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Making plans for improving creative content
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Animator, Video Editor, Writer, Director, and Live Actor
Speaks: english
Voice Description: female young adult
Hello, i'm a student from Mexico  of animation and drawing, i have few times worked in voice acting, hope i can help in a proyect
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Animator, Video Editor, Audio Engineer, and Director
Im an animation  student, but also im practicing to be a voice actress and a series creator.
Here you can take a look to my Portfolio.
Voice Description: female teen
This is it
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Writer, Director, Producer, and Live Actor
Hello, I'm an aspiring voice/live actor as well as a writer/poet. I also dabble with a bit of drawing. I'm available most days, and if I'm not free I'll inform you. I'm currently developing a project called "What If Yash Was Superman?" to give myself and other VAs who may or may not have any experience a chance to take part in something that will hopefully look nice on their resume in the hopes of my project being an adequate stepping stone into whatever venture we may want to take.
Check out my IG you'll find my poetry there, and I'll be posting anything I do related to acting/voice work here as well @Writer.Yash
Speaks: english
Your only limit is your imagination.
I am a Artist, Video Editor, Writer, and Director
I am a fellow developing artist and creative talent. I support art and creative talents in many areas. Especially those who are struggling. And those who are up and coming talents too.
Every artist and creative talent deserves their place in the world. No matter what their skill level or style is.Please feel free to visit my DeviantArt page.
Speaks: english
Livin' live in MEMORIES, not one in FORGET...
I am a Voice Actor, Animator, Video Editor, Music Composer, Writer, Director, and Live Actor
-Aspiring actor/filmmaker-Quick Learner-18 and will help with any project-Beginner but decent-Discord is Noah Sucks#2768-DM anytime if u need help [for free or paid, idc]-Like making content just need friends first lol-6'0-6'1, 180Ib, average, loves to learn combat and do own stunts, can improv a bit, and has brown hair with blond highlights.
"I´m not planning to die, so my enemies might have to." 🖤
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Video Editor, Writer, Director, Producer, and Live Actor
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🏮Hey there! I go by Ella ^^ 
【 Basic Info 】- 🍁
✦ Name: Ella Asteria✦ Age group: 15-20✦ Experience: 1+ year
•┈••✦ I always get my lines done before the deadlines•┈••✦ I always do multiple takes on each line•┈••✦ open to feedback! 
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▹ 【 My Contact 】
❤︎ | Discord: ella asteria
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【 My Ranges & Accents 】- 🍁
✦ Ranges: medium low - high✦ Ages: Young child - Senior✦ Accents: Canadian, Spanish, Korean, Russian & French. (Willing to expand!)✦ Languages: English, French & Spanish
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【 Additional Abilities 】- 🍁
✦ Sobbing/crying: ✔︎✦ Screaming: ✔︎✦ Groaning: ✔︎✦ Growling: ✔︎
⊱───── •✧♡♢✧• ─────⊰ 
【 To Keep In Mind 】 - 🍁
✦ I Won't be taking part in any NSFW projects.✦ I Won't be auditioning for LGBTQ roles if their actions/dialogues/styles are too gay. :)
Speaks: english
"You never know what you want until you do"
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Video Editor, Audio Engineer, Writer, and Director
Hello my name is Zeiah but professionally or shortly, call me Zay! I'm a new-amateur college kid who's majoring towards English but really aiming towards doing many things. For sure writing is one of my strong suits but I am also quite fond in trying out for voice acting, singing, editing, just whatever I am into! In terms of professional experience though I have performed in choir throughout growing up, if that counts and I have taken improv classes. In terms of indie stuff I have been in a couple of fan projects, most of them have worked out, at the moment I am running two indie projects of my own being Tempo Lash Pretty Cure and Recight!

I encourage you to check out Recight by the way, as it's a new multimedia project that me and my friends are open in looking for other musicians to be apart of with us, hopefully. Tempo Lash will be going into Wave 2 casting soon, so stay tu...
