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I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Director, and Live Actor
Hello there welcome to my Cast and call page , where you can come and see what talent have , I have voice in many project as in comic dubs and stop motion projects and had voice in animation in my channel. if you are looking for a voice for your next project then I'm your guy. 
Voice RangeMale:(12-80+)Female (13-15)

Bonus voiceswacky energetic Southernerchipmunk Anime Voice

Speaks: english
Voice Actor, Producer, Streamer, Gamer. 
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Writer, Producer, and Live Actor
A teenage, Highschool girl, having a dream about voicing characters or even acting out things, A aspiring VA, Actor and Writer. Its always been my dream to Voice in anything, it gives me life when I voice act, it always gives me a chilling thrill of having fun with new characters and new character voices. It's just something I want to show to people that within your voice, you can give you the feeling of BEING there and putting yourself into that perspective, to give you the feeling of hearing pain, joy, sorrow, fear and Feeling it with great emotion and passion. This is what 'I' am about.
Speaks: any english
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Music Composer, Writer, and Live Actor
Setup: audacity
Voice Description: male adult male young adult
Skills and Interests: high pitched
@vampilinafrost on twitter and youtube! I like singing and trying to voice act~
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, and Live Actor
Setup: fl studio
Struggling, am I alone (probably not)? I don't have anyone to help me or offer anything, I try hard but my efforts are fruitless. How much longer? I'll keep fighting, it's all I can do. 
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Music Composer, Writer, Director, Producer, and Live Actor
I'm a Christian, I'm in my 20s, male and I'm creative, I use primarily YouTube to express and develop my talents as an artist, musician, voice actor, and writer. As an artist I primarily do character art but environments are also something I find I do quite well, mostly self taught but my mother was an art major in college so she helped with my artistic development. As a musician I own a clarinet, a incan flute, a tongue drum, an ocarina, a saxophone, a kalimba, a Lyre and bongos, I play by ear and can't read sheet music currently but I can learn a song faster if I just listen to it anywho, I make music with Band Lab. As a voice actor I haven't had much traction but I've been practicing voices for over 15 years. As a writer I'm actually working on many books and working on my very own game and story for the game, along with many other things related to my world Evermore. In general I'...
someone who exists
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, and Live Actor
I am 19. I am a singer (Bass/Baritone) and I'm a voice actor.Art by @Sammy8D257
Speaks: english
Any gender voice actor and digital artist. 21, with a very youthful voice. Able to perform in roles for children, teens, and adults.
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Animator, Writer, and Live Actor
Hi, I'm Celena, I'm a stage performer working towards a degree in professional acting at my University. I have performed since I was very young, so I'm comfortable with it. At the time of writing this (2022) I'm 21 years old. I'm interested in roles that pay 20$ an hour, however I'm also willing to negotiate that price depending on how fun I think the role is. 
I am COMPLETELY UNWILLING to do NSFW roles. It's not negotiable.
My voice sounds younger than I am, though I believe I can pull off an older-sounding voice decently. I joined an extremely formal voice acting site and I believe this one to be very informal, and I'm hoping to find some kind of healthy middleground. I enjoy comedic and dramatic roles. I can't promise that I'll be capable of screaming at the top of my lungs, considering I live in someone else's house, but I can try my best.Please reach out to me! I'm always w...
Speaks: english
Voice Description: female young adult neutral
I am an autistic and artistic creator and voice actress!
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Video Editor, Writer, and Live Actor
I begin acting when I was 7. I’m a teen now and I still love it! I was also inspired by cartoons to voice act as well. I am also a creator and love to write scripts.
Even though I’m a female, I can do voices for BOTH genders, all ages, and almost all types of voices.
Happy to be here!
~Do what makes you happy~
I am a Voice Actor and Live Actor
Hello! I'm 🪷TigerLily🪷-She/her-Voice actress-I have a lot of acting experience from musicals and plays.-My whole life I was told I had a raspy/scratchy voice. Will I ever sound like Cinderella? No. -But I most definitely can do things others can't ;)-Tiktok: @tiger_lily_
Speaks: english
Voice Description: female teen
Voice actress casted in over 40 projects! Both on discord and casting call club. Previously Clara/Kyra_Ara. <3 Your overdramatic theatre/drama kid~🎭❤️who lives to act 
