Unofficial Owlboy Fandub!

Project Overview

Welcome to the Casting Call for the Unofficial Owlboy Fandub!

NOTE: This casting call page will have moderate spoilers ahead!

Owlboy is a 2016 retro-style platformer created by D-Pad Studios. It focuses on the story of a young Owl named Otus, born a mute and unable to speak. The Owls are an ancient race, and once had a sprawling civilization that dominated the planet, with magnificent technology and high culture. However, hundreds of years ago, they went through a mysterious collapse, and now are only a shadow of what they once were.

Otus has recently begun his training under Asio, his Owl mentor, when the Sky Pirates, a group of fearsome robotic raiders, attack his village. Otus soon finds himself thrust into a journey to save the world, and to make some new friends along the way.

This series will consist of an episodic YouTube series of a playthrough of the game, with dubbed voice acting playing over the dialogue. The project will be managed through Discord, and a Discord account is required in order to be cast. This is an amateur project, and no monetary compensation will be offered. Furthermore, no voice acting experience is required to audition and be considered! Try out for anything that you'd like.

These are not ALL the roles in the game, but they cover the most major ones. For some of the minor ones later in the game, I'll either utilize existing actors on the project, or possibly hold more auditions later. If there's a character you know of in the game that you'd want to try out for, message me and we can see if we can work something out.

Episode 1 has been officially released! Check it out here!

For any other questions, please feel free to message me.

I'd like to thank D-Pad Studios for creating Owlboy, as well as giving me their blessing for going ahead with this project.

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Latest Updates

  • Episode 1 is officially here! Also, audition deadline renewed!

    At long, looooooong last, Episode 1 of the Owlboy Fandub is finally here! Watch it here: Also, I'm renewing the due date on auditions again, as we still have some roles that need filling, and I'm hoping that having a full episode completed will be good for getting them filled again. I'm hoping that having a completed episode will spark enough interest to fill out our cast.
  • Status update: Project is still alive

    I've been holding off on closing roles because I have a few friends who still want to audition. I'm going to give it another week, and if they haven't done it by then I'll start closing out roles anyway. Thanks your your patience!!
  • So the second deadline has passed, but auditions are still open

    I'll attempt to work on closing out some more roles this week, but any open roles are still up for audition! I'll need a few more voice actors before I can really get this project off the ground, and I do know a few people that still want to audition, but haven't gotten to it yet.
  • Deadline extension and current status

    So there's four days left until the initial deadline for auditions. However, at this stage I just don't have enough auditions yet to go forward with the project. Once the deadline hits, I'm going to extend it by another month, then try to do some more work to drum up interest in the project. However, I will likely begin to close out the roles for auditions that I've already received after that time. To those who have already auditioned, thank you for your patience, and I'll do my best to get this thing off the ground.
Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Roo

Geddy is Otus' best friend, and Vellie's defense mechanic. Generally happy-go-lucky and optimistic, Geddy is easily excitable, yet easily frightened, but fiercely loyal to his friends.

  • Hey man! Keeping watch today? Maybe you want to do something later? Otus
    and Geddy, the unstoppable team!

  • Well,
    you DO seem more friendly than the other pirates. And
    I have a feeling that other guy would have attacked us earlier if it
    weren’t for you. What
    do you think, Otus?

  • AGAIN!?
    You cowards! You absolute COWARDS! Raaargh!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: twistedironpaw

Initially a member of the robotic Sky Pirates, Alphonse is more noble and gallant than the typical pirate, which leads him to defect to Otus' side early on. Alphonse is cool-headed in the face of danger, always keeping his wits about him, and he never acts on impulse. Despite being a powerful fighter, Alphonse has sophisticated tastes, and enjoys theater and poetry. 

  • A real crew of pirates would never abandon each other. I would find deeper pride sailing the winds alone... than with an unprincipled band of thugs.

  • Well... I've always wanted to be a dramatic actor. I wanted to awe the world's finest from a stage! Under Molstrom, I wasn't allowed to...

  • Hmmm, that spider person... He does not seem particularly malicious. If I were to guess, I'd say he does not know what trouble he is in.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: synthwizardry

Twig is a hyperactive, troublemaking spider who is initially in league with the pirates, terrorizing Otus and his friends through much of the game. However, the pirates eventually abandon him when they decide he isn't needed anymore. Then, with nowhere else to go, decides to join up with Otus' crew. On the surface he's wacky, mischievous, and carefree, though underneath he's actually quite insecure, revealing that he only worked with the pirates because he just wanted some friends to hang out with.

  • What crawled up green guy's butt?! He seems real mad for some reason!

