Wildfire Woods
Richard Gibson for Viridi Umbra
Viridi is a fire creature and goes by he/him pronouns
Viridi has a way with people. He seems to know EVERYONE on the Hearth, because naturally, Viridi is very social, hilarious, and snappy. However, he always seems to need to be WINNING, leading him to often be overly competitive or overbearing in conversations. But when he feels actually scared or threatened, he’s dead quiet. When it comes down to it, Viridi is a coward, and he will always run and hide despite his high and mighty exterior. However, Viridi’s actually a lot more intelligent than he appears. He’s witty, can see right through most problems and people, and when jumping to conclusions (as he usually does), he tends to be uncannily accurate. Deep down, Viridi really cares about his friends and family the most, and perhaps that’s why he’s so eager to meet new people.
“But you said “Don’t worry about PAYING” and spit your drink everywhere. Look.”
“I’m not THAT new to teaching. I don’t need your advice.”
“These things were not built for safety. I don’t know if we should…”
“Get out of here! What are you doing, bossing her around? - WAIT NO! SPARE ME! I’M SORRY!”
“Flint! This is my best friend, Cassie. We met 20 and a half minutes ago. Oh, how the seconds fly by…”