Ghostbusters Advanced

Ghostbusters Advanced

Project Overview

Everyone knows who to call when something strange is in their neighborhood, but when they aren't around, who ya gonna call now?

When the professional paranormal eliminators disappear under mysterious circumstances, rookie Willis "Doc" Campbell assembles his friends to act as protectors of their town of Latham Falls. Can they get over their differences long enough to save the city from sinister spooks? Or will they be unable to rise to the challenge?

Ghostbusters Advanced is a thing I started writing way back during my junior year of high school, but only recently set about doing. After three decades of fanfilmsparodies, and, of course, fanfiction, I noticed no one had tried their hand at an audio drama/radioplay. Why is this? Quite possibly because no one thought an action-oriented property like Ghostbusters would be suited for the medium, when it's quite the opposite.

People tend to forget that the original film wasn't just Venkman, Spengler, Stantz, and Zeddemore blasting and snatching ghosts. It played out like a mystery, with the boys in gray as the detectives. They took evidence (slime samples), gathered data (their experiences with the possessed Dana and Louis), and did research (using, amongst other sources, the oft-referenced Tobin's Spirit Guide). Eventually, they figured out what was causing the rise in paranormal activity (the coming of Gozer) and put a stop to it.

And thus, such a discussion and dialogue heavy series is ripe for the radioplay treatment. In the 1980's, the cast of The Real Ghostbusters cartoon did the occasional play on cassette. While they were definitely for kids, listening to them helped shape my writing style for GBA, as well as the Big Finish Doctor Who stuff.

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Latest Updates

  • More roles added!

    Thank you for following the progress of this project! I've added a few more roles which will be important in the first episode. Anyone who previously auditioned is welcome to do so again.

    Also, thanks to the talented Julia Gervase, we now have some preliminary artwork of the cast!

  • Auditions Extended to Friday, April 22!

    First off, I just want to say thank you so much for the excellent audition turnout so far! It's meant a lot to me and I think in a couple of categories, I know who I want for the roles. Some of you, however, have impressed me enough that I am considering writing additional roles to fit your voice. If you get a message from me this week, you may already be pre-cast or offered a different, supporting role that I think you could fit, which will save me time on the next round of auditions which begin this upcoming Saturday.

    Second, we are looking for writers! If you are interested in writing for Ghostbusters Advanced, send me an email at tmobias AT gmail DOT com with "Ghostbusters Advanced" in the subject line. You will be asked for copies of your prior writing work, audiodramas being a big plus. For the record, this takes place in what is called the Film Continuity, which means that only the two Reitman-produced feature films, the Akroyd/Ramis-penned video game, and the current line of IDW Comics are considered canonical. The two animated series, The Real Ghostbusters and Extreme Ghostbusters, while great and certainly inspirational to me, are not canon to this project.

    In addition, if you would like to discuss the project with me further, you are welcome to Skype me, where my screenname is the same as it is on here.

    - TobyMobias

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Willis "Doc" Campbell

Someone playing this character should be, overall, calm and aware of their surroundings, but never sedated, and occasionally nervous. Doc knows how to take charge when required, and can be quite firm when he needs to delegate responsibility. The character, being the knower of the paranormal, should be comfortable indulging in techno- and psychobabble.

This character is specifically written to be a Person of Colour and as such I would strongly prefer one to play this role. While the voice is the most important factor, it will weigh heavily on my decisions.

  • I'm telling you, this modifcation will work. Just bypass the manual lock, and initiate the shutdown sequence.

  • Well,we either figure out what's wrong with the trap and repair it, or figure out some new way to catch the spectral anomalies.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Ted Millar

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Unlikely friend to Doc and the resident motorhead who keeps their emergency response vehicle, the Ecto 2-B, in passable condition. Ted's the anomaly of the group: the very definition of 'a good ole boy' who looks more at home sitting in a truck's tailgate during a NASCAR race. However, past his Georgian drawl and ignorant demeanor lies one hell of a gearhead. After aiding Doc in his mission, he offered up his van to become the temporary transport of the LFGB, dubbed the Ecto 2-B. Ted is known to be quite protective of his van, and those who are smart would do well to remember the fact. In addition, Ted is quite handy with a proton thrower, having an ease to his aim that few Ghostbusters manage, even the so-called pros.
Ted is a big ol' Georgia boy who, despite leaving the mountains, never quite let the mountains get out of him. He's a bit slow on the uptake, but is kind enough and, when it comes to cars, really knows his stuff. Prepare for a lot of shop talk.

  • How come you two can't just talk normal?

