(Currently, Princess Daisy is still open for now. Please check out the project update for more information. Good luck!)
(I have rated this FanDub 13+, as there will be some coarse language, some sexual references, and a LOT of drunk behavior. At least, speech-wise, I mean. I will also be voicing all of the male characters in this chapter that have dialogue.)
(All you need for this project is a decent-sounding microphone. By desktop or phone, it doesn't matter, as long as there's little to no background noise, no mic popping, and no static when you audition. A Discord Account for contact is recommended, but not required, as I can contact you here on the Casting Call Club website if you'd like, Discord is just more of an easier reach. Good luck auditioning, and if you get cast for a role, be prepared to possibly stick around for future projects! Enjoy, Future Jigglypuff Lovers!)
Poor Princess Daisy hasn't been quite her usual peppy self lately... It seems as though she's been rather jealous of one of her fellow Princesses always seeming to catch the attention of the evil Koopa King himself, Lord Bowser... In fact, Princess Daisy is SO fed up with the King of Koopas ignoring her and picking Princess Peach to play the role of damsel in distress, that she decides to go to the local Mushroom Kingdom bar in order to calm down from all of the stress that she has built up from her grown jealousy towards Peach... But after Daisy overdoes it a LITTLE bit... It seemed to make her even MORE of a sweetie turned sour! With her mind being fogged by the drinks, Daisy has grown even more spite towards Peach, thinking more negatively about her! But Peach is always there to help a friend when they need it, no matter how mean they've become! Peach knows that this sort of behavior isn't like Daisy, so after talking to her through her drunk trance, she finds out that there's a BIGGER reason for Daisy acting more bitter and salty than usual... It may not be just from a rejection of love... But instead might've started with a HUGE loss of her Kingdom after a big, SERIOUS poker bet...
(The following project is a non-profit webcomic fandub made just for your entertainment and mine. Daisy Falls Apart is a comedic Super Mario parody webcomic series belonging to veteran artist Furboz, and I do not own anything this talented artist has in any way, shape, or form. Feel free to support the creator of this webcomic parody series by checking out more of Furboz's artistic content! This fandub will be uploaded to my YouTube Channel. Good luck and enjoy!)