Everyone knows who to call when something strange is in their neighborhood, but when they aren't around, who ya gonna call now?
When the professional paranormal eliminators disappear under mysterious circumstances, rookie Willis "Doc" Campbell assembles his friends to act as protectors of their town of Latham Falls. Can they get over their differences long enough to save the city from sinister spooks? Or will they be unable to rise to the challenge?
Ghostbusters Advanced is a thing I started writing way back during my junior year of high school, but only recently set about doing. After three decades of fanfilms, parodies, and, of course, fanfiction, I noticed no one had tried their hand at an audio drama/radioplay. Why is this? Quite possibly because no one thought an action-oriented property like Ghostbusters would be suited for the medium, when it's quite the opposite.
People tend to forget that the original film wasn't just Venkman, Spengler, Stantz, and Zeddemore blasting and snatching ghosts. It played out like a mystery, with the boys in gray as the detectives. They took evidence (slime samples), gathered data (their experiences with the possessed Dana and Louis), and did research (using, amongst other sources, the oft-referenced Tobin's Spirit Guide). Eventually, they figured out what was causing the rise in paranormal activity (the coming of Gozer) and put a stop to it.
And thus, such a discussion and dialogue heavy series is ripe for the radioplay treatment. In the 1980's, the cast of The Real Ghostbusters cartoon did the occasional play on cassette. While they were definitely for kids, listening to them helped shape my writing style for GBA, as well as the Big Finish Doctor Who stuff.