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Up and coming Film Maker / Cosplayer
I am a Voice Actor, Video Editor, Audio Engineer, Writer, Director, and Producer
Hi! im Steven, I go by SAGERRETT or SAGE online, Im a wannabe film maker with a little experience, trying to go further into the feild.
a Smart Idiot.
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Animator, Video Editor, Audio Engineer, Writer, Director, and Producer
My Name Is Patrik Simon Jørgensen. I'm An Internet Voice Actor. I Was Born On November 20, 2001. I've Been a YouTuber Since September of 2015.
All of My Credits

My YouTube Channel

My Voice123 PageIf You Want Me To Voice Work For You... Well, Talk With Me On Messenger And/Or Skype And Send Me The Scripts. I Can Only Send You The Voice Recordings Through Skype & Discord, Tho. 
An Interview of Me. ;)___________________________________________________________I Don't Do Projects With...
1. Sexual Stuff
2. Some Swearing (List of Approved Curse Words)___________________________________________________________My Projects, So Far
All of My Work___________________________________________________________TESTIMONIALS
THOSE I HIRED AS VOICE ACTORSANNA CHLOE MOOREY, July 27, 2020"Patrik provided great detail on what to record and was very prompt in his responses....
Sup! I'm a voice actor. Business email: [email protected]
I am a Voice Actor, Video Editor, Music Composer, Audio Engineer, and Producer
Thank you for visiting my page!

You can call me Afro or JJ.I enjoy bringing characters to life and challenging myself to different approaches.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If you want to know what I am capable of, check out the demo reel below. If you still want more examples, please go through the submission tab.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Do you want to go into more detail about the project? Feel free to contact me by email or send me a direct message here. If requested, my discord will always be provided privately.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------When I have some free time, I also offer my services as an audio engineer, sound designer, dialogue editor, and vocal ...
Speaks: english
Intermediate VA Looking For Interesting Work!
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Video Editor, Audio Engineer, Writer, Director, and Producer
I am Partic. I am an intermediate voice actor looking to be a part of projects based on franchises I love such as Five Nights at Freddy's, Transformers, and maybe more! I have got almost 5 years of experience under my belt, and I have done hundreds of impressions and original voices! I always be sure to be proficient and help convey the story through my characters!

What I currently star in...

Mortal Menace: Gammack, Shadow Bonnie, ???, ???Transformers: Arrival: Ratchet
Gadgetprime12's Five Nights at Freddy's Series: Freddy, Puppet/Ennard, Toy Bonnie
Relentless Shadows: Golden Freddy, Springbonnie, Freddy
The Toy Box: ???

FNaF: The Hidden Lore Re-Sliced: Toy Bonnie, ???PUCN: ???Transformers: Renegade Unit: Megatron, Blitzwing
Speaks: english
I am a Voice Actor, Video Editor, Audio Engineer, Writer, Director, Producer, and Live Actor
Pleasure. I direct, write & occasionally act on the side. Still finding my way but hope to meet some creative folks along the way to collaborate on projects and above all, have fun.

I currently run the Skullgirls Fan Series: Skullgirls No Encore on YouTube.

Speaks: english
Jan Theurich
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Video Editor, Writer, Director, Producer, and Live Actor
Jan Theurich, BA. – Produzent und RegisseurJan Theurich, geboren am 14.08.1995 in Velbert, Nordrhein-Westfalen, ist ein deutscher Synchronregisseur und Filmproduzent.Im Jahr 2020 erlangte er den akademischen Grad des Bachelor of Arts an der Fachhochschule Dortmund. Dort studierte er Film mit den Schwerpunkten Regie und Produktion. Mit seiner wissenschaftlichen Thesis über Qualitätsmerkmale in der Synchronregie verfasste er eine der ersten kunstwissenschaftlichen Betrachtungen zu diesem Thema und wurde mit der Prüfungsnote 1,0 ausgezeichnet.Im Hauptberuf arbeitete er für Werbeagenturen, Produktionsfirmen und Fernsehsender und koordiniert heute internationale Videoproduktionen als Leitender Videoredakteur.Seit 2017 engagiert er sich in der Nachwuchsförderung und betreut angehende Schauspieler:innen im Rahmen der Produktion seiner Herzensprojekte wie Trust me, I‘m a Dungeoneer.
I put DC comics and Lego together
I am a Artist, Animator, Video Editor, Writer, Director, and Producer
We started our Lego DC franchise in the middle of 2020 and an end is not in sight. Our movies can be found on YouTube and we are very active on social media. Always looking for voice actors/ actresses and, of course, DC fans :)
Accents: american
Hello, I'm Candaru! I make Youtube videos. Icon by faetherie.
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Animator, Writer, Director, and Producer
9/12/2024 - I have a new (much better) microphone and setup!Hello! I'm an indie content creator who likes making projects and actually completing them. Check out some of my videos below!
So This Is Basically Epithet: Erased (writer, narrator, director) —
Asgore's Theme Original Lyrics (lyricist) (vocal director) — Surprise Infrastructure Trailer (video editor) —
Speaks: english
@ClippedMayfly my tiktok+insta have animatics and art ive m
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Animator, Video Editor, Writer, Director, and Producer
I am mainly a writer but I also draw and can sorta voice act.
Speaks: english
Voice Description: child female teen
Just a 21 year old trying to make stuff that makes people like me happy! Backup Account For... @agroovyshow !
I am a Voice Actor, Audio Engineer, Writer, Director, and Producer
Jasper is a twenty-one-year-old writer, director, producer, audio editor, video editor, animator, and aspiring voice actor. Yes, they know that is a lot of little titles, but give them a break. They are a huge comic-book fan with some of Jasper's favorite characters including Spider-Man, Superman, Black Canary, Invincible, The Wasp, Hawkeye, Green Lantern, and Moon Knight! Jasper is also in many different fandoms such as Marvel, DC, FNAF, as well as Transformers! Jasper is currently working with their close friends from college to develop a Spider-Man Audio Drama for Spotify in addition to future short films and YouTube projects! They are also helping these close friends in their production network with their own projects by holding casting calls for them!
Speaks: english
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