Beyond the Dark Productions - ‘The Road of Shadows’ - Season 4 | Original audio drama

Project Overview
Beyond the Dark Productions is a studio based in Brisbane, Australia, run solely by founder Mark R. Healy. Current projects include The Strata, a sci-fi audio drama released in 2021 and The Road of Shadows, a mystery and suspense audio drama released in 2023. Both productions have reached Number 1 in over seventy countries in their category on Apple Podcasts and received critical acclaim for their compelling narratives and high production values.
***Payment is set at USD $1 per line with the following categories***
Lead – (over 300 lines)
Major – (200 - 300 lines)
Supporting – (50 - 200 lines)
Minor – (fewer than 50 lines, $25 minimum)
Synopsis: It's 1984, and Daniel Knox is on the run. He's spent his entire life evading mysterious creatures that are disguised as everyday people - the ones he calls 'Shadows'. Preying on humans in secret, the Shadows are an enigma even to Daniel. But he knows one thing for sure - the Shadows' true nature can't be seen by anyone but him. As he seeks refuge in a remote mountain community, Daniel crosses paths with a traveller who is investigating the disappearance of her sister in the same town. Gradually, the secrets begin to unravel - and for Daniel - life will never be the same again.
Disclaimer / Content Warning: This project contains horror, profanity and some portrayals of violence (gunplay, body horror, blood).
Rules for auditioning
1. A quality recording. I can't use poor audio no matter how great your performance might be.
2. Commitment to deadlines.
3. Willingness to take direction and provide pickups if necessary.
4. You must be 18 years or older to audition
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***Payment is set at USD $1 per line ***
This role is in the Supporting category – (50 - 200 lines)
Grace is a resident of the small town of Oakwood. She has lived in town for many decades and raised her daughter Christina as a single mother. She is strong-willed, independent, and does not suffer fools. A kind and caring mother, Grace has always put her daughter’s needs before her own.
However, in a strange turn of events, Grace’s daughter Christina walked out of the house two years ago without a word and has never been seen since. After the disappearance, Grace has become more and more cynical of the other residents of Oakwood, and these days she does not socialise much with anyone at all. She knows that something isn’t right in the town, and does not understand why no one else will talk about it. Grace often refers to the townspeople as ‘ostriches’ due to their tendency to bury their heads in the sand. Although Grace desperately wants to know what happened to Christina, she feels isolated and alone with no one to help her.
Due to the hardships she has endured in recent times, Grace’s voice reflects a certain jaded and world-weary quality as she struggles to retain any hope in the world around her.
- american
- female adult
(Giving her thoughts on the disappearance of an acquaintance, an event that happened several decades ago and which has long been the subject of speculation) “You know what I think? I think something awful happened to Tommy. Something that made him lose his mind. And after that he went running off into the woods, and - if I had to guess - I’d say he ended up at the bottom of some deep, dark ravine in a place where no one’s ever going to find him.”
(Fondly recalling her relationship with Christina. Nostalgic, with an underlying sense of loss and regret) “Chrissy and me were always close. I know that some kids don’t get along with their folks after they hit those ‘teenage years’, but it was never like that with us. We used to sit and watch Jeopardy together and go for walks, and every Tuesday night was Monopoly night, come rain, hail or shine. The two of us were working our way through Grandma’s stack of recipes, too. Putting everything in order and writing ‘em all nice and neat in a brand new book Chrissy picked up at the newspaper store. She loved scrapbooking and drawing pictures.”
(Somewhat cynical after she is told that no one in town knows why people are suddenly disappearing) “Well, I’m not exactly surprised to hear that. Lots of ostriches in this town. Sorry... that’s just what I call the folk who bury their heads in the sand. Seems to be a lot of those around here lately.”
***Payment is set at USD $1 per line ***
This role is in the Supporting category – (50 - 200 lines)
Christina is a resident of the small town of Oakwood. She has lived all of her life with her mother Grace in a small house in a quiet part of town, and after leaving school she worked several days a week at a local car dealership as a secretary. She is somewhat idealistic and believes in true love, and expresses herself through art. Her room is filled with sketches and paintings of her own creation. She also keeps a diary, inside of which she keeps many of her hopes and dreams.
In recent times, a dark presence has loomed over Christina, and as such she has begun to lose her way. She has started to disconnect from the things she enjoys, and her relationship with her mother has faltered. Christina feels powerless to stop herself from being drawn into this dark new world, and although she does not understand it, she knows that great peril awaits if she cannot find the will to turn away.
- female young adult
- american
(Pleading with a loved one for understanding. Regretful) “You’re still upset about the phone call, aren’t you? The argument we had the last time we spoke. I wanted to come home to you, but I was in trouble and I couldn’t tell you the truth.”
(Grim, ominous. Calm, but with a note of menace. Offering a dire warning to a young woman about her male companion) “And this other one, he’s just a broken old man, too scared to face his demons alone. When push comes to shove, he’ll turn his back on you and run. Mark my words.”
(Cold and full of disdain - there is a demonic presence speaking through Christina, something ancient and evil. She sounds far removed from the happy and carefree girl she once was) “I wouldn’t expect you to understand. You never did. So… why should I care? What is the Kin to me now but a distant memory?”
***Payment is set at USD $1 per line ***
This role is in the Supporting category – (50 - 200 lines)
Argus is a high ranking member of the ‘Vespeerin’, a mysterious group of creatures referred to as ‘Shadows’ by the protagonists of the story. He is large, physically imposing and has a deep voice. He is arrogant, confident, but also prideful and vain, and believes that he is superior not only to humans, but to his own kind as well.
