The Zipper Bunch Band Show (PILOT)
DHowiedoit for News Reporters

Newswoman/men reporters. Character portrayal has to be realistic; adult sounding.
- english
- narrator
- american
- news anchor
But all this new information, despite the slightly severe fire damage, begs the question: just who inside is the person responsible, literally speaking, and was he really the person we thought he was? News Channel’s Diana Callaghan has spoken with the Portland Police Bureau officials as well as members of the Forensic Evidence Division team and local fire safety commissioners who were at the scene yesterday, and he joins us right now in the newsroom to tell us more about this chilling story. Diana?
Since there appears to be no signs of leads to any possible conclusions, we may never know who really did it. Said supposed suspects are still unknown and unapprehended.
Well, Tim, I must say it was just horrible what they were able to unearth on the premises, and it continues to be quite a nightmare. In his statement to the News Channel team, Portland police chief Charles Moose comments that "law enforcement is currently at a loss, confused and baffled by what is happening", particularly in light of the recent fire that resulted in this situation to begin with. In the forensics division, the investigation was wrapped up just 2 hours ago and more struggle is expected tomorrow and the coming days as a number of new discoveries are still yet to be made, although just how many is unknown at the moment.