

Joined Sep 2021 1 Following0 Followers
  • @ccmaci

    Sarah is a quality voice actor: she excels in vocal performance, has a quick DM response time, and is straightforward to direct.

      In Hallownest Vocalized, she voices 2 Major Roles, and 2 Minor Roles (of which, 1 minor roles she volunteered for).

      Millibelle was best received by players, as her performance as an “innocent” and “legit banker” who’s “not a thief” was well received by returning players, and artfully deceptive to new ones. And of course, her performance after being caught red handed made reacquiring your stolen money all the more satisfying.

      I recommend Sarah for any roles you consider her for, she’ll be a great addition to your team!

      Additional Notes: This recommendation is for a voice actor from Hallownest Vocalized, a Hollow Knight mod which gave English voice acting to every character in the game. This was a large-scale project, acquiring over 5,000 auditions, but only casting 100 voice actors. This is the mod's Launch Trailer (this VA does not appear in it)