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Little Moose Noises
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Video Editor, Music Composer, Audio Engineer, Writer, and Producer
My name is Jay and I'm from Canada. I write, draw, and voice act under the name JayEmEl, and my audio productions are under Little Moose Noises.
All music I've composed is only by ear, I'm not professionally trained.
But I like to think I'm a pretty good narrator. :)

I can do NSFW voice work, but will only accept to do the sensual/tasteful kind. Rates negotiable.
If you're looking to hire me as a narrator, my rates are the ACX standard 200$ USD per finished hour. I am capable of editing/mastering my own audio, special effects included. For raw audio (completely unedited except for removal of bad takes), I will accept 75$ USD per hour (also negotiable). Please keep in mind that narrators will read some 8400 words per hour, give or take, to give you an idea of how much your project will cost.

For regular voice work like playing a character -- DM me, I'm op...
🌈 - "Imagination is the seed of creation, so imagine something good!"
I am a Artist, Animator, Writer, Director, and Producer
Unselfish Service Theater is dedicated to creating content that is both wholesome and entertaining at the same time. Everything I make adheres strictly to the following ideology:It can be romantic without being inappropriate.It can be expressed without bad language.It can be intense without being graphic.It can be funny without being rude.Both men and women can shine equally while being individual.Though fantasy is my main genre, there is one God and He created all things!What's playing in the theater of your mind? 
Speaks: english
Skills and Interests: 2d animator crazy friendly
Faith Jacobs is a neurodivergent writer, podcast host, author, and director of several successfully produced projects including Tir na noc brotherhood, Faithfully yours Mozart, the chronicles of narnia the silver chair (Fan audiodrama) and the upcoming WW2 audioplay, Interviewing Stephen Haggard
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Writer, Director, and Producer
Voice actor| Writer| Author| Podcaster| DirectorBeliever that history should be looked through the eyes of empathy and compassion and that Neurodiversity is diversity.
Maximillian Jasper E.
I am a Artist and Animator
14(going on 15 in June!!)
Unpaid Animator/digital artist!!
Still in high school obviously
Running a series called the cuts and bruises series with my bestie and my partner, Blue and Jay!!
Instagram for the series:
Skills and Interests: 2d animation digital art
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