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Search all 4934 audio engineer wisconsinite profiles
☆ The Place: Creativity Meets Community!
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Animator, Video Editor, Music Composer, Audio Engineer, Writer, Director, Producer, and Live Actor
☆ "The Place?" . . what place? 
At The Place, we are fanatical about the very wide world of project creation online. And we are sure you are as well: yet, it can grow to be very difficult for any kind of artist to motivate themselves (or even get their foot in the door!) in a world where many bright individuals (with great ideas!) may find themselves lost, without guidance, or simply feeling without community. Our mission is to foster a vibrant hub for any and all artists to collaborate, showcase their talents, and connect with like-minded creatives.

The Owner, Bambi, and Co-Owners Red and Titan, created The Place out of years of past experiences in the industry, and from a place of deep care and compassion for the communities that they were a part of. We know that it can be tough out there and sometimes the industry is relentless in its inner and outer operat...
Speaks: english
Skills and Interests: script editing
Search all 4934 audio engineer wisconsinite profiles