

Joined Apr 2021 4 Following0 Followers
About sulli

Hi there! My name is David Martin Sullivan. I'm a brand new, aspiring Voice Actor from the UK! I've always wanted to get into acting in some form but never really pushed myself to do it. Drama at school was a passion of mine but I could never find a way to break into acting due to social anxiety. A few years ago I used to stream gaming content on Twitch and also made some YouTube videos to go along with that too. I'd get a lot of people commenting on my voice and that I should get into Voice Acting or Voice Overs if I could so, here I am, finally! I'm ready, willing and very very passionate about doing this for a hobby first and a career second. Believe me, if I could make THIS a career, that'd be the dream come true scenario but for now?... I'm more than happy to give this a go as a side hobby to help those creatives and also myself make some magic!

Thanks for checking me out and take care out there!

Sulli :)

  • @rogueassain

    Easy to work with and timely responder. Acceptable quality of audio and adds multiple takes within audio to change or fit the mood right.