

Joined Jul 2021 0 Following1 Followers
About Retrotech2000

Hiya! I'm Retrotech2000, but just call me Retro.

I'm a solo worker with a big project in the works, and I need help from a lot of people! One of them could even be you!

I don't have an audience as of now, but with your help, I can get one!

Also, now that Dark Mode is here, I'll literally never use Light Mode again.

I'm not forcing anyone to do anything, but I'm simply allowing those who want to draw or voice in anything I make to do so.

  • @xanderalsip

    I've known retro ever since I've started voice acting, we became good friends shortly after that. I'm working on several projects with him currently and his voice and acting ability is incredible. I highly recommend casting Retrotech for your project.

  • @GalaxyZeinz

    Retro is a good writer along with a good voice actor, this man has given me an opportunity to VA for them and I am forever grateful, he is patient, understanding, and willing to move things around to fit everyone's schedule.