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Search all 6504 animator standard english profiles
I am a Voice Actor, Animator, Video Editor, Writer, Director, Producer, and Live Actor
Hi there, I'm Joe! I'm a 28 y/o writer, animator, director and actor, and have been producing story-based stop motion animated Transformers fan content for over a decade on my YouTube channel Crosshairs Productions along with a fantastic team of voice actors, editors, producers and musicians!
I have a BTEC in Performing Arts since 2015, as well as performance and directing experience in numerous local theatre productions in my area. Currently I am studying a BA in Performing Arts at a UK drama school.
British Voice Actor, Writer, Blender Animator and Music Producer!
I am a Voice Actor, Animator, Video Editor, Music Composer, Audio Engineer, Writer, Director, and Producer
Hello! My name's Mike! In short, I'm a one-man animation band. In long, I'm an animator, writer, music producer and voice actor of 6 years from London, and this is Woodlake. Here, expect nothing but quality voice acting, 3D modelling and music production. I've got an impactful, youthful, British voice ready to decorate your next project; be that animation, narrative productions, announcements, and much more. The purpose for my voice knows no limits, and if you're ever unsure whether I'm a good fit, I am just a message away!
When I'm not voice acting, I'm most likely animating or writing scripts for my animation outlet, Toonshed - Find all of the links to Toonshed's websites here:
As part of the Toonshed animation projects I've written and provided my voice on, I have frequently produced the music to accompany it also (under the alias MTM). With 8 years' expe...
Speaks: english
i do voice things sometimes
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Animator, and Director
Been voice acting for roughly 4 years now. I may not be the greatest, but I certainly know what I'm doing. At least I think so lol

I can scream loud and long, be very expressive or monotone, and just about everything but a consistent high-pitched voice. My vocal range is decently wide but mostly reserved to lower tones.

I also draw (mostly)

I'm looking to collaborate with others on their projects or my own. Sounds fun.
Speaks: english
Setup: audacity
Search all 6504 animator standard english profiles