Sonic the Hedgehog (IDW Publishing) Comic Dub
Faux Synder for Blaze The Cat

Solemn, calm, and collected in battle, Blaze is a noble soul. Initially, she was a bit of a loner and somewhat defensive. However, she eventually warmed up to the concept of friendship and became more sociable and positive as a result of her new relationships. She has since come to cherish the friendships she has made and will do anything to keep her friends safe despite having only known them for a short time.
Despite the dignified bearing she maintains and the impression this may leave on others, Blaze dislikes being referred to by titles such as "Princess" or "Your Highness," and would rather be called by her own name, even by her personal ministry. Blaze also holds a strong trust in the Sol Emeralds and does not deviate from the tasks they cause her to undertake until uncovering the purpose behind them.
Despite her relatively introverted nature, deep down, Blaze is a very amiable, friendly, and gentle individual who's often willing to help others in need and stands up for those who cannot stand up for themselves.
Voice Reference:
- english
- female adult
- female teen
- female young adult
"Sonic! You are here. I assume these are Dr. Eggman's robots?"
"I'm afraid the three of us are not enough. -- Regardless, they're refilling their ranks faster than we can dispose of them."
"You are welcome. And please, just call me 'Blaze'."