Sealed Fates (Trailer)

MagicEm for Viomira (Vio)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Viomira (Vio)
Paid: Flat Rate 5 USD
Role assigned to: vanity

Vio is an absolute scardy cat, she's afraid of everything from dragons to her own shadow. She's naive and extremely innocent, having grown up in the forest, and truly believes that everyone has good in them. After her father dies, she runs away from her home, afraid of being around if her brother were to die, too. She goes out into the world that will eventually change her, and she might just turn into the evil person she thought didn't exist. She's dumb as a rock starting out, but over time, it seems like she may have just been selective in what she chose to understand to protect her delicate mental state. All in all, be prepared to potentially play pretty much two separate characters over the course of this story.

(For Vio's voice, think soft and delicate, like Haru Okumura from persona 5, something light and airy)

  • (Some squeaks and/or general reactions to fear like screams, crying, etc)

    (Muttering) I wanna go home I wanna go home I wanna go home I wanna go home...

  • I-I'm a coward... I know... I fight with a bow because i'm too afraid to get close to a monter... I just can't stop thinking about what would happen if it bit me, or scrached me... or something terrible! Everything is dangerous and scary!

  • Hehe, I don't think there's such thing as a *bad* person! Just... sometimes bad things happen to people that make them sad or scared, and then they do more bad things to more people... it's really sad, actually, because that means it won't ever stop...


    Improv based on your perception of the character!

Sealed Fates (Trailer)
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