  • I'm... sorry... I- I didn't realize what the pirates were up to... I just wanted someone to hang out with.

  • An hour from now, I'll be able to tell everyone that Twig, the world's greatest spider, defeated Captain Molstrom, the scourge of the skies!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: deathykloak

Asio is an Owl instructor who takes Otus under his wing and intends to become his mentor. However, due to Otus' perceived failures at the tasks Asio gives him, Asio quickly loses trust in the mute owl, and often ends up berating and humiliating him. In the later sections of the game, he ultimately swallows his pride and admits his mistakes to Otus, apologizing for the Owls' arrogance.

  • No need to look so nervous! This is a great moment for you! Despite being born a mute, under my tutelage you will become one of the pillars of our community!

  • Your actions are inexcusable, Otus. You bring shame to owls everywhere! And most of all, you bring shame upon me.

  • I am... so... sorry... for everything. Despite everything, you have been a remarkable student, Otus. Courage is a trait lost on most owls.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Strix is another Owl tutor, and something of a rival of Asio's. He tutors three owl students, Solus, Fib, and Bonacci. Not much is shown of his methods of tutoring his students, but he does seem at least somewhat less arrogant and derisive as Asio.

  • Asio, we don't have time for this. As a fellow owl, you should know better.

  • My students and I plan to carry supplies to the turret gunners and do repairs. It will be dangerous, but it's the least we can do.

  • This is it!? This village's supplies won't even last a week. Preposterous! Asio has done a lackluster job here, at best.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: jackcogen

A very shy and timid Owl, Solus is one of the students studying under Strix. Anxious and with a bit of a stutter, Solus is slow to trust and tends to be a loner. He often finds himself being picked on by Bonacci and Fib, Strix's other students. He is on good terms with Geddy and Otus, even if he can't bring himself to trust them entirely.

  • H-Hey... I'm sure you don't want to talk right now, but... I want you to know that I believe you. You don't seem like the type to lie, Otus.

  • T-This... This is too much! I can't believe it, Otus! Everything has gone wrong! I can't stay here in Vellie.

  • I-I trust you, Otus, but I can't involve anyone else in this... I'm sorry, b-but I don't have time to explain. Please leave.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Bonacci and Fib
cast offsite

(You can audition for either one, or both)

Owlboy's "Bulk and Skull" of sorts, Bonacci and Fib are a pair of Owls studying under Strix. They are never seen apart, and are known for bullying Otus for being a mute, and Solus for being socially inept and a coward. The smaller Fib acts as the leader of the pair, with the larger Bonacci being his goon. Despite their behavior towards the other Owl students, they perform their duties during the defense of the city of Advent without question.

  • Fib: Are you sure you should be allowed to keep watch? Doesn't everyone think you're an idiot? I mean, are you even a real owl?

  • Bonacci: Man, you're such a scaredy-cat, Otus! Owls should be tough and fearless!

  • Fib: What's up, Solus? Going to patrol for pirates today?Bonacci: Or are you going to run away if you see anything?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

The fearsome, megalomaniacal captain of the robotic Sky Pirates, Molstrom is a machine built for battle. Bloodthirsty and relentless, his only goal is destruction. He seeks three ancient Owl relics, which, if obtained, would give him the capability to wipe out all life on the planet.

  • FOOLS! Come to see your capital burn? Well, take a good look.

  • ...You're here to fight me? Hahahaha! Very well. Hopefully
    you can at least entertain me until the relics are finished charging.


Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: deleted67382

A particularly bloodthirsty and vicious pirate, Dirk is Captain Molstrom's right-hand man. He is instrumental in Molstrom's quest to hunt down the ancient Owl relics. He initially worked together with Alphonse, and was infuriated by Alphonse's decision to betray the pirates, and vowed to hunt him down and destroy him. He was also primarily responsible for manipulating Twig into working with the pirates, and was the one that abandoned Twig when he felt the spider was no longer needed for the pirates' plans.

  • WHY YOU...! You'll pay for your treacherous words! I'll skewer you right where you stand!

  • Who cares? Just alert me the second they get through the door! I don't have time for any more distractions!

  • FRIENDS!? Why would you ever feel the need to seek such frailties? Pathetic... Powerless... Only weaklings who can't fend for themselves will seek friendship.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
The Professor
cast offsite

An old scientist and teacher living in the town of Vellie, the Professor aids in defending against the pirate raid on Vellie, as well as the attack on Advent. By the time of the attack on Advent, he blames Otus for his perceived failures, much like Asio, even though the problems were outside of Otus' control. He does eventually aid Otus once he and his friends are finally able to prove they aren't making any of their story up.