Skills and Interests: 2d/3d artwork 2d art amateur artist amateur comic artist amateur lyric composition amateur lyricist amateur poetry amateur video editing Angel Dust animatic animatic artist arranging art direction art sketching art style matching audio mixing audio mixing/editing audio recording/mixing/editing background art design bass bass singer bass singing cartoon animation cartoon art character art character artist character concepts character design character designer choir arrangement concept art concept design creating writing deep vocal range depression gay different pitches of voice digital art digital artist digital artwork editing writing emotional voice acting fantasy gacha character design harmony arranging Hazbin Hazbin hotel huge character voice range illustration improvisation instrumental arrangements long range voice lyric writing Magical Girl middle range singing mixing and mastering mixing/mastering multi instrumentalist musical theater musical theatre music arranging music mixing poet poetry poetry recitation Precure Pretty Cure proof reading range manipulation screenplays screenplay writing script editor script writing short stories short story writing sorta instrumentally talented studio instrumental tenor tenor vocals translating lyrics translyrics translyrics writing video editing video editing (advanced) video editing after effects video editing (basic) video editing premier video editing (premiere pro) vocal mixing vocal range vocals/singing witing lyrics writing lyrics writing poetry young child
15 year old story teller
I am a Singer, Artist, Writer, and Director
It's me
Skills and Interests: 2d/3d artwork 2d art 2d sprite work 3d 3d artist 3d modeling adr scripting/directing advertising amateur artist amateur audio editing amateur comic artist amateur musician amateur video editing amateur voice acting amateur writer amateur writing art sketching art style matching audacity audio editing background art design background music cartoon art character art character artist character concepts character creation characterdesign character design character designer character writer comedic voice acting comic aritst concept art concept design creating writing creative writing deep female voice deep voice deep voices descriptive writing designing characters dialogue dialogue script writing dialogue writing different pitches of voice different voices different voices and some impersonations diffrent piched voices digital art digital artist digital drawing drawing (2d traditional/digital) drawing anime drawing (anime/manga style) drawing/sketching editing writing emotional voice acting game advertising game animator game design game developing game development Game marketing game music game producer Game publisher Game tester gaming and voice acting horror writing huge character voice range korean kpop k-pop lineart line art long range voice lore creation lyrics lyric writing manga art manga drawing Manhua manhwa marketing medium pitch voices medium tone voice mimicking voices minor video editing modeling 3d moderation multiple voices music making Name Naming normal voice original voices pixal art plot development plot outlines plot writer pop culture possibly writing scripts producer proof reading and writing proofread scripts psychotic voice Publishing raspy voices raw voice review writer screenplays screenplay writing screen/script writing script scripting scripting/writting script writer scriptwriting script writing script writing (basics) script writing/editing shy voice silly voices sketching/drawing skilled writer smooth voices sound effects staff storyline writer tablet drawing testing translation video game development videogame writing visual art voice voice acting voice acting (beginner) voice over voice over acting writing characters writing dialogue writing lyrics writing (screenplay) writing scripts
19 ♡ they/xe/she ♱ 🇲🇽 ♡ multimedia artist ♱ fibro/cfs + autistic ♡ coquette drag vampire of MN ♡ FREE PALESTINE
I am a Artist, Writer, Director, and Producer
Hello! I'm Jessalynn; I'm a satire/fantasy artist and the creator of the Final Frontier. I'm currently living in the Midwest for college and I do charity work as a drag queen. You can see more of my works listed at my SpaceHey. You can also support my work and my college journey by donating to either my Patreon or Ko-fi. Thank you! ♡
Speaks: english for a collection of all the (released) projects I've been a part of!
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Video Editor, Audio Engineer, Writer, Director, Producer, and Live Actor
Amateur voice actress, digital artist, and musician.
19 y/o, will work for free (within reason). Feel free to DM me!
Speaks: english
Artist, writer, actor, nerd.Any pronouns.
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Animator, Writer, and Director
Transmasculine Thespian Honor Society member! <3I have 3 years of acting & improv experience and many, many years of drawing & writing experience. I have traveled to two one-act competitions as a stagehand/understudy. I have experience with short story writing, playwright work, and to an extent, novel writing and comic scripting/drawing. I have worked in a group for many years, and have even held a job involving children. I'm hoping to get into and improve my voice acting and will be purchasing a proper microphone soon.
Please DM if you need info such as my age, ethnicity, etc.
Speaks: english
Hi hello konichiwa
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Video Editor, Writer, and Director
Hello, my name is Pixel/Aiden, and I am a California-born transmasc currently living in Nevada. Yes I can voice fem characters, I dont rlly care as long as you dont actually misgender me. You can contact me on Discord, my username is Pixelad3 on there too. Can’t wait to do stuff with you :D
I am a Director and Producer
My friends and I would really like to become a studio which posts videos on youtube, our goals are to have episodes for different shows to come out daily/weekly. We want to share our love of certain topics and creative idea's.If you have an idea and/or skills for one of these please feel free to message us, we are always looking for creative people
Speaks: english
Accents: any