  • Hey! Don't you disrespect the Ecto! This car's saved more lives then you ever have!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Trey Mathers

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The eldest of the group at age 25, Trey can be rather irascible, especially when his teammates come snooping into his lab, disturbing his equipment. Mathers, the team's chief engineer, is in charge of both developing new devices to fight and capture ghosts, and monitoring their large containment unit. As such, he tends to work the most with Doc and Anna, but gets along with everyone the same way: poorly. While brilliant and rightfully proud of his work, he can also be rather lazy and hard to convince/motivate. Imagine Doctor McCoy as a college student with a dash of Gregory House. Again, he speaks in technobabble half the time, and has the belief that if you don't understand it, you don't deserve a translation. He's quick to dismiss what he feels as stupidity, to the point where it can blind him to solutions staring him in the face.

  • Of course the Ecto chooses now to die, right when there's a giant hellbeast chasing after us. Stupid piece of junk...

  • That's great, Ted, real comforting. I'll be sure to tell my grandkids about how this car saved my life and -- oh wait, I won't be having kids. I'm about to get mauled by a ghost dog!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Anna Knight
Role assigned to: missaj0511

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Anna is well-versed in the designs pioneered by Drs. Venkman, Stantz, and Spengler back in the eighties. While Doc is more about history and behavior of spooks, Anna knows how to shove them in a small box using beams of light, which is an equally desirable skill. As such, Anna is often referred to by her position moniker as "Trap Master". She is the only person who lives at the LFGB firehouse, having been evicted from her apartment. Anna is one of the three people who really needs to be comfortable with technobabble, the others being Doc and Mathers. She is, overall, a cool-headed chick who could be happy sipping coffee and reading a book or listening to electroswing and house music as she repairs equipment.

  • The anti-phasic nature of the trap's light stream is deteriorating, possibly due to either a malfunctioning component or even just the age of the trap.

  • Ghosts,Ted. Spectral anomalies are ghosts.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Bertrand "Bat" Hicks
Role assigned to: RockChalk

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Obnoxious,charming, irksome, and fun are a few of the words that encapsulate Bat Hicks. Much like how Dr. Venkman was described in the first Ghostbusters film, he seems to look at his chosen field as 'some kindof dodge or hustle'. While he doesn't take his duties as a 'buster too seriously, he will lend a hand when he either feels threatened, or when he knows that he must. He's ultimately a good person, but being suffocated by his massive ego.

  • Mr. Mayor, sir... I can assure you, my team meant no harm to the city. Uh, sorry about your billboard, by the way.

  • It's the cost of doing business. Besides, which would you rather have,broken equipment at a construction site, or civilians -- your voters -- being scared to death by ghosts?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Bonny Alexander
Role assigned to: kcs-kelsey

Mayor Rhode’s aid and secret ally to the Ghostbusters. She can be a real firecracker, especially when her livelihood or friends are in danger. Bonny is something of a dork, and was class president when Trey graduated high school.

  • Mayor's Office, how may I help you?

  • Look, as much as I want to help...okay, fine, screw it, how much time do you need?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mayor Dave Rhodes

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At age 50-55, David H. Rhodes, a land developer and philanthropist, has recently been elected mayor of Latham Falls, and has promised his town an age of peace and prosperity. However, due to the fact the previous Ghostbusters up and disappeared without a trace, leaving their business in the hands of several untested rookies, this will be much easier said than done. While he doesn't hate the LFGB perse, he doesn't much like them either, as they are, in his mind, solely responsible for destroying entire chunks of the city in their escapades. Unfortunately for him, the EPA and other government agencies will only pay so much to repair and replace it. While not evil or a Walter Peck level bully, Rhodes is the central authority figure that the rookies must deal with who regularly kinks their plans. While ghosts are a known public fact, it doesn't make the task of cleaning up after their escapades any easier for the city. For the most part, however, Mayor Dave and the Ghostbusters leave each other alone, one only bothering the other for an urgent matter.

  • Don't give me that s**t, Hicks. Your team knew g*****n well what they were doing. They destroyed thousands of dollars worth of city property, and the EPA only covers so much.

  • Just be lucky I don't have the grounds to revoke your business license. Now, get the hell out of my office, and you and your little friends stop destroying my town!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Jeremy Swanson
Role assigned to: Joshua Louis

Trey’s roommate, who works in the Library of Hudson University. Unlike Trey, Jeremy is funny, outgoing, and kind. The two have known each other for years and, like Willis and Ted, have a friendship which might not make sense to outsiders.

  • Sir, this is a library, not a mosh pit. You need to leave.

  • I swear, freshmen get younger and younger every year...