  • Asio, we have no time for this bickering. Geddy!
    Get this machine working so we can get a visual of the pirates.

  • ...This timing... Have the pirates noticed it too? That the islands are......No, surely not.

  • The
    wind machinery was never active!? Don’t
    be ridiculous. We’re all familiar with you and Otus’s slackery!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Kernelle is the Professor's assistant, and a biology teacher at a school in Advent. She is more reasonable towards Otus early on than either Asio or the Professor, and is willing to give him a second chance. She's generally mild-mannered, but loves making rockets and bombs for fun. When dealing with rocketry or explosives, she becomes crazed with excitement.

  • Don’t
    look so down, laddie. If you made a mistake you’ll make it right in
    time. Take
    Asio and the Professor, for instance. They’ve
    made plenty of mistakes.

  • Where
    are my manners? My
    name is Kernelle. I research biology and teach the children at this

    I make rockets and bombs for fun.


Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: MikeVey

Buccanary is the owner of the Legendary Adventure Emporium, along with several dopey Boguin assistants. Though she has a bright and cheery demeanor, it becomes apparent that she has something of a sadistic streak, as the Boguins indicate that she doesn't tend to treat them very well...

When she first meets Otus, she gives him a challenge to find all of her Buccanary Coins, which she has hidden around the continent. As he collects them and brings them to her throughout the game, she gives him various trinkets and rewards to help him during the game.

  • Welcome! Let's tally up that booty! So far, you've collected 500 Buccanary coins. Excellent! And now, for your surprise!

  • Now! Boguin! Back to your shack!

  • Flapping? Why is there flapping in my shop? G-G!!! G-GAWK!!!......Is- is it gone? I think I need a vacation… And a stricter pet policy.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
The Boguins
Role assigned to: synthwizardry

The Boguins are a dopey race of penguin-like creatures that serve as Buccanary's assistants. They're not too bright and rather cowardly, but when not threatened, they're fun-loving and silly. It's implied that Buccanary does not treat them very well...

  • Hi,
    how are you doing today? I’m not allowed to talk to people, hehe!

  • You’re…
    you’re not gonna hurt me? Wow,
    that’s nice of you! I’m
    one of Buccanary’s punching bag- um! One
    of Buccanary’s helpers!

  • Woah! You
    totally saved me! Thanks, buds! I
    thought those beasts were gonna stomp me! And
    kick me! And
    chew on my eyeballs! But
    they didn’t! Thanks
    to you, guy!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: ChihiyoHitsuji

A young soldier in Advent's defense force, and Bonanza's partner. She is injured in the attack on Advent, and separated from Bonanza. With Otus' help, she finds Bonanza, and together, the two help Otus and his friends break into the pirate base.

  • Hoi. You ready, Bonanza?Alright! Here we go!

  • Hey there, Otus! I’m
    glad to see you made it out of Advent! We
    barely made it... And
    our squad leader didn’t make it out.

  • I
    guess it’s time to try to turn a new leaf and plan ahead. Can’t
    grieve forever.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

An elderly Advent trooper, Bonanza is an explosives expert, and surprisingly spry and athletic for her age. She works together with Anne to help Otus and his friends break into the pirate base.

  • Move aside, children. Bonanza will take care of this. HIIIIYA!

  • Aye,
    be careful out there, younglings. Watch out for them sinister tin-cans now!

  • You’re looking for someone? Let me give you some advice…Just jump around absolutely everywhere, super fast. Then you’ll find them eventually.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Vellie Citizens

Currently Toby and Mandolyn have been cast, however Bomboman is still open! We have a temporary solution in place, but given that it's pitch-shifting my own voice I'm not terribly satisfied with it and hopefully I'd like to find someone more fitting.

Audition group for the townsfolk of Vellie.

Bomboman: A simple man who wants nothing more than to play his bongo drums all day. Image

Toby: He enjoys bathing in the town's hot spring, and highly admires the Owls' work ethic. Image

Mandolyn: A kind woman who cares a lot about Otus. She also enjoys gardening and playing music, especially in front of audiences. Image

  • Bomboman: Also,
    there be troublemaker around village. Is not you, is it? Somebody
    is stealing my bongos! Don’t be slacking off now!

  • Toby: You
    owls sure are hard-workin’! Strix’s
    students are scurrying about keeping watch, all the way from Advent... And
    here you are too! I
    prefer to relax in my hot spring! Heheheh!

  • Mandolyn: I’ve
    finished a wonderful new song in the past few days. I think I might go out of town to perform in front of a big audience!


Public Submissions

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