nick s

nick s

Industry Quality for an Indie Cost.

Joined Aug 2016 75 Following153 Followers
About nick s

Public VA since 2015

Been in games, cartoons, ads, music, etc.
You can reach me better by email: [redacted]

Voice Acting Resume / CV:

Closing Credits - 2019

Voice Acting 101

Instructed by John Wang

John Wang, My Voice Coach

    John Wang has left a long-lasting, insightful, and unforgettable experience on me as a growing voice actor. When I first got into voice acting I had low quality equipment and not a lot of direction to go off of. After experiencing Voice Acting 101 by Casting Call Club with John Wang of Voice Dubz, I feel as though I now have thou courage and skills necessary to apply myself in a more professional manner and setting. John Wang’s knowledge has been invaluable to me.

    I used to struggle with long speeches and evil laughter, but John Wang trained me on breathing techniques, on how to hold air and keep composure. When performing different voices at high volumes, sometimes I would choke or crack and my voice would become more my own, but again John Wang directed me; additionally, on how volume itself can impact a performance. And I was informed upon the proper way to audition. Previously I would goof around in my submissions and would never say my name or give any way to contact me aside from the audition itself. 

    Among the many nights leading up to our classes, I looked forward to interacting with John Wang once again, with his never-ending good-humored personality, charming affect, friendly smile, approachable demeanor, and every other wonderful characteristic that makes John Wang, “John Wang”, and a wonderful voice coach that I look forward to voicing with again.

-Nick Savarese

August, 2019

Closing Credits - 2023

Business For Voice Actors

Instructed by John Wang

He does it again,

John Wang is a master class instructor of education. Every aspect you could & couldn't think to explore, John Wang delivers on.

I was naïve in how the business side of the industry worked, but with John Wang's guidance, I now know the fundamentals.

I feel confident in being able to present myself, but knowing what to do, and not to do when contacting potential clients.

There are many pitfalls and obstacles in this industry, and Business For Voice Actors is the way to overcome them.

-Nick Savarese, 2022


For-fun projects, I do pro-bono.

Original Indie Projects I deliver gold for less.

Your budget, your guy.

Voice Acting Resume / CV:

What nick s is looking for

I'm typically Bad Guys and Army Guys, but I've never turned down a role, so I can do anything.

Voice Acting Resume / CV:

  • @lonewolf1500

    He's voiced in multiple Smash Bros. machinima. He's really good.

  • @deleted39286

    Nick voices Drake in my cartoon project and is really good at taking direction, the voice is just great for the character. Great job!

  • @isaiahcow1

    Fantastic voice actor! Does amazing takes and great quality work for any project. Does great with submitting lines. Highly recommend!

  • @heidisprite

    With every Smash Machinima project I've seen on CCC, I don't remember a single time where Nick wasn't somewhere in the auditions. Nick can adapt to pretty much any role he's given, and that adaptability can lead to some crazy good results. His recording sessions were by far the easiest for me to work with, with absolutely no background noise whatsoever. He included plenty of takes in his recordings. I never once had to ask for any retakes. By far one of the best actors I've worked with. A project with Nick is a project with quality put into it.

  • @krosis

    Nick's been my first voice actor I've been friends with since I joined the Machinima community. I don't think I've seen him voice any characters when I stopped watching Machinimas for a while, but he does good voice work for each projects I've been working on with him. Ever since Kismet of Kings worked in production, he voiced one of the main characters; Ganondorf and Rebellion. While we're still in the subject for Rebellion, he also did a complete voice mod project for him. But in regards, he may have also done some voice request for ridiculous memes I've requested.

    The Rebellion Mod Pack:

  • @alex-bautista

    He's a versatile voice actor who's always up to help in any sort of role he's given whether it's a small or big role. But he also was willing to help filming footage I needed for a couple of shots, AND he provided me some resources I needed to complete the short "Smash Illustrated Swimsuit". So far he played extra role in there, however I'm willing to work with him in future projects I may have.

  • @lightspeedsabo

    Nick is very charismatic, talented, kindhearted. I know I can always rely on him no matter what. When working, he REALLY knows how to show his talent and passion for acting. When you're just talking to him, he's really down to earth and human. You can talk to him almost about anything. I've watched works he's in, and oh boy does he deliver. I'm excited for him to take off

  • @rhysins

    Been involved in a few different projects with Nick and he is a stand up guy who does great work whenever I heard him posting auditions on the CCC website, as well as he works in other projects outside of ones we have both been a part of.

