled, "The Year of Jubilee." Looking forward to connecting with other creatives and voice talent! ~*~ For VO booking inquiries, reach out at:itsaLJLongstory @ gmail.comor on Discord @myfathersdaughter ~*~ I record on Audacity with an Audio Technica AT2035 mic, pop filter, and Focusrite Scarlett 3rd gen in a newly sound treated space.
Skills and Interests: singing
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Music Composer, and Audio Engineer
Hey my name's Katherine! I'm a musician of 10 years. I play guitar, sing, record and produce all original music in the rock band My Eden.
I also have an interest in voice over work. I actually have a unique angle as a singer and trans person that gives me a bigger range than most people
Skills and Interests: reaper daw
Available on discord at Hammasmash
I am a Voice Actor and Singer
9 to 5er who dabbles in voice over, voice acting, singing and audio editing/mixing. I am mostly self taught on all of those things, so I am still learning a lot along the way and on that note I am open to feedback! I have some vocal training with a focus in singing and I do my best to blend that knowledge with voice over. I'm a sucker for musicals and emotionally engaging content, and especially funny content. I do the best I can to put myself into a character's perspective and provide a performance that is entertaining.

My singing ability sits somewhere in a "bari-tenor" range and just basing off online measurements I can hit, give or take, as low as E2 and reach up to G#5.
Speaks: english
Cynthia Li
The Sweet, Sharp-Witted Songstress
I am a Voice Actor and Singer
I'm Cynthia, a Toronto-based voice actress.Fun Fact about me: I also make makeup.