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I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Animator, Video Editor, Music Composer, Audio Engineer, Writer, and Director
I am a person with a passion for the filmmaking industry. My main interests concentrate on animation production, particularly character animation and voice acting. I am also skilled in film scoring, audio editing, and screenwriting. My experience comes from working on client films as well as my own animations. - Porfolio -Twitter - Youtube 
Voice Description: male adult male young adult
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Animator, Video Editor, Writer, and Director
10 years voice acting, animation, and video editing experience.2017 Mix Nyle Demo Reel

Animations featured in five Comic Cons in 2018.Black Ash Audience Reaction

Wide vocal range and multiple accents.2018 Mix Nyle VO Demo with Animations 

Celebrity praise from voice actor, Eric Stewart (the original voice of "Pokemon"'s Brock, James, and "Yugioh"'s Seto Kaiba)Eric Stewart watches Black Ash

Please feel free to contact directlyIG- @mixnyleGmail- [redacted]

Speaks: english
I am a Voice Actor, Video Editor, Music Composer, Audio Engineer, Writer, and Director
Speaks: english
Voice Description: male teen male young adult
I'm an artist and actor that would love to do more voice over! 
I am a Voice Actor, Video Editor, Writer, Director, Producer, and Live Actor
Email: [redacted]Discord: Matt247
Voice Description: male adult male young adult
ChristianAnimations Studios (CA Studios) is an independent animation studio that is passionate about delivering the best possible animations. Our team is dedicated to creating unique and captivating projects, blending the style of 2D animation with hand-drawn techniques and digital forms of cartoons
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Animator, Writer, and Director
My name is Christian Nash, and I am the proud creator of The ChristianAnimations Show (TCAS), a vibrant and heartfelt homage to the transformative power of animation. This project draws inspiration from groundbreaking styles and techniques seen in works like Spider-Verse, Scott Pilgrim, Panty and Stocking, and Fundamental Paper Education. My objective is to weave together bold visuals, dynamic storytelling, and high-energy action, all while exploring meaningful themes such as creativity, rivalry, and personal growth.Animation has been a lifelong passion for me, serving not only as an artistic medium but also as a way to shape reality and inspire dreams in others. With TCAS, I aim to encapsulate this vision by telling the compelling story of a young animator who finds themselves immersed in a fantastical world where art and imagination possess the power to challenge societal norms and ...
Skills and Interests: 25D Animation 2d/3d artwork 2d animation 2d animator 2d art 3d animation 3D animator 3d artist 3d modeling adaption writing adobe adobe after effects adobe animate adobe audition adobe creative suite adobe premiere adr scripting/directing amateur voice acting animatic animatic artist animation animation 3d anime anime noises art direction art sketching art style matching audacity audacity audio editing audio editing (adobe audition) audio editing (audacity) audio editing (basic) audio engineering voice acting audio engineer (music) audio layering audio mastering audio mixing audio mixing/editing audio processing audio production audio recording audio recording/mixing/editing background art design background music bass singer blender blender3d Book editor book illustrator british british (london) cartoon animation cartoon art cartooning cartoon voices character acting character animation character impressions character writer clean-up Animations coloring color tones comedy writing comic aritst composing music content editing content writing creating writing creative direction creative writing dialogue script writing dialogue writing different pitches of voice different voices digital art digital artist digital artwork digital drawing digital editing directing directing assistance direction drawing (2d traditional/digital) drawing anime drawing (anime/manga style) drawing cartoons drawing/sketching editing audio EFX film acting film editing film music flash animation fl studio frame by frame animation graphic design graphic designer graphic designing huge character voice range japanese japanese singing japanese (singing) japanese(singing) line art lyric writing make videos motion graphics music composer music composition music creation music director music editing music production normal voice original voices photo editor planning planning and organization plot writer pop/rb singing pop vocals possible voice acting possibly writing scripts producer producing music producing videos production management professional project management recording audio rough animation rough art sketches scorewriting screenplay writing screen/script writing screen writing script script writer short film director shy voice singing singing/songwriting sketch art sketch artist sketching sketching/drawing song production song writer sound sound design sound design/production sound effects sound production storyboard artist story boarding storyboard pro storyline writer story organization team management trained singer vfx video animation video creator/editor video editing video editing (advanced) video editing after effects visual art visual effects visuals vocal acting voice acting voice directing voice effects voice over voice over acting voice over/acting voice overs voice over talent webcomic author writing books writing/directing writing scripts writing song lyrics writing songs
Muzzy Mind Projects
Creation is the same as birth, watching life grow before your very eyes. And at the end of the day, you did that.
I am a Director and Producer
Muzzy Mind Productions is a small online based studio creating original and fan audio dramas and more across various platforms. Our experienced sound team not only works on amazing stories, but demo production as well. Our current list of projects in the works..I Faked Love With A Sorceress, So She Gave Me Boobies Anime Inspired Audio Drama With Visual Episodes And ShortsCoalesce: Crimson Flight Historical Sci Fi Audio Drama + Crimson Chronicles Side StoriesMonster Moosh Hotel Translyvania MusicalMob Psycho 100 Winter Festival Anime Fan AnimaticYata No Kagami [Sacred Mirror]And more...We have plans for two animated films, and we want to expose other projects beforehand.
Speaks: english
Voice Description: female adult warm
Trae Gonzalez (TGComps) is a freelance voice actor, sound engineer, and music composer.
I am a Voice Actor, Music Composer, Audio Engineer, Writer, Director, Producer, and Live Actor
Trae Gonzalez's (TGComps)- https://www.traegonzalez.com name is Trae Gonzalez. I’m a freelance voice actor, music composer, and sound engineer ready to offer my services in fan-created and/or licensed productions. If you like what you see and hear, you can contact me at [redacted] or on most social media platforms @TGComps.
Lots of experience with stage and voice acting, mostly indie productions.
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Writer, Director, and Live Actor
I've been involved in theater for well over a decade and want to get more involved in voice acting. Voice acting fits the way I like to work and I've worked on multiple private projects in the past. I have consistent access to quality hardware (see my demo reel, it's a bit long, skip around) and am always open to a DM on Discord [@randymations]. I'm open to live workshops and getting things done quick. If you like how I sound (or hate it, that's okay), I'm receptive to feedback and always appreciate honest criticism. I hope to work with you on your next project!
Speaks: english
Search all 1932 director adobe creative suite profiles