

Joined Jun 2019 1 Following1 Followers
About StormRed

Hello and welcome I am StormRed a voice actor/live actor/streamer/fridge checker but most importantly a entertainer who is trying to make his way in the world and have a good time while doing it!

If you want to see me perform live and commit many acts of tomfoolery you can find my Twitch right here

If you want to hear the random thoughts that come into my head follow me on twitter at @StormRed957

want to DM me about something, my Discord is StormRed #1833

  • @abitat

    Let me be the first to recommend Storm for your project~ They may not be well known amongst the VA community, but do not let that put you off! Storm is a sweet, friendly and super talented young man who does some amazing VA work. His voice is soft and rather gentle, able to carry great emotional depth, intonation and improvisation alongside it. He is receptive of feedback, always seeking to improve, as well as especially modest and very friendly and supportive of fellow cast and crew members, which is an amazing asset for a member of any team to have. It is due to this that we rightfully cast him as Erick, one of the supporting party members in our project. In short, don't underestimate Storm - he has a lot of potential and is a dedicated and talented team member - what more could you want? I 110% recommend him as a VA for any project - you won't regret it!