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Liz Kim
Role assigned to: Maddog

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Liz is one of those people who enjoys withholding and hoarding information, and being the LFGB's receptionist/secretary, this isn't a particularly good quality. She seems to get along well enough with everyone, but even Ted knows there's something off about her sometimes. She can be rather secretive, to the point where her age is something of a firehouse mystery. However, she is quite helpful when requested, and carries an eight-shot proton revolver in her desk in case of an emergency. A person playing the role of Ms. Kim would have to walk that line between a bubbly receptionist like you'd see in a sitcom and the snarky Janine Melnitz from the GB franchise.

  • Oh, hey, gang. So, how'd it go?

  • Par for the course then? Oh, and you got two more calls while you were out dealing with that.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mona Campbell

Doc's mother and official team mom, Mona runs the Latham Diner, and she and Willis live in the upstairs apartment, with Trey and Jeremy renting the upper floor. Mona is a fun-loving and creative person who worked her way up from waitress to restaurateur, and takes no flack from anyone.

This character is specifically written to be a Person of Colour and as such I would strongly prefer one to play this role. While the voice is the most important factor, it will weigh heavily on my decisions.

  • Hungry? I've got a lasagna in the oven.

  • Apparently there's an emergency downtown. You want me to wrap this up for you? No charge.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Agent Jackson
Role assigned to: Half Infected

  • A soft-spoken but intimidating EPA agent working with PCOC, or so they claim. Unlike Walter Peck, who tried numerous times to put the New York team out of commission, Jackson is a firm believer in the supernatural and occult, occasionally popping up as an ally of the team. That said, they are sworn to uphold the law and will do so without hesitation, even if that means hindering the Latham Falls division, whether they like it or not. He is not without personality, and is not your typical humorless 'man in black'. Think of a cross between White Shadow from The Boondocks and Agent Phil Coulson

  • My name is Agent Jackson, I'm with the Paranormal Contracts Oversight Commission.

  • Shouldn't be a problem. Much easier than cleaning ten-thousand pounds of marshmallow off the streets of Manhattan.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Frank DiPelli

Head franchisee and owner of the LFGB. DiPelli is a hard-working third-generation Italian-American whose father moved them to Latham Falls from New York City in 1990 to escape the constant onslaught of the paranormal. Frank took to the idea of Ghostbusting at a young age, and became a franchiser in 2005.

  • Put your suit on, kid. We got a call.

  • The readings here are nuts! I haven't seen anything like this since that job by the docks!

  • No, kid, stay there! You're the last line of defense!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Ozzie Harriet

Chief Engineer of the LFGB and second-in-command. A long-time friend of Frank’s, they met while serving in the Navy together. Ozzie is a jovial, friendly man always willing to lend a hand. In addition to being a bang-up atomic engineer, he is also a mean cook, serving up fantastic chilli on a weekly basis. This character is specifically written to be a Person of Colour and as such I would strongly prefer one to play this role. While the voice is the most important factor, it will weigh heavily on my decisions.

  • Always a call RIGHT before the game. I wish just once they'd wait until halftime...

  • Nice one, Doc! Now let's never tell Tawny I let you fire a neutrona wand.

  • None of this looks good, Frank. This seems like something way out of our league.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Tawny Devereaux

First official hire of the LFGB and given the title of ‘Field Commander’, Tawny is a no-nonsense lady who is amazing at getting entities and vapours zapped, trapped and tagged with very little collateral damage. While she initially resented ‘babysitting’ Willis on the job, she warmed up to him and recommended he be put on field duty.

  • Don't get cocky. The minute you do, something worse pops up.

  • Give it a rest, Oz. Your team always loses anyway, so really, they're saving you from your suffering.

  • I saw something on the second floor! I'm heading in. Willis, stay out here with your friend.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Amanda Garcia

Twin sister of Mondo and one of the freshest hires to the division, Amanda is a kind, spunky gal possessing a keen insight bordering on psychic ability. More cautious than her brother, she is usually the last to head into danger unless someone is threatened.

This character is specifically written to be a Person of Colour and as such I would strongly prefer one to play this role. While the voice is the most important factor, it will weigh heavily on my decisions.

  • I've got a bad feeling about this... We should go, ASAP.

  • Nobody move! There's a weird energy here.

  • Armando! Get out of there!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mondo Garcia

Twin brother of Amanda and one of the freshest hires to the division, Armando aka "Mondo" is a tough, brave soul who wants to help others, assisted by a sort of 'danger sense' he isn't fully aware of. As the more impulsive of the Garcia twins, he often runs headfirst into dangerous situations, relying on luck and gut feelings to sort him out.

This character is specifically written to be a Person of Colour and as such I would strongly prefer one to play this role. While the voice is the most important factor, it will weigh heavily on my decisions.

  • Locked and loaded, Frankie. We doing this?

  • Relax, guys. It's just an old house, and we're armed with proton gun things!

  • For once, I'm with you guys. This place just gives weird vibes. I call for a bail.


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