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, and Live Actor
My ranges:Med low - high voices!! Best suited for bubbly, energetic, emotional, outgoing characters ^^Can do numerous tones too~ such as crazy, mean girl etc etc. Able to do accents, can cry, laugh and evil laugh muaha-Characters I voice:I can copy a voice reference’s voice tone well hence been involved in multiple dubs.I’m okay with voicing any characters of any age and of any form of media, except any characters which involve me needing to say homophobic, transphobic, racist or nsfw.Characters I usually voice are ones with big personalities, such as sassy mean ones, or bright, energetic, playful and hyper ones! However I voice a wide range of personalities and characters, but I like being dramatic with my voice :>Feel free to drop me a dm for voice samples or hiring etc!Im on Kirameki: Find Voice Actors! (Click the link to access my voice samples :DD)
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Writer, and Live Actor
Hello, I like voice acting, painting and singing!
I can also paint art for your YouTube video. You can check out my Instagram to view my artwork:
I was born in January of 2008 - You can use this as my age reference
If chosen for a role, please credit me in the credits! You can use this:
Past and current roles: UNDERTALE: FULL GAME DUB (NPC's and Enemies Casting): Faun and Skateboard GirlDeltarune WITH LYRICS COLLECTION: SusieTamahr's "normal" life: Episode 1, Welcome to Chico: Shadow Queen and Prisoner GirlWarrior Cats-Into The Wild-Prologue:  MousefurUndertale Chronicles/Undertale AU: Toriel, Chara, Muffet, Flowey, Undyne, Frisk, and BrattyWarriors-Into The Wild-Episode OneSmudge: SmudgeDDLC ANIMATION PART 1: Yuri Monster Kidhttps://www.cas...
Speaks: english
Accents: american
local dumbass
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Writer, and Live Actor
Heyo, I'm a singer. And an amateur VA and Artist.I am also a writer, I am currently writing 3 musicals and some books (Some probably will never see the light of day..)I just started composing, I'm a pianist though so it comes somewhat easily.My voice can go from high to medium. Singing-wise, I can go from baritone (Shock) to soprano, but I’m more comfortable with alto to mezzo^^. My full range is G2 to G6, belting around G2 to D5.I have a large range, 4 octaves, not as much as Mariah Carey sadly.I tend to prefer videogame-related projects, but I also enjoy original projects! My hyperfixations rn (I have ADHD fair warning): Hazbin Hotel, Pokemon, Undertale, Deltarune, Undertale Yellow, Lyric Writing.I don’t have much experience with Voice Acting but I try my best! If you have any questions, you can contact me by my discord, quinntimbers. Some projects that I’m in:FF! Undertale Yellow t...
Beginner Voice Actor, Non Union. Excited to start this adventure. I got a new mic! I cant wait to try it out. Also nonbinary
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Writer, and Live Actor
I am a novice voice actor who has taken several classes and workshops over the past couple of years. I also have a theatre background. I am an archaeologist having graduated last year.I recently got a Blue Yeti mic, no studio though but atleast I got a proper mic.I am also an archaeologistUpcoming Voice Roles:Silurian Rebels- Doctor Who-The Undone Doctor-The Extinction FactorUnnamed Warcraft Machinima- Nightborne Professor (Archaeologist)
Speaks: english
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, and Live Actor
Hi my name is Victor ''Hatrax'' Labrecque and I'm a semi-professional french canadian actor who REALLY enjoys Theater. I played in some french adaptation like ''Le nez'' from the author Nicolas Gogole or ''the elephant man". Don't be afraid to message me if you need a frenchi.
Skills and Interests: gravelly high pitched young adult
words on a screen
I am a Voice Actor, Writer, and Live Actor
Heya, Im Aiden and you have you have found yourself on my page! WOWIE! I'm a voice actor with an absolute love of performing and storytelling, no matter the project or role I always have an utter blast with it.

Speaks: english
Voice Description: male teen male young adult
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Animator, Video Editor, Music Composer, Writer, Director, and Live Actor
Hi!!! I’m just starting out with voice acting and stuff, but I do have lots more experience with writing and guitar. Also I didn’t expect my interests and skills to be pilled into one on here, so I just wanna say that “heavy metal” is not one of my skills… but I do consider Fortnite one of my skills if you ever wanna hop on duos with me.
Speaks: english
Voice Description: male young adult
" I wouldn't try that, my dear! This face was made for radio. "
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Animator, Writer, and Live Actor
Hello! My name is Cedar and I'm an amateur voice actor, artist, and animator looking to hone my skills. I'm a lover of Hazbin Hotel, Helluva Boss, and plenty more! The easiest way to get into contact with me is to DM me on this websitie. Discord potentially coming soon!
Speaks: english