Passive No More - Fantasy - Original Indie Animation
Joseph David Spence for LION - RAYMOND DAIR
Paid/Unpaid: Paid - $1.50 per line with a $25 minimum - Paypal only
Optional Voice Reference: All Might (My Hero Academia), Gajeel Redfox (Fairy Tail), Laxus Dreyar (Fairy Tail), Endeavor (My Hero Academia)
Endeavor Moments!! (DUB) Part 1
Age: 40-55
Gender: Male
Appearance: Lionkin-humanoid. Also known as the King of Beasts, Lord Firemane or the Lion King. Has the bipedal form of a male lion-humanoid of 10 feet tall, 800 pounds, with a coat that gleamed with the radiance of the sun. His title of "Lord Firemane" came from his ability to ignite his thick, luxurious mane in a nimbus of amber and golden fire. He could sprout the wings of a gigantic eagle at will. Radiates a powerful, yet gentle presence. Possesses a majesty and charisma that is overwhelming at times, yet even the smallest of animals that approach him in good faith feel comfortable around him.
Personality: Lord Firemane led his faithful along a noble path without force or coercion. He genuinely wanted his pride and people to willingly choose benevolent and good actions over the alternatives by their own accord. He is a being of virtue, who would never take the rear in command or ask another to take an action that he himself would not, including the sacrifice of their own life.
Wants: Justice for terrible things their neighboring nations have done to them. For the war and fighting to stop. To protect their people and nation from attacks. Peace.
Line 1: <Commanding, agitated. Speaking on stage to a very large audience.>
Grrr SILENCE! You all are behaving dishonorably!
Line 2: <Not proud of this moment. Speaking on stage to a friend. Seated in a chair, arms folded, eyes closed, furrowed brow>
As honorable as it is, bloodshed will inevitably follow.