As one of the oldest of the Vespeerin, Argus has spent many years in a position of power. However, in recent times he has become disillusioned with his fellow Shadows, and he now seeks to separate himself from the group and forge his own path. Like all Shadows he is cruel and manipulative and gives little value to human life.
- american
- male adult
- general british
(Speaking fervently about human victims who have now become his puppets. Using a mental link he is able to experience the world through their eyes) “When I close my eyes, that is when I truly see. That is when I feel. They are waiting for me - each one ready to carry my consciousness with them on their journey. At any time of the day or night, I can be in a dozen places at once, and I experience it all - the fragrance of the woods, deep in my lungs; the taste of food and drink, of sweet nectar; and the thrill of hunting down and ensnaring my next kill.”
(Cruel, taunting a former companion who he now believes is beneath him) “You don’t understand my greatness. Why would you, lurking in her shadow all these years? You’re just like the others. Short-sighted. You have no ambition. You only exist to serve.”
(Vehemently addressing an enemy who is attempting to kill him. Enraged and full of menace, but underneath there is also a note of desperation) “Stay back from me, you witch! Get... off me! No! I won’t allow this!”
***Payment is set at USD $1 per line***
This role is in the Minor category – (fewer than 50 lines, $25 minimum)
Jeff is a resident of the small town of Oakwood. Known as somewhat of a loner, his only close relationship is with his sister Vicki. As a kid he could often be found reading comic books or gathering bugs to add to his collection. As an adult he worked as an electrician, and was generally considered to be a reliable worker who was also somewhat of a misfit. However, recently a dark presence has loomed over Jeff and his personality has begun to change. He is now disconnected from the things he enjoys, and his relationship with Vicki has faltered. Jeff feels powerless to stop himself from being drawn into this dark new world, and slowly but surely, all memories of his former life are beginning to slip away.
- male adult
- american
(There is a demonic presence speaking through Jeff. He adopts a confident, superior and arrogant tone) “Believe it or not, I don’t really care about what you’ve done to the Kin. I don’t care what you’re going to do, either. I just want to be left out of it - to go about my business the way I’ve always done. So - here’s my offer. Get on this motorcycle of yours and leave Oakwood. Tonight. Forget we ever had this conversation. In return, I’ll let you live.”
(There is a demonic presence speaking through Jeff. He is now cynical and mocking) “Oh, look at you. Just bristling with confidence. Arrogance, even. Cocky and ready for a fight. A far cry from the last time I saw you, that rainy night - running away with your tail between your legs.”
(Vehemently addressing an enemy who is attempting to kill him) “I don’t care who you are or what you’ve done. This is my town. I own it. I’ve owned it for a hundred years, and I’m sure as hell not going to give it up to the likes of you.”
***Payment is set at USD $1 per line***
This role is in the Minor category – (fewer than 50 lines, $25 minimum)
Vicki is a resident of the small town of Oakwood. She is caring, loyal, and enjoys living in the country. Lately, however, things have been difficult. Her younger brother Jeff has gone missing. Without any other family around, Vicki has taken it upon herself to search for him.
After many months without any leads, Vicki has finally caught a break. Jeff was sighted in town by a friend of a friend the previous evening. When the next morning comes around, Vicki makes an early start printing out flyers. She then made her way to the diner to see if anyone else can shed some light on Jeff’s sudden reappearance.
- american
- female adult
(Talking to a pair of strangers after handing them a flyer for her missing brother Jeff) “Jeff has always been a bit of a misfit. Didn’t have a lot of friends at school, and usually spent his free time by himself reading comic books and collecting bugs and stuff. A lot of people thought he was weird, but he was a good kid. Shy, but once you got to know him, he could really open up. He was fun to be around.”
(Revealing the details of a strange incident where a stranger showed up in her yard) “I was at home in the kitchen making a sandwich when all of a sudden I caught a glimpse of someone standing in the shadow of the oak tree in the front yard. It was a little unnerving at first, I’ve gotta admit, because whoever it was just kept so still and quiet. They were watching me through the window, as far as I could tell.”
(Expressing concern for her missing brother) “He’s my little brother and... I just want to make sure he’s okay. I’m worried about him, y’know?”
***Payment is set at USD $1 per line***
This role is in the Minor category – (fewer than 50 lines, $25 minimum)
Steve is a resident of the small town of Oakwood. He is a car salesman at Oakwood Motors. Steve tries hard to be charming and polite whenever customers arrive at the showroom, but sometimes his facade slips and he becomes impatient if things aren’t going his way.
- american
- male adult
(Greeting some prospective buyers, going straight into his sales pitch) “What can I help you with today? Looking to upgrade the family sedan? Maybe a new station wagon? We’ve got a brand spankin’ new model just rolled in here last week, and let me tell you, this one has got all the bells and whistles-”
(Helping a pair of investigators who have come looking for details about a former employee) “There’s not much here but a few payslips. We don’t keep a lot of records, to be honest. For salesmen we keep track of the important stuff - units sold, bonuses and a bunch of other metrics, but for secretaries... not so much.”
(Trying to disengage from a conversation) “Sorry, but we’re very busy here at Oakwood Motors. I’ve got customers waiting, and I’ve already wasted enough time on this. I’m sorry, but... I can’t help you further. And neither can anyone else who works here.”
Public Submissions