  • @mectro15

    Nick is far one of the many talented people I ever worked with for the past couple years. I believe y'all should hit him up. If there's a certain voice you want I'm positive he can provide one for you!
    He voiced in many of projects like my Sonic Riders Zero Gravity Parody Series A Poyo Life and DK and Diddy Kong in SSCC

  • @thesonofboaz

    Nick is an extremely versatile voice actor. I've had the pleasure of working with him on different projects and it's always a blast hearing his voice behind the wide range of characters that he's able to pull off. From a prideful colonel to even a grumpy old lady, he's able to step up to the plate and doesn't disappoint. He has a lot of experience for what he does and if you ever see him auditioning for your project, you won't want to skip out on him!

  • @nightingalia

    Nick is amazing to work with. His hardworking, diligent, relaxed, and easy going. I've worked with him on a project or two and there hasn't been a single thing I could possibly complain about. Overall a great guy!

  • @colby-crown

    I've not only Voice-Acted for Nick, but I have Voice-Acted alongside Nick. I have been working with him for what feels like forever and I'm always glad to have him around. He is extremely hard working and passionate, always chasing new pursuits and expanding his craft. I would highly recommend this lovely and talented voice to any director looking for someone who can bring the character and charisma!

  • @sebz-the-hedgehog-3

    Nick is a really talented Voice Actor, he and I recently started to work together on a Fandub and I gotta say, he's phenomenal. He gives his lines on time (He's really fast with them lol) and is a great guy in general. Amazing person and one of the many great voice actors I worked with :D

  • @mew-tubehk

    When I had first discovered his performances through the Machinima scene, I was quick to notice multiple occasions where I was completely unaware of what roles he was playing until the projects had met their end credits. He's got really good vocal range, being able to do a voice for almost any character from what I've seen. On top of that, he almost comes off as a Jack-of-all-Trades, as I've witnessed him being able to tackle tasks of most professions. And overall, he is a really reliable and friendly guy, always curious and wanting to know more.

  • @amaletztheshark

    As a voice actor, Nick nails his performances with each role he takes. He has a wide range of voices and accents he can do, from a squeaky child to a dark overlord. As a person, Nick is honest but fair in how he handles giving out critiques or just in general. He is also extremely supportive of other people's work and uses his critiques to encourage rather than discourage. Nick voices Young Link, Fox McCloud, and a mysterious dark being in Ultimate Heroes for Hire.

  • @ramz

    Phenomenal voice actor. Provides quality voice work and consistently delivers lines. I had the pleasure of working with Nick S and I feel he would be an asset to any project that would allow him to participate in. Highly recommend.

  • @big-game-productions

    Nick's skill as a VA are almost legendary: if he could do female voices, then he'd be bumped to legendary. In all seriousness, he has an incredibly wide vocal range and is capable of pulling off any role, from a humble hero to a sadistic villain. Nick's an incredibly passionate and funny dude, so it's always a pleasure getting to work with him!

  • @wolves-gaming

    I did an audition for him in the
    Pass and I may not have gotten the part the show but the final product was amazing great lines and great voice acting I highly recommend this man

  • @herotonalmighty2011

    Nick had really been the MVP when it came to a lot of scenarios with my team, especially when it came down to pulling the slack for actors that refused to due lines or dropped out. Without him, many of my videos wouldn't have been possible, and I'm very grateful for that.
    To list a few of his accomplishments:
    1) He voiced Nazo, and iconic Sonic Fan-Villain, and provided his best for my Remaster of Sonic: Nazo Unleashed after his previous actor failed to deliver for months.
    2) Through his connections, he was able to bring on more actors to help out with my series, such as singers I needed for English covers, as well as key actors to replace the ones who left without saying anything.
    3) Nick has also been a singer himself for my covers, and a damn impressive one at that! It feels unreal to finally hear songs I wanted to hear in English finally come to be.

    I know I'm rambling a bit, but it really has been great to have Nick on the team, and I look forward to working with him in the years to come.

  • @peskynick

    The projects that I have been a part of are amazing. Everything is laid out nicely and is simple to follow along. On top of this, he's just as good as a voice actor as a director. I would recommend anyone voicing in his works of art and anyone getting a chance to hear his voice.