(Just Neptuna Left!) Plants VS Zombies Heroes If They Had English-Speaking Voices! (Headcanon Voice Project)
RedrcknRbn for Impfinity (Closed)

Don't let this imp superhero's small size take your guard down, or you may just find out the hard way that there's MORE to Impfinity than just a small zombie that looks like he got his threads by combing a police car siren and a Halloween costume! Impfinity's superhero suit is one that he crafted all by himself that gives him the power to clone himself into threes... And generate some imp zombie recruits into his battles... Even WORSE. Acting alone, the imps are powerless... But united together, the imps can provide just as BIG of a threat as a lone Gargantuar! Maybe even 3 lone Gargantuars! Don't let Impfinity multiply the trouble for too long... Or you might just be dealing with threats more than 10 TIMES your own size!
(For Impfinity's voice, I'm looking for a high-pitched voice. Males can audition using a voice changer to alter their voice into a high pitch to make it sound like an imp from the Plants VS Zombies video games, or females can use a high-pitched young male voice belonging to a young boy or child.)
- english
- male child
- north american
- animation/character
(Evil Chuckle) Ha-Ha!!! They say that big things come in small packages... And all those silly humans are soon gonna be thinking about ME the next time they say that, because once I'm through with their weak army of puny weeds, I've already multiplied those big things into 3 times the big trouble! *Evil, Mischievous laughter*
(Evil Mischievous Giggling) Hee-hee-hee-hee-hee-hee!!! That's what you get for refusing to pick on someone your own size!
*Bonus* Do some improv. Say something you think would fit. Any sentence relying on this character's personality will do!