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Voice Actor, Animator, Composer, Comic Artist, Illustrator (with a love for nostalgic cartoons and crossovers!) - [ OPEN CASTING CALL || Samurai Jack Original Comic Dubs (Deadline: May 31st 2022)]
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Animator, Video Editor, Music Composer, Writer, and Director
Hiyya hey there! My name's Pache, it's a pleasure to meet you!
I am an artist from the Philippines that creates original and fan content, and my work varies from art, animation, music production, comics, writing, and more! 
The projects I am currently working on, and will be working on here, are primarily passion projects for fun (both fanmade and original), and I hope to make them an enjoyable and worthwhile experience for all those participating.
One of the main fan-related projects I have is called "The Crossoverse", and as the name implies, it revolves around (an indefinite amount of) crossover stories and pitches for, and between, characters from cartoons, films, shows, etc., as well as characters from my own personal projects and stories.
--VOICE ACTING (May 15, 2023) As of writing this, I have now officially gotten into voice acting recently! 
My voice ranges fro...
I am a Voice Actor, Writer, and Director
Marshal - Voice Actor/Writer - 25 White They/Them
contact me at dizzyybun on discordOr at Dizzyybun on twitter
Search all 1119 director fifine